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VAN JONES: But, you know, I feel badly because I actually like her a lot. But I think she's blowing it. And I think she's actually emboldening -- if I were Elizabeth Warren or if I were Schweitzer, I would be sharpening my pencils and getting ready to go because I think she comes across badly.
I wonder, and you've been in public life and you know it's tough, I wonder if she tries to come back from some of these injuries, that there's not still a sense of aggrievement there that she sometimes creeps into her comment.
Et tu, Van?

(13,685 posts)But still too much of a war maker. Good thing Obama was more peace minded.
Heck, if Hill had voted NO to invading Iraq, she might have been president. And if she was a better campaigner. She's no Bill.
Anyway, i feel bad for all our people getting their hearts set on Hill-45. They may be setting themselves up for an awful let down when she decides not to run. I guess if we can prime them for that we'd be doing them a favor?
(21,044 posts)that she may not run? If Warren contributes materially to a couple of upsets, especially if she helps knock off McConnell, that would rock the beltway crowd.
(4,748 posts)leftstreet
(36,454 posts)silvershadow
(10,336 posts)grahamhgreen
(15,741 posts)Jeff In Milwaukee
(13,992 posts)until he says something we don't like.
(29,503 posts)Jeff In Milwaukee
(13,992 posts)bradla
(89 posts)reddread
(6,896 posts)just dont involve me in any assumptions.
if victory was paramount (as people often say)
Hillary would not get support. If she gets to the general,
(14,755 posts)
(29,503 posts)So there's that.
(34,589 posts)rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)C Moon
(12,699 posts)Near the end of the primary, I felt Hilary began to seem weak. I'm not into the macho thing, but I don't think the tears bit helped her at all.
I can't help but think that could still hurt her in 2016. I hope not. The GOP seems fearful of her, so that's a good sign.
Anyways, I should be mad at myself here, because we still have a MID-TERM election that is VERY important.
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)
Jeff In Milwaukee
(13,992 posts)Don't you know that resistance is futile?!
(62,513 posts)Alex P Notkeaton
(309 posts)If I could wish Warren into the Oval Office, I would. But I don't want even the chance of a Republicretin House, Senate and Presidency in 2017!
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)Gold for a "win". What's a win worth if you've given up your soul? H. Clinton-Sachs may win, but it will be because Wall Street loves her. If that's the side you want to be on, go for it.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)"middle" full of imaginary values voters who just want to hear about the Bible.... instead of brave political leadership designed to actually improve the lives of actual people, then yeah.... she will blow it.
The Traveler
(5,632 posts)She's certainly "the one to beat" right now ... no one else comes close in terms of her political influence and approval in the general public. Few are better at facing down the right wing hate machine.
But she does have a way of walking right into her areas of vulnerability and making them worse. She could definitely blow it.
Disclosure: I lean towards Liz Warren or Bernie ... not really a big Hillary fan. I want a robust primary season ... the Democratic Party needs to hammer out what it proposes for the next 4-8 years, and primaries help do that. But, also, we need to spin up some other candidates just in case something goes wrong with a Clinton candidacy.
Still, I wouldn't bet against her at this point. I think she's going to run. If she runs, I think the odds are heavily in her favor. And I'm ok with that.
(10,336 posts)Bluenorthwest
(45,319 posts)She's worth many millions of dollars. Would her first step involve torching her 5 million dollar home and also the townhouse in DC, worth another million, give or take?
I just don't get the thing of pretending she is not a rich former Republican. She is. She was a Republican when that meant racist, homophobic and against the poor. Which it still does, but then they had the AIDS crisis to use as weapon, which her Party sure did. She voted for that. And she's a multi millionaire. 40 whacks. Please.
(10,336 posts)say, Clinton?
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)more than H. Clinton-Sachs that has made it clear she stands with the banksters?
(9,298 posts)Elizabeth is going to campaign with Allison in Kentucky. Shouldn't Hillary be doing something like that, too? Even better: Let's see both of them go help Wendy in Texas.
(22,000 posts)Because the Old Orange Hound has threatened to tie her to all the White House scandals making Grimes reluctant to ask her to help.
(91,306 posts)decided to not get into the race.
i think Hillary may not be there as much right now because the media will turn it into "will she run for pres" type thing rather than making the event about the Dem Candidates running for office.
(22,000 posts)Might as well not have her come out closer to the end of the campaign like after Labor Day.
(27,461 posts)he's James Carville to Newt Gingrich's Mary Matalin. They have to fill airtime with stuff. The last thing we should do is think very hard about what these people say.
Boom Sound 416
(4,185 posts)And the president's camp would like to have some influence over its successor.
Metric System
(6,048 posts)Larkspur
(12,804 posts)Not a "If I offended you, I'm sorry" type of apology.
Schweitzer needs to stick with his economic populist line of attack and needs to moderate his stance on guns, like Howard Dean did. If he does that he could improve his stance among Democrats.
(13,262 posts)Why not a Warren/Clinton or Clinton/Warren ticket?
Oh...wait. Two women rather than two men. *sigh* Nevermind. Wrong century.
(26,549 posts)Jeff In Milwaukee
(13,992 posts)He's a little young (but old enough per the constitution should something happen to the President). But having Joaquin Castro on the ballot as VP would be pretty motivating.
(26,549 posts)There's a small number of people who can be motivated by a VP candidate.
Most people think of the VP the same way Teddy Roosevelt felt about being VP. That it's a do-nothing job. So people generally don't care enough about the VP unless there's something negative. Then it's used as showing bad judgement.
Jeff In Milwaukee
(13,992 posts)The first Hispanic VP certainly could shore up the vote in place like New Mexico, Arizona and Colorado. With the right top of the ticket, it could even put Texas and Florida on the table.
Erich Bloodaxe BSN
(14,733 posts)But I'd prefer Barbara Lee as Warren's VP.
(6,107 posts)Sorry, but these threads are all just so repetitiive and ludicrous.
(29,503 posts)Hey.
(6,107 posts)bigtree
(90,973 posts)joeybee12
(56,177 posts)And all the criticism that was bound to come of it, all the quotes taken out of context...the media will soon turn to someone else to sink their teeth into and she can quietly start building up her campaign for a bit.
(45,319 posts)At that time, he was very supportive of her vast luxury spending 'she's rich, she has the right, should not be an issue'.
He ran away to punditry and let Shirley Sherrod take his heat for him.
He is now co hosting with Newt I believe.
(6,966 posts)Has the campaign started?