General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsCan we all agree that Iraq has been a fruitless war? That nothing positive has come from it thus far
At least for the Iraqi & American people?
Sure, Cheney & his buds have made lots of money. The oil profits that used to go to Iraq have now been privatized....
But overall there has not been any positive gains from the war and I would submit there will continue to be none, no matter how small Iraq War III may be.
It's high time we recognized that WE are the problem. Not the disenfranchised Iraqi's.
No to escalation. It's a fools errand. Let's not play the fool for big oil & big war.

(1,043 posts)The idea of something like the Iraq war happening after the lessons of Vietnam is unforgivable.
(15,741 posts)Journeyman
(15,240 posts)There's no Quiet American to explain it, no Dispatches to illuminate its horror, no Rumor of War to give it substance, no Fire in the Lake to provide context. There hasn't been much in the way of music, either, at least not to my knowledge. And such deafening silence tells us, there's been nothing gained from the experience, nothing to learn.
(53,235 posts)deutsey
(20,166 posts)