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Megyn Kelly's Startling Immigration Admission Subverts Months Of Fox Fearmongering, Including Her Own
Kelly Called Executive Action "Amnesty" In July, Now Admits It's A Loaded Term Exploited By Conservatives
"Amnesty is citizenship and that's not what (Obama) is talking about. That's a hot-button term that the right uses to sort of get people upset."
Of course every person on Fox has used the term including Kelly. Still, it's nice to see her admit what her job really is --- to get people upset. And she does it well.

(4,389 posts)Wounded Bear
(61,272 posts)

(6,578 posts)jpljr77
(1,005 posts)What the President is authorizing is amnesty, insofar as "amnesty" is defined as the overlooking or outright pardon of past offenses. He is, after all, shielding certain people from legal action. What's critical in this specific example, though, is that President Obama's "amnesty" is temporary and revocable.
So I'm actually giving the right wing media a pass on the use of the word "amnesty" in general, since it's technically correct. HOWEVER, the spirit of their use and the way it immediately dovetails into misinformation is...troubling (to put it mildly).
Using juxtaposition and bloviating, they have successfully created the illusion that "amnesty" = citizenship. They can't, of course, outright accuse the President of offering citizenship to the people he's looking to protect; he's not doing that because he can't legally do that. But they don't mind creating that impression among their viewers by dropping the word "amnesty" and then immediately talking about immigrants' use of social services, voting history, enrollment in schools, etc.
This gives the impression that amnesty = citizenship. There are millions of Americans that sincerely believe President Obama yesterday just made 4 million previously undocumented immigrants U.S. citizens. They base much of their rage on that fact (and Obama's skin color). So the technical correctness of the right wing's use of "amnesty," combined with their deliberate efforts to "enhance" the meaning of that word, has worked like a charm.
Pacifist Patriot
(24,916 posts)I think Obama made a good point in his speech when he said, "I know some of the critics of the action call it amnesty. Well, its the not. Amnesty is the immigration system we have today. Millions of people who live here without paying their taxes or playing by the rules, while politicians use the issue to scare people and whip up votes at election time. Thats the real amnesty, leaving this broken system the way it is. Mass amnesty would be unfair. Mass deportation would be both impossible and contrary it to our character. What Im describing is accountability. A common sense middle- ground approach. If you meet the criteria, you can come out of the shadows and get right with the law."
Registering, paying a fee/fine, submitting to a criminal background check, etc. doesn't seem as if it's either overlooking or an outright pardon of past offenses.
(14,390 posts)
(12,608 posts)Central Scruitinizer
(57 posts)He actually wanted illegal aliens to live free from illegal employers exploitation.
(57,177 posts)But this is Fox Noise, after all.
(29,404 posts)maddiemom
(5,109 posts)typical "Fox Blond." She's pushing to be a "real" newsperson, to her credit. Too bad she didn't have Hasselbeck's original shot at it. Miz Liz has wasted all her opportunities in pursuit of being just the Fox Blond Kelly seems to be running from.
(29,404 posts)she is looking down at facts like a real anchor. What should be standard behavior is atypical at Fox where they feed liars, half-truths, and red herrings.
(3,747 posts)But the commentator's (I don't know his name) rant from ~8:10 to 9:25 was one of the most incoherent, useless rants I've heard from a long time. He ignored a ton of what we did do to Asian immigrants, and simultaneously made himself sound like an idiot. I don't disagree with what he said for the most part, but that was just bad. The rest of the video was great.
(406 posts)This isn't subversion. They're working up their audience like they always do and there's more ways to do that than the same old "welfare queens in Cadillacs" approach.
Stop buying into the bunk that she and Shep Smith are vying for another gig. They've both been at Fox for years and that's exactly where they're intent on staying - following orders from Roger & Co.
(11,841 posts)She came from local news after being a lawyer and worked her way to the top. She has a big paycheck and huge ratings. She's not going anywhere. Who would pay her more?
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Without demagoguery the GOP tent would fold.
(22,000 posts)(meaning scooping out what little brains she had left) and she's back to towing the company line.