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(2,965 posts)
B Calm
(28,762 posts)jmowreader
(51,835 posts)I know you're being facetious, but when you're in the military there are weeks you feel like you're peeing in a cup more than you are in the bowl.
(3,732 posts)With 100 pictures of people on food stamps.
Then distribute them like Gideon Bibles and make a game out of trying to collect all 100.
(15,741 posts)KingCharlemagne
(7,908 posts)American children currently experiences at least one episode of hunger (euphemistically referred to as 'food insecurity') per month.
Oh yeah, at the same time that 1% of America controls (euphemism for 'owns') 40% of her wealth and 10% of America controls 80% of her wealth.
Yay, capitalism!
(3,795 posts)They have so much wealth "off the books" in offshore accounts, and I doubt that all of their wealth is recognized in "official" counts and statistics.
Of course, the "official" statistics are gross enough, but that doesn't seem to stop far too many working class, middle class, and poor conservatives from FIGHTING to give the 1% more and more and more while ensuring that we get less and less and less financial security.
They are truly special people.
(7,908 posts)1% seemed a rough consensus the last time I took a spin through the data and the issue of wealth concentration (about 12 months ago). There are certainly ways to make that depressing figure more concrete. For example, the six heirs to the Walton (WalMart) family fortune control as much wealth as the bottom 45 million Americans combined. Think about that for a moment (and savor its November 1917 or July 1789 implications).
I saw or read somewhere that 95% of the gains from this oft-touted 'economic recovery' have accrued to the top 1%. That's a pretty telling indictment of late-stage capitalism, imo.
Thanks for the annotation, though.
Elmer S. E. Dump
(5,751 posts)Is that like a bad rash that won't heal so you have to go get antibiotics?
(138,149 posts)silverweb
(16,402 posts)
(3,595 posts)2naSalit
(95,228 posts)and others like it should be made into post cards so they can be mailed to the Congress-folk whothink the poor only need to be kicked in the ass for being poor due to legitimized thievery signed into law by those very Congress-folk.
Picture postcards for all to see in heaps. Proceeds (from sales of the post cards) could go to shelters and other safety net groups.
Congress needs to be haunted by us 24/7/365 until this crap changes for the majority of the poor.
(91,311 posts)Vets make up large numbers of those who are homeless, unemployed, and those in other difficult situations
you're correct, it won't make a difference since socio/psychopaths have no sense of remorse or empathy.
(91,311 posts)Elmer S. E. Dump
(5,751 posts)
(43,399 posts)calimary
(85,162 posts)Shrewd and rather pointed. And hopefully a little uncomfortable too. Make 'em wear it around their necks. Make 'em OWN it and drag it around like a ball 'n' chain. Laminate it to their faces. Yeah, GOP - indeed YOU DID build it!
Another one of those inconvenient truths.
(43,399 posts)vulnerable and criminalization of them in this country is obscene and growing rapidly. The exact opposite should be happening. Abuse to VETS like this brave man really is outrageous.
A lot of the predatory activity is to support the profitable prison system. Americans sometimes live in silos, b/c of fractured news.
They're unaware of national trends like arresting and jailing people for unpaid traffic tickets, truancy, debt collection and trivial issues in order to pay for underfunded local services.
The $ racket is also big in the med-pharma field. A recent DU post was from a son of an elderly mother who was charged 75k for antibiotics that doctors prescribed, and medicare covered very little. Her husband was a courageous, decorated and injured WWII soldier. What treatment, ingratitude.
A family friend was recently arrested in the parking lot of a big box store, charged with larceny and jailed, for two plants in her shopping cart, that the cashier forgot to notice. The woman is a recently retired federal govt. employee of the DoD and SS, a straight up citizen and middle class. She was purchasing items for a new home. Unreal what's happening.
The 'debt collection' is outsourced to private companies, more financial predators. Criminalizing and jailing people is debtors prison and debt peonage redux. PBS Newshour did a feature on this last night, it's online, about a couple, he's a music minister for a church, arrested and jailed for missing a couple payments after their infant son died and their house was foreclosed on which they explained to authorities.
This is also from greed and the lack of money among working people since WE DON'T MAKE ANYTHING IN THE USA ANYMORE, so everyone hustles someone else for $. The financialization of everything since RR.
Sorry for the rant, this stuff is just building more and more-
(60,158 posts)lark
(24,526 posts)that enriches the 1%. After they're hurt, and can't serve, Repugs have no one iota of concern or care for the person. At that point, they're just another "loser" and "taker" who doesn't deserve health care or any other form of assistance.
How can they (Repugs) live with themselves?
(34,634 posts)for all eternity....his mother, his father his partner, his need to warn US! we are not like them playinghardball!
Bill USA
(6,436 posts)hedgehog
(36,286 posts)so I can prove the caption is correct? I believe this is an accurate photo, but I'd like to have the back-up.
(156 posts)with google image search's first few pages, except on du.
(495 posts)A disabled veteran who has lost two limbs will be receiving roughly 4000 a month in untaxed dollars fron the VA and then he will be medically retired and receive his retirement pay from the Marines, and a host of other benefits. I don't believe he would qualify for food stamps in most states, this is my opinion, I could be wrong. But as as I am a disabled veteran myself, I know about the benefits available to vets.
(495 posts)Link:
Staff Sergeant John P. Jones was born March 12, 1977 and was raised in Enid, OK. He joined the United States Marine Corps in July 1995, and underwent recruit training at MCRD San Diego. He completed recruit training and was assigned to SOI west at Camp Pendleton, CA where he was assigned the MOS of 0331 Machine Gunner. After completion of his MOS School, he was assigned to 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines, Company G Weapons Platoon, where he was deployed to Okinawa, Japan in 1996. Upon completion of his tour with 2/7, he then transferred to 1st Battalion, 7th Marines, Company C in 1997 where he deployed again to Okinawa, Japan in 1999 and held security for the G-8 Summit and participated in Cobra Gold 2000. He then transferred to Marine Corps Security Forces Training Company where he was a Cadre Instructor and Non-Lethal Weapons Instructor.
In 2002, Staff Sergeant Jones was transferred to Bahrain where he participated in Operations Southern Watch and Operation Iraqi Freedom 1. He then transferred to 1st Battalion, 7th Marines, Company C again and deployed to Operation Iraqi Freedom 2 in August 2004. During his deployment, SSgt Jones was severely injured when his hummer ran over a double-stacked anti-tank mine. SSgt Jones underwent 30 surgeries at NNMC Bethesda, MD attempting to save his legs. As a result of his injuries, SSgt Jones lost both legs below the knees.
SSgt Jones transferred down to BAMC San Antonio, TX where he rehabilitated his legs and gradually began the process of walking again with prosthesis. In 2005, he joined 4th Reconnaissance Battalion where he was assigned as the Operations and Training SNCOIC. SSgt Jones medically retired from the USMC in 2007, putting in a total of 12 years of service to his country. Shortly after retirement, SSgt Jones began training fellow wounded servicemen and women with the F.A.T.S. System (Fire Arms Training Simulator). He devoted his time and effort to help retrain service-members how to shoot their weapons effectively with their new disabilities. SSgt Jones had a 100% success rate to include graduation of various amputees, burn victims, and blind patients.
SSgt Jones was the Executive Director of Wall Street Warfighters Foundation. Wall Street Warfighters Foundation helps disabled veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan find jobs in the financial industry. During his time at WWSF he developed the training programs for the participants. He was an intricate part of the development of the job hiring processes with various banks and financial institutions
SSgt Jones is working for the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation, as a development officer and special projects. MCSF provides scholarships to the children of Marines and Navy personnel that have been killed in action, wounded in action, and for those that have served the US Marines and Navy Corpsmen whom are attached to the Marines.
SSgt Jones personal decorations include: Purple Heart, Navy Commendation with combat V, Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal with Gold Star, Combat Action Ribbon, and three Good Conduct Medals.
(15,162 posts)Many years ago, when I first began my career in job training, we used to run big summer youth employment programs for economically disadvantaged kids. We'd subsidize the wage for 8 weeks at 20 hours per week, and run a 6 week school program. Every year, this one family came in - he was a sergeant in the Army, based at what was then Fitzsimons Army Hospital. It was a large family; there were six children and his wife, who also worked. The family was on food stamps because even with his salary and his wife's, they didn't make enough to make ends meet. These were really good kids and each year until the Republican controlled Congress got rid of the summer programming in 1995, they always had summer jobs so they could buy their school clothes and supplies for the next year in school.
Our politicians, particularly the neocons, are SO ready to go to war. Boots on the ground, they say. Give up some of your rights so you can be safer, they say. We're exceptional, they tell us, which is why we need to bomb - so 'democracy' can be supported throughout the world.
So our children and grandchildren volunteer, and when they come back, there's a five year backlog for them to get medical services. We send them away and when they come back physically or psychologically maimed, we don't take care of them properly. There are backlogs for medical and other services, and they have to fight for everything.
We've hurt a whole generation of our children because Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bush and the other war criminals LIED to us about WMDs in Iraq. Our policies there, particularly de-Baathification, destroyed the infrastructure in that country and gave rise to ISIS, so now we 'need' boots on the ground AGAIN.
The ONLY people who benefit from this are shareholders in the weapons manufacturing companies, and the politicians who say, oh, support our troops as if it were some holy cause. We have entertainers who tell us about the Wounded Warrior program, whose commercials end with, 'Say a prayer for peace.' What CRAP! Say a prayer? How about we NOT lie to the American people and get us involved in unnecessary wars?
It breaks my heart to see children disabled in unjust wars, and it especially breaks my heart when the war criminals aren't put on trial and held accountable for the human carnage resulting from their LIES.
Elmer S. E. Dump
(5,751 posts)We know all about you "takers".