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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsI hope everyone understands that once Obama starts Iraq War III, everything that
transpires in the future, or has ever transpired in the past, regarding the Middle East, will forever and always be blamed on Obama and us Democrats.
I hope he's not foolish enough to pursue this fools errand.
"Next: president Obama's war on terror in the Middle East" - David Gregory, meet the Press, 6/22/2014

Response to grahamhgreen (Original post)
stevenleser This message was self-deleted by its author.
(10,622 posts)stevenleser
(32,886 posts)NanceGreggs
(27,835 posts)... that Obama intends to start Iraq War III - right after he slashes social security, confiscates everyone's guns, rounds up Christians and sends them to FEMA re-education camps, and publicly admits that he is a secret Muslin, born and raised in Kenya.
Quoting David Gregory - the last bastion of truth in journalism - was a nice touch.
(10,642 posts)
(307,161 posts)their "FEAR". M$M CorporateMedia
"... will forever and always be blamed on Obama and us Democrats." Rofl
(42,560 posts)
Proud Liberal Dem
(24,822 posts)
Bobbie Jo
(14,344 posts)Perfectly executed.
(53,661 posts)Cali_Democrat
(30,439 posts)NanceGreggs
(27,835 posts)... but I believe the President's name is ObaMa - not ObaNa.
And it should have read "fool's errand" (singular) or "fools' errand (plural), not "fools errand".
So points off for grammar and spelling - but extra points for holding out David Gregory as a quotable news source.
(53,339 posts)You're a...
Sorry, I couldn't resist.
(27,835 posts)I have become that which I most abhorred - Kelsey Grammar photo-shopped as Hitler!!!
(53,339 posts)

(27,835 posts)... alone in my soupless misery - and I dare not even ask if there is any bread available to accompany my meal of non-soup.
(53,339 posts)You may have a batard, that is. At yeast we're not completely heartless.
(27,835 posts)There are those here who will 'alert' on any reference to "the batard".
(53,339 posts)
(177,234 posts)
(154,021 posts)But alert is like crack!
(Now I surely done it)
(53,339 posts)Just because it's you.
(154,021 posts)so much attention...
(78,249 posts)

(15,741 posts)How many troops before you call it a fool's errand?
And who's gonna pay for this continuing debacle?
(30,370 posts)mea culpa if you should be right, but don't hold your breath...that would be a fool's errand.
(15,741 posts)longship
(40,416 posts)Who is saying that Obama is starting Iraq War III?
Is that really correct? Or, are people just projecting their fears?
I think the latter.
People need to relax. President Obama is not going to be going to put troops back into Iraq. He sent a couple hundred troops to protect our embassy. That's all. Anybody who says otherwise is going beyond the current data.
(18,115 posts)"He sent a couple hundred troops to protect our embassy. That's all."
He is sending an additional "up to 300" as military advisers. That 300 is in addition to the couple hundred to protect the embassy and with a different mission than protecting the embassy.
Obama has also said the US is prepared to carry out "targeted" military actions.
(40,416 posts)I am far from an Obama apologist. But we will soon undoubtedly see the difference between what people will say that Obama will do and what Obama will actually do. He is, in spite of what some think here, not Dick Cheney.
I have much to argue against President Obama but, so far, his foreign policy has been keep peace, at least as far as can be done, and as least as far as the situations he has been handed.
(15,741 posts)frylock
(34,825 posts)of course, David Cameron also got played, if you want to believe that narrative.
(40,416 posts)Which are either naive or based on something other than the facts.
Apparently we are going to be soon embroiled in a steaming hot stew in Iraq because President Obama sends 300 troops to protect the embassy there. What do you expect him to do?
(20,450 posts)Victor_c3
(3,557 posts)Liberal_Stalwart71
(20,450 posts)Victor_c3
(3,557 posts)the first war in 1991 would have been "Operation Desert Nam"
The second war started in 2003 would be "Operation Desert Nam II"
So the third war would be "Operation Desert Nam III"
Silly names help to make the wars more entertaining. As a former grunt who served in iRaq (see, another play on the name - making it similar to iPod) I can tell you just how much fun the war over there was
(53,339 posts)The testimony and insight from you and others who were there is invaluable. It's really helpful to hear from you even as you work through your own war trauma.
I remember when Desert Shield began. I was working at the the Vietnam Veterans' Memorial in D.C. and there were antiwar protests there. Not right at the Wall, but nearby as the memorial is treated as sacred ground and not a place for for politics.
I'd processed my VN War experience more than once, but Desert Shield/Storm drove me back into the psychologist's office at the Vet Center. It was a big trigger!
(3,557 posts)In a large way I look up to you Vietnam guys.
I'm not trying to discount either my experiences or yours, but most Vietnam era guys had a double whammy. Many Vietnam era guys were drafted and then sent to a shitty war while I volunteered for the Army and later found myself sent to a shitty war.
Anyways, it's always good to see you around as well. Vets need to talk about their war experiences to make sure people like me aren't so easily suckered into conflicts like Iraq in the future. I joined the Army after watching events in the late 90s unfold in the Balkans during my teenage years and I joined in 1997 believing that we had learned our lessons from previous conflicts. I joined to be a part of a mission like that in the Balkans to stop a genocide. I truly wanted to make a difference. Instead I found myself in Iraq. To quote a favorite author of mine (Kurt Vonnegut) in reference to a bunch of shitty occurrences a character faced in one of his books, "so it goes".
It's a shame that both of us are in a position to understand or get what the other is feeling when it comes to war experiences. However, at the same time, it's nice to know I'm not alone.
I certainly hope that my children or grandchildren never have to face combat. I need to and will work to that end.
(15,741 posts)Sunni & the Shia.... But I wasn't there.
(154,021 posts)I think we will try to stop Iraq-Nam III from starting, but given none listens to the people, I don't make any promises.
(138,155 posts)grahamhgreen
(15,741 posts)that terminology. As I recall he has spoken our against it.
(21,115 posts)MineralMan
(148,463 posts)David Gregory? Really?
crim son
(27,525 posts)quoting Gregory is evidence that not only will Obama be blamed, he is already being blamed. I don't find this suggestion either entirely false or terribly inflammatory; rather, it sounds like truth.