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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsJust watched this week's Bill Maher...
Did anyone else this show.....if I wasn't worried and upset about Trump possibly becoming President...I am now. Anyone else see it and what are your thoughts. For me.......I'm having a cocktail (or two) just like Rachel Maddow last night. The thoughts of a Trump win will be the end for us.
(32,205 posts)The fact that Maher admitted to his panel he'd had a couple of shots BEFORE the show really said it.
If you read posts on DU, you'll notice people talking about anxiety, inability to sleep, can't focus, can't relax. There are definitely a lot of people experiencing a high
level of tension around the election and the thought of a Trump win.
Me? I have been tense, too, but within the last couple of weeks have begun to feel that Tuesday will turn out to be an electoral landslide for Hillary. I think a LOT of
Republican women are either going to vote for Hillary or refrain from voting for President once in the voting booth. I don't think the polls have figured this out.
At least, that is my hope and I'm going with it!
Welcome to DU!
(91 posts)I'm starting to feel warm and fuzzy about W....and look at all the harm he did. McCain or Romney....I wish it was them and not trump.
(113,131 posts)Everybody knew Nixon was a crook with mental problems. Everybody knew Reagan was a dimwit surrounded by a bunch of trasonous crooks. Yet both men got elected.
A great part of the electorate seems to be motivated by something besides concern for country, a person's ability to do the job, and a person's fitness for office. Unfortunately, the Republicans know all too well how to manipulate these people.
I will be afraid for this country until Trump is defeated.
world wide wally
(21,835 posts)As a matter of fact . it is among the entire world!
(91 posts)A HERETIC I AM
(24,658 posts)I liked the show overall, especially his interview with the President.
And I appreciated what he said about Romney and McCain. That his/our lives wouldn't have changed that much had either of them gained the presidency. And before I go further I want to say I share his concern for all of us if Trump happens to win....
I have faith in the institutions that exist in DC. There are plenty of career folks with much clearer heads that will continue to work there after Trump is gone and will keep any serious damage he wants to do in check. I also think that, should he be elected, Trump is in for a SERIOUS rude awakening about how things work, and when congress essentially tells him to go fuck himself, he'll start to understand he didn't get coronated, just inaugurated.
Frankly my biggest fear isn't Trump, because I think he'll do something stupid (if he hasn't already) that will get him impeached. THEN we'll have Pence to deal with as president and that's just as fucking scary.
(91 posts)world wide wally
(21,835 posts)First off, there will be redneck brownshirts running crazy with automatic weapons, a cause, and the law on their side.
Secondly, we will lose all of our allies around the world. It won't much matter what trade deals Trump invents. Those deals will benefit one person
There will be no relief for college funding and it will become solely for the rich..
Special Education will be a thing of the past along with Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and any other program that might benefit average Americans. All environmental programs and efforts will be defunded and his latest proposal is doing away with gov't funded roadways and bridges so make sure you have plenty of change to pay your tolls.
And that is just for starters. I could go on and on.
In short
The America we know will be history.
(24,658 posts)I just don't take them seriously.
All the comparisons aside, Trump is no Hitler and the "Brownshirts" idea is simply nonsense. Trust me, there may be a FEW small incidents of assholes being assholes, but on the whole, most Americans will just go on going on. The market will likely tank and it's possible we'll have another recession, but I have faith in this republic. As for the rest of the world, they know what this country can do and they also know politics is a pendulum. The folks voting for Trump - who support him rabidly - are the types of people who just can not STAND the idea that this country elected a black man to the WHITE house. Twice. So the pendulum swings hard the other way.
"These are people who claim to love America, but clearly can't stand Americans" - Annette Bening in "The American President"
As we told the other side, "We survived Bush, You'll survive Obama." And we'll survive Trump too. It won't be easy and it won't be pretty, but he isn't running for King, in spite of what he thinks.
(3,922 posts)It was a sobering show last night and one that left us very depressed and anxious.
We just had a glass of wine discussing our short list: Mexico, Panama, Spain/Portugal.
Thing is, regardless of what happens Tuesday, do we really want to live in this country anymore?
Certainly if Il Douche wins we will immediately begin the process in earnest.