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With Lyin' Ted Cruz crashing and burning, the writing is on the wall... regular, frequently-attending church-going Christians overwhelmingly preferred Cruz as their candidate. Yet for the first time in a generation, they weren't able to deliver the GOP nomination.
It's Official: The Fascist Wing of the "Grand" Old Party has now taken over.
(At least Carnival Cruz has Carly at his side to help with laying off all those staffers... )

(6,440 posts)Whatever failings he may have from their perspective (multiple marriages etc) were handwaved away on the IOKIYAR principle.
(5,330 posts)At least according to all the exit polls.
You got to hand it to Trump though: wave the Holy Bible, claim it's his favorite book, quote a little "Two Corinthians" and watch the sheep flock to his message.
Incredible showmanship. The mark of a true demagogue.
(24,692 posts)And that is the essence of Trump - the dangerous candidate and a dangerous president.
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,407 posts)Make Paul Ryan sweat in the House. Prevent more North Carolinas by winning state Legislatures and Governorships.
Dorian Gray
(13,765 posts)not that I'm weeping that Cruz is gone. But... deep breath. I'm still disturbed.
(17,459 posts)Indydem
(2,642 posts)I would argue Ted Cruz and his Dominion Theology leanings was the real fascist.
If the GOP could shed the religious right, and morality becomes a personal decision, rather than a political bludgeon, maybe the country would be better off.
(102,980 posts)Both Mussolini and Hitler reached accommodations with some denominations, but didn't deploy them as their main purpose for existence (Franco was more aligned with it, admittedly).
Trump's "make American great again", "you're going to love winning", demonization of Mexicans and Muslims, birtherism, and endless promotion of himself as a strong individual leader all fit well into fascist ideology.
(17,301 posts)I would merely add that the Oligarchs would force Trump to calm down and act normal if he were to get voted in.
Rember how liberal Obama sounded when he first campaigned for President? And now Obama got himself some fast track and he's pushing the TPP. The Oligarchs will make sure they are still in control no matter who we pretend to vote in.
(25,006 posts)much like was Franco in Spain, Salazar in Portugal, the Iron Guard was in Romania, and the like. Cruz's Dominionism is a form a clerical fascism IMO.
(4,311 posts)No matter how horrific Trump and fascism is, this is still...progress, of a sort? I guess?
(4,742 posts)Religious fanatics who want JesusChristburg and racist knuckledraggers who want the United States of White people. I actually don't know which one is worse. I choose neither.
(280,649 posts)racist scumbags hiding their racism behind Fundie religion. It's not that simple.
They simply chose Trump over Cruz and remember large numbers of them don't know the difference between Two Corinthians and 2nd Corinthians - just like their pathological lying, racist, fascist, 'will say anything' candidate.
(3,186 posts)We are not really much of a religious state. Canadian French Catholics, yes. But not a lot of Cruz type evangelicals reside here.
My theory is that it was more of an anti-Trump inspired win than a pro-Cruz thing. Generally speaking, rural Mainers don't much care for rich northeast city slickers. We deal with these types every summer when they come here to vacation in their multi-million dollar "camps". Often for the entire summer. Certainly not all, but many of them are as repulsive as tRump.
In any event, it looks as if Trump will be the R nominee and quite likely our soon-to-be President since Hillary will probably be ours. I'm glad that the Christian Right held little sway this time, though. Hopefully they are on the political decline from here on out.
(30,481 posts)AllyCat
(17,459 posts)When they see one.
(63,406 posts)to the evangelistas than does any religious or moral code.
The religious and moral sayings are just the excuses they give for lusting for power.
(10,777 posts)They were just "useful idiots" in service of the wealthy donor-class.
It's the economic elite that has lost control of the Republican Party. The rednecks have taken over.
Kip Humphrey
(4,753 posts)keithbvadu2
(40,915 posts)practicing Christians.
(3,585 posts)Nitram
(24,918 posts)spanone
(138,129 posts)wildeyed
(11,243 posts)The religious right never had control, they were just a pawn of the big money. The ex-Dixiecrats are driving the crazy train now. Many self-identify as religious, but they are really just a bunch of hidebound bigots trying to turn the clock back 50 years to a time when they didn't have to listen politely to blacks or women. Trump is their guy. It will be interesting to see if Trump can hold on to them now that he needs to pivot to GE mode and can't slobber and rant endlessly if he wants to pick up some of the middle voters.