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Some data-driven analysis from the Washington Post:
Yes, the Affordable Care Act is new, but much of the new coverage under Obamacare is an expansion of Medicaid, which is 50 years old. There's the (rather grotesque) meme of the "Obamaphones" -- basically reduced-cost or free cell phones for poor Americans. But "Obamaphones" are really "Reaganphones," having been introduced in 1985. And food stamps themselves date back to the '60s.
Aha!, you might think. The '60s are when African Americans started voting Democratic! Well, about that.
Black support for Democrats coincided with civil rights actions:
Not to mention corporate tax breaks and so on. Corporations do spend money to ensure tax breaks, but it's safe to assume that in many cases the savings from tax breaks are far larger than the money spent lobbying Congress or contributing to campaigns. Call it "low-cost stuff."
(18,497 posts)Racist as ever luvin' fuck.
(5,714 posts)Especially since a black man was elected (and then reelected) President.
(14,449 posts)But the GOP said otherwise. He needs to jump up and say, "I'm here. Over here. Look. I say insulting things too. See look." He is desperate!
(187,775 posts)The 21st Century Repub PC version of "picking up welfare checks in a Cadillac"
(3,557 posts)all 6 of them came to me yesterday and asked me if I knew where they go to sign up for the free stuff. They said they've heard rumors about it but have never received any free stuff and don't know where to look for it. I told them I wasn't sure but they might try going to City Hall and ask for the "free stuff" office.
(39,405 posts)Since W, the GOP base want their candidates to appear to have roughly the IQ and sophistication of the hillbilly rapists in DELIVERANCE.
Jeb seems just smart and sophisticated enough to be the manager of a Walmart. In other words, he reminds Republican voters of their bosses.
Trump is like an average GOP voter who won the lottery, the stupid bully who won anyway, and who they think they are going to be someday.
Angry Dragon
(36,693 posts)no more corporate welfare
(5,714 posts)and mooch off of the hard-earned tax dollars of hard-working (white) people.
(82,849 posts)Isn't it odd how Jeb! and Mitt fly speck the dozens of dollars individuals might grudgingly get out of the Treasury, but the billions foisted on Exxon/Mobil or Shell are paid out without a peep from these guys?
Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)which Rove and Attwater perfected with the help of guys like Frank Luntz,to win the day. If one thinks these phrases or verbiage is a one off thing,for get it,this is all calculated to be used in ever voter district that is not Gerrymandered in their favor. Democrat's have to wake up to the fact the Rethugs really do a much superior job of voter identification,and build data bases accordingly right down to Street Addresses.