The Real Argument for Single-Payer
Its two years later, and we are learning some things. ACA is regulation. More regulation than existed prior to its enactment, but regulation nonetheless. Predictably, the Health Care Industry is spending a lot of time and a lot of money to find perfectly legal ways to game the ACA. Premiums are up, as are deductibles and all costs borne by the consumer thats you and me.
No one should be surprised. The primary responsibility of the health care industrialists is not to their customers, it is of course to their shareholders on Wall Street. Thats where commodities are traded. Commodities like patients seeking treatment from doctors.
So yes, Obamacare is still better than the wild, wild west pre-ACA Health Care Industry heyday. But it fails on the most important and fundamental level.
Obamacare does nothing to break the death-grip of the for-profit American health care industry on the life-blood of American health care. As long as the point of medicine is profit, its bad medicine, and the human suffering continues. In fact, rather than challenge the validity of corporate ownership of American health care, the ACA actually codifies it.