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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsPresident Obama is Right About Syria and the "51 Diplomats" Are Wrong. And So Was Hillary.
IRAQ: George W. Bush's catastrophically stupid invasion of and war-making within Iraq and the resulting aftermath was a Neo-Con global crime that left millions of innocent civilians dead, creating total havoc in the the entire Middle East and yielded another generation of proud and good American troops and their families forever scarred on every dimension fathomable.
President Obama was correct to resist the Neo-Con lure to "stay in Iraq" and he bravely did the right thing. The Republican and Neo-Con argument that President Obama "left too soon" is a fabulous lie. We should have never been there in the first place.That's the original sin. It is something that John Kerry and Hillary Clinton, Democrats, will have to live with now and in the history books forever for they both made the wrong decision when they knew better. John Kerry, a hero on so many dimensions, has been candid in admitting his error. Hillary Clinton's response about her support of Bush's Neo-Con war has always been a calculating one just as her vote for Bush's war was a calculating one.
LIBYA: Another Neo-Con mistake of warmongering under the now-embarrassing propaganda marketing banner of "the Arab Spring" pitched to the pubic like a new air freshener on television. "The Arab Spring"? Really? To me, it looks more like a nuclear winter now in Libya and Tunisia. iSIS/ISL and chaos reigns while women, children, the disabled and elderly live in the unpredictability of the full madness of war and terror everyday. I don't know how President Obama signed on to that plan of Secretary Clinton and the Neo-Cons, but at least he had the audacity of humility to admit on the televised Sixty Minutes program that his greatest mistake was not being prepared for the day after the rule of Qaddafi was ended. The clandestine arms trading that Secretary of State Clinton nodded in approval to was illegal and violated the United Nations laws. Allowing weapons of war and munitions to flow into Benghazi and then flow right into Syria where "our rebels" were waiting for them to arrive is as just awful as the clandestine and illegal arms trading that Oliver North supervised in the 1980's during the Iran/Contra mess.
SYRIA: One thing I have to really give credit to President Obama is that he has steadfastly resisted yet one more stage of ripping up the Middle East even though the Neo-Cons have stamped their feet for several years now. Even though John McCain and Lindsey Graham have stamped their feet and screamed "shame" to President Obama. Even though President Obama's own Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, told the world that President Obama should have armed the Syrian rebels. Well, President Obama was right and the rest were wrong. The "rebels" that John McCain touted as our friends and allies took our arms and weapons and money and turned it right over to ISIS/ISIL. It is painful to hear businessman Donald Trump bring this up time and again. Why? Because it's the truth.
51 DIPLOMATS: Wow! 51 "diplomats" still want the United States to topple yet another Arab strongman "just because" and to arm to the teeth people we don't even know? Whose side are they on? Do we have to take polaroids of the smoldering remains of Iraq, Libya and Tunisia and tap the 51 individuals on their collective shoulders and point out that maybe we should just stop this shit once and for all? When Hillary Clinton criticized President Obama's reluctance to "arm the rebels" in Syria it somehow struck me as really being very odd. What in the hell was she doing that for? Who in the hell was advising her against the President's cool hand and slow trigger? Who advised her that President Obama was wrong and what had compelled her to contradict the President of the United States? I hope it wasn't George Bush's Neo-Con buddy, Richard know, the man who just endorsed Hillary Clinton for President.
PLEA TO PRESIDENT OBAMA: Don't go there. You are the President. Don't be bullied by the feckless voices of Lindsey Graham and John McCain and the Neo-Cons who are itching for yet another mess to create in the Middle East that they will blame on you. Don't listen to these "dissenting fifty-one diplomats" who are pushing you to arm "our" rebels. And don't listen to even the Democratic Party's nominee after the convention when she veers to the Right to win votes when it comes to Syria. I like the No Drama Obama I voted for and supported way back before the early primaries of 2008. That guy. The one who opposed the War in Iraq like Howard Dean and Bernie Sanders and Ted Kennedy and me.
No more war, President Obama. Hold your ground. And may peace and love be with you and your family.

(8,020 posts)Ms Bigmack
(280,661 posts)Nice to see you
(23,156 posts)And with Hillary Clinton in office you can be sure we'll be sending soldiers hither, thither, and yon.
(138,016 posts)deathrind
(1,786 posts)Article...
Unfortunately it is only a matter of time until the US is back to making the same catastrophic mistake like Iraq was. Both the Republican and Democratic nominee have projected their intention for the ME quite clearly.
(113,131 posts)We really didn't have a dog in that fight, sad to say, and our efforts should be humanitarian.
Once ISIL dipped a toe into Iraq, we did have a dog in that fight and air support was likely necessary. Humanitarian support has always been vital.