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This is a story, from my friends at Occupy Democrats, which documents one of those rarest of times, when Wall Street gets its arse kicked by main street. A retired couple bought a Bank of America foreclosure - for cash - and then BofA tried to foreclose, on the same house - again. When the lawyer for the retired couple proved the bank was guilty of bad faith, the court ordered BofA to pay the lawyers fees, and the bank refused to do so.
So the retired couple foreclosed on Bank of America.
Here's the link to the Occupy Democrats retell of the tale, titled "POLITICS A Married Couple Gave Bank Of America This GLORIOUS Taste Of Their Own Medicine[link

It's nice to see justice get done - for a change.
18 votes, 1 pass | Time left: Unlimited | |
Wall Street intentionally ripped off middle class America | |
1 (6%) |
Banks are still stealing, with no remorse or regret | |
0 (0%) |
You can't trust the America Dream, to be real, anymore | |
0 (0%) |
The came, the saw, they stole, and destroyed the evidence | |
0 (0%) |
We need more justice like this. | |
0 (0%) |
Enough is Enough - we need Bernie Sanders - for real change | |
0 (0%) |
Wall Street should be taxed to bail out America's middle class | |
0 (0%) |
Don't worry - Hillary is going to fix this - (she'll tell them to stop that) | |
0 (0%) |
All of the Above | |
17 (94%) |
Laser's just mad that Hillary will never prosecute his eToys v Goldman Sachs case | |
0 (0%) |
1 DU member did not wish to select any of the options provided. | |
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Disclaimer: This is an Internet poll |

(10,519 posts)distressed and foreclosed properties that they caused to be in that position in the first place. Wall Street is now the biggest landlord in the country.
(10,336 posts)and get it the least, as they continue to invent new ways to create money out of nothing with some of these new "products". Some of the hedge-funders are just delusional- or sociopathic. Or both.
(24,248 posts)I don't have much confidence in them prevailing though. Banks own the legal system.
(7,805 posts)But I've got my own plans - on how to bring proper attention - to that troubling matter.
Somewhere there's an honest federal person, waiting for this golden opportunity
to nail their ass.
(10,336 posts)for the drug cartels, etc, among other things). The whole thing was a fraud. Still is. I don't trust titles now, and I don't care what anyone says, including the lawyers on DU who are still offended that I just don't "understand", or who are questioning my account (implying, without coming out and saying so, that perhaps I am a liar). They stole untold numbers of homes, I am sure of it. A good friend I've known since high school was similarly victimized. Went from a normal working class life with an average ranch home in a decent neighborhood to living in a buy here trailer home community. Another family I know (again, since high school, average modest ranch home in the community this entire time. Stolen. Starting over at age 50. Basically would have been homeless but for their (much-older) camper. Hitched it to the back of their truck and moved it states away from home to be in a more modest climate. Both have major health issues as is, and are still raising the last of their children at home. Thankfully, the older ones are off to college now and also have love interests, so those kids won't have to be "home" now as they once would. What happened was fraud and criminality of such scope and scale, the individual stories somehow seem to get lost. But there are untold numbers. They can ignore things all they want, they can sweep things under the rug all they want. I know my own truth. I also know the truths of my personal, life-long friends of a certain age now. No matter what the narrative is on tv and in the media. There still has not been justice of any sort. I highly doubt there ever will be, at this point. And things have only gotten worse, not better. Lessons were not learned. We are doomed to repeat it if we don't continue to push for investigations and reforms. Bravo to this couple is all I can say!
(7,805 posts)One bank brought state troopers lock woman out of her house, because Sheriff refused to enforce unlawful order.
They even locked her animals inside.
Another..the house was in family for 50 years and daughter was living there making 50.000 a year
Bank said the house payments never arrived ( 3 banks were charging her at same time and none had real title)
Lawyers know the law....which is why I got booted out of lawyer their kept lying and my facts proved his merry men kept trollong me and they booted me off for dishing it back.
Proving who they really are loyal to (the dark side)
(10,336 posts)my uncle, my Dad, my Mom (also a victim), another uncle, 3 lifelong friends that I know of (maybe 4). That's just off the top of my head, and doesn't include the youngsters the news media often espouses as being his "base". About 50/50 Republicans to Democrats in this bunch I just accounted.
Half of them were victimized in some way, and lost their homes.
I don't trust titles anymore, and until I pay my current house off, I don't want to make the much needed improvements. That's my goal now. I want title in hand.
(7,805 posts)On a platter
(24,248 posts)I lost my farm in CA to Wells Fargo. They foreclosed at the same time they were doing a refy. Not able to do that now. They finally lost a class action suit for such tactics. Know how much they sent me after auctioning off my property for a pittance of what it was worth, and evicting me? $500.
(7,805 posts)
(34,189 posts)August 8, 2011 - Mark Adams 08/08/2011
John Oliver meets with a Florida couple and rookie lawyer who foreclosed on Bank of America and turns their incredible story into a movie.
Video at link - cannot embed.
(7,805 posts)