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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsCongratulations Republicans - I am blaming you for a large portion of what is going on in the World
A large portion - not everything.....
When the President of the United States sets foreign policy and then McCain and his boy-toy Lindsay travel around the globe, talking to world leaders bashing that very President - yeah - I blame you if those leaders do not take the President's words seriously.
Prime example - Israel. Obama put his foot down, said he wanted to go back to the 1967 borders - OMG! The right wing FLIPPED out!
There goes old man grumpy and his mistress off to Israel, not to stand with the democratically elected President but to tell Netanyahu - no worries, don't listen to President Obama. Any wonder why Bibi publicly endorsed Romney for President?
Let's talk about Putin. He's a REAL leader, unlike our President. Our President is weak (Lindsay on CNN). Mike Rogers - Putin is playing chess while our President is playing marbles. I betcha that was music to Putin's ears knowing how much he was idolized by the Republican Party.
When Obama said Syria had crossed the line - but he was going to follow the Constitution to have Congress do their job and authorize Military Options - there weren't the votes there for it to pass. And NOW they go on all the news shows pointing to this, how the President said Syria crossed the line but didn't do anything about it. That makes him weak.
Sorry - that is not how the story went. Not to mention that President Obama got what he wanted WITHOUT starting another war - sorry Johnny.
And now let's talk about Isis. Other than the tan suit, the only other thing they got out of the President's press conference was that he said he had no plan, no strategy when what he was saying was they are looking at all options and when they do have a strategy to move forward, it will be brought to Congress Kinda has a different meaning - ya think?
But that's only half of it. They are on every single cable news show, radio show saying the President has no strategy to deal with Isis. I'm sure leaders of Isis are enjoying every second of this. Do you think anyone in the world would have picked up on that portion of a sentence if the rw wackos weren't running around screaming about it? Oh and why can't President Obama be more like David Cameron - he's a real leader, our President wears mom jeans and tan suits.... never once connecting the dots that the man in the black head covering is British and that there is no Ocean between the UK and Syria.
When Dubya was in office we were scolded for being anti-American for questioning him. Dixie Chicks, anyone? It was so extreme. But that was just us - the bloggers, the DUers and the like. There was no one in the Press questioning what the cowboy was doing because it would make us look weak. And if anyone dared question that administration on our teevees, bamm - bye - here's the door, Phil Donahue.
You want to debate what to do about Isis? Putin? Korea? Israel? Fine - Then have a debate BUT belittling the President of the United States 24/7 on every single "news" channel is NOT a debate. Going to foreign countries and telling leaders of foreign countries that they don't have to listen to the President is NOT a debate. Pointing your fat fingers at the President for what is going on in the world while you try to end Obamacare for the 50th time is NOT a debate.
So when Netanyahu doesn't listen, and Putin ignores and Isis captures another American - yeah - I blame you Republicans. You have worked so hard to try and make our President be a failure that you didn't think for a second that if the President fails, America fails.
Somethings are bigger than politics.
I am thankful that Obama is our President, especially when it comes to foreign affairs. Shoot first and ask questions later only brings us Isis.
Ugh - sorry - I needed to explode as I turn off the tv and turn on some Muddy Waters instead......

(137,906 posts)littlemissmartypants
(26,528 posts)And Muddy Waters is really good medicine.
liberal from boston
(856 posts)Thank you!!! The Republicans that rant & criticize President Obama needed to be called out & shame on the media that ignores these so called patriots!!!
(113,936 posts)BlancheSplanchnik
(20,219 posts)K and R
(11,132 posts)jillan
(39,451 posts)iscooterliberally
(3,048 posts)My date canceled on me at the last minute. I went anyway all by myself. Muddy Waters showed up unannounced and got up on stage and jammed with Clapton. It was truly amazing. I got my mojo workin'.
(39,451 posts)Great music.
Edit to add - haha - your date was a loser - in more ways than one
(3,048 posts)This was before I started running sound and working at concerts. I can't even count the famous people that I have worked with over the last few decades that are now gone. I don't consider my date a loser though. I liked her, but she really wasn't into me. She did me a favor. I don't think she would have known who Muddy Waters was anyway. Your post reminded me of the lyrics to his song "I'm Ready".
(7,657 posts)justiceischeap
(14,040 posts) ?@TheObamaDiary 3h
American RW 'patriots' almost as happy about #Sotloff murder as ISIS supporters
Wow, hatred of a black President is an extraordinary thing
(39,451 posts)Docross
(39 posts)Absolutely - dead on!
Remember Ashcroft telling us we were 'UN-American" if we weren't with them in the war. ? I don't think ISIS takes the 'no strategy' line seriously and neither does the rest of the world. I think the plans (strategy) are already in progress and they know our very smart President is probably setting them up. It's not like the President is going to give away military secrets to the enemy OR the media. (Not that the teleprompter reading media could ever figure that out.)
" no attention to that man in the Oval Office. He's totally harmless. HUH!".
Welcome to DU!
(164 posts)When Yanukovych was overthrown peacefully by the people of Ukraine....
(39,451 posts)The man who got nothing right. Including his pick for Vice President.
(82,383 posts)killed his credibility forever.
(49,831 posts)Republican politicians' behavior has bordered on treason at times (most of the time actually). The "security" party sure doesn't care how their words and actions affect the safety of the U.S. Its all just a political game to them and the only objective is winning!
(39,451 posts)PatSeg
(49,831 posts)but they don't want to pay for them, so they aren't the fiscally responsible party they claim to be either. Pretty much everything with them is all talk and empty promises.
(18,184 posts)both liberals and conservatives.
Just read the comments on the Guardian and Daily Mail websites.
He's a Tony Blair mini-me.
Tony Blair, so-called Middle East Peace Envoy, is another person thst only neocons like.
(39,451 posts)
(49,831 posts)The GOP loves tough white males!
(82,383 posts)Republicans work against American interests if it favors their political ambitions.
(49,831 posts)Hi treestar!!!
(522 posts)You covered everything I wanted to say and then more. And you wrote much better than I ever could.
(36,594 posts)Republicans are more dangerous than ISIS, Al Queda, and all the foreign terrorists combined.
(36,392 posts)Wow.
(53,475 posts)
(21,885 posts)wiggs
(8,051 posts)will remember... the friends and relatives that we turned to mist....destruction of culture....turning millions into refugees...genetic problems in Fallugia because of our weapons...protecting oil fields while letting allowing all other institutions be destroyed....fanning flames of sectarian discord.......all based on fabrication.
This is neocon/republican blowback, tied directly to the kinds of imperialist policies republicans love.
The memories will cross generations. We would be no different if someone came to our land did such things.
N_E_1 for Tennis
(11,140 posts)Awesome rant.
Thank you.
(57,936 posts)heaven05
(18,124 posts)

(16,149 posts)jillan
(39,451 posts)Except, of course, if you are a fetus.