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Last edited Thu Nov 3, 2016, 12:13 AM - Edit history (1)
I'm a white man in my 50s. The doctor wants me to lose 25 pounds & I'm so bald that shaving the remnants takes me no time at all.
I am a retired USAF SNCO married for 30 years, with adult children.
I should be a proud content man looking towards retirement, but I'm not.
My mind is bleak and my heart weeps for the future of this country.
Those are all statements that could lead you to believe that I back Trump and keep a MAGA hat in my truck. After all that's the settled narrative in this election, but in my case it means the exact opposite.
I am continuously sickened by the infantile attitudes, willful ignorance and galling sense of entitlement of people who look just like I do.
Make no mistake, I'm talking about white folks who believe themselves to be the best Americans, the driving force and arbiters of the culture of the USA.
They are weak minded, soft spine cowards afraid of any system that is not rigged in their favor. Angry toddlers looking to take out their frustrations on anyone they perceive as weak.
As much as I hate the GOP and Trump himself, we owe them our thanks for finally holding up a mirror so that we can all see the faces they usually keep hidden

(19,320 posts)trof
(54,273 posts)Foggyhill
(1,060 posts)Mr.Bill
(24,906 posts)Over 60, as white as Opie Taylor, non college graduate retired blue collar worker.
The Polack MSgt
(13,498 posts)You managed to not be a total scumbag.
It isn't hard. We should stop giving these fuckwits a pass
(28,280 posts)Martin Eden
(13,804 posts)You and I differ in 2 ways:
1) I didn't serve in the military.
2) I have a full head of hair (though it is thinning).
(280,746 posts)It's how you behave in general and your attitude to a variety of social issues that counts.
(7,934 posts)is that one doesn't elect repubs, be it the voters age, sex, race, religion, ethnicticity or any other demographic. A vote against them is all that matters.
Stinky The Clown
(68,503 posts)15 years or so older, but a similar profile. Drive a full size 'merikin truck with a US Navy Veteran vanity tag. A little overweight. shaved head and full beard. Always have some kind of hat on, many with tractor, equipment, or airplane emblems. I always have a dog with me; until a few months ago it was always a German Shepherd. I live inside the edge of deep red, red country. Closer to the Interstate than Main Street.
The Polack MSgt
(13,498 posts)With you
(11,949 posts)50 year old here. I can be 2 colors, white or red. Not a small guy.
Truck, boots, jeans and cap when off work. Hunt and fish. Own a saltwater boat. OK, the wife says it is hers.
At work wool slacks and nice dress shirt. Jacket as needed.
I have recently had a couple of men assume I was a Trump supporter. Imagine their surprise when I tell them I am a Social Democrat who thinks we need more socialism! Both just shut up and moved along where I was concerned about a conflict.
Have a nice evening.
The Polack MSgt
(13,498 posts)Yeah. We have to fit the cubicle culture - no matter what
(28,280 posts)Well said!
Thx for the thread.
(171 posts)You are a good white person.
The Polack MSgt
(13,498 posts)Not believing in racial superiority doesn't make me a special person.
To me not being a racist is on the same level as not pulling the wings off flies or kicking puppies - Doing those things are bad, not doing them is not special.
Not being a white supremacist is base line decent behavior
(16,332 posts)I have to admit that when I see a pick up truck with a white guy driving, I get a visceral reaction. However, my brother who is 64 was a truck driver all his life, fishes (doesn't hunt), wears Carhartt clothes, etc. and he has never voted in his life - EVER. He never thought it made any difference in his life, but for the first time in his life he has registered and voted for Hillary. Completely made me rethink my own stereotyping of men because I know him to be a very kind, decent, caring person.
(6,675 posts)my husband in for 25. I agree with you. Trump reminds me so much of my history studies of WWII and Hitler. I hate the idea that americans could fall for someone like him. I grew up thinking our system could never fall to someone like Hitler or trump.
Proud liberal 80
(4,363 posts)I am guilty of stereotyping someone like you. Last month, my family and I were at a Zaxby's in Ocala, Fl (trump country). A 50+ year old white couple sat in the booth next to ours. I immediately thought trump supporters.
They told us how cute our daughters were. And I said thank you, but still thinking that they were hardcore conservatives.
As we were eating we were making small talk. Near the end, the lady told us to remember to vote. And the man said that with a YES! That is when I was like "hold on, could they be"
Then they went off on Trump, the republicans, and the Ocala residents. They talked about how much they loved President Obama and Hillary.
By the way, I am currently in the Air Force.
The Polack MSgt
(13,498 posts)almost 50% of white people overall support Trump.
But only about a third of women and about a third of white men under 30 support him.
That means that it is my demographic overwhelmingly on the Trump wagon. Old white men are failing the nation.
Oh and Aim High cousin. Except with the rifle, aim that at center of mass.
(16,295 posts)White male, worked in the local mine, currently working in construction. I own a truck with a gun rack (I hunt occasionally) and have a Hillary sticker and Vote Dem! sticker affixed to the bumper. I have Cystic Fibrosis so I take it personally when Rethugs say people like me don't deserve insurance because of pre-existing conditions or because we can't afford the ridiculous high prices for drugs. If not for Medicaid (THANK YOU OBAMA FOR THE ACA!!), my meds would cost me $3500 monthly and I would be long dead.