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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsNot one dime for Iraq without a wealth tax to pay for it. It's called leverage, Mr Mcain.

(5,946 posts)not one more life.
to paraphrase Colin Powell, yes we broke it, but no way will we ever work to fix it (most stuff will just make it worse) so just say no.
(1,697 posts)We broke it badly but I'm not sure there is any thing we can do. The problem is spinning out of control. The Syria problem is spreading.
We should provide humanitarian aid not military.
(8,649 posts). . . the U.S. is the LAST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD that should be delivering it right now. It's far too soon for the U.S. to try to play any active role in Iraq with any hopes of actually helping.
(6,785 posts)The 1% aren't going to pay for shit if they can help it, so a wealth tax would pit the rest of the 1% against the ones that profit from war, and the war profiteers are outnumbered.
(15,741 posts)AlbertCat
(17,505 posts)That if we're FIGHTING (not just "at war" somewhere....anywhere!.... we must act like it here at home
a draft
War-time taxation
That might cut down on all this running in to save the day a bit.
The "Defense Dept" hasn't fought a defensive war since 1945.
Well.... one can dream, cannot one?
(8,127 posts)if this nation has to or wants to go to war, then its citizens should ALL sacrifice .. just like in the 40s.
(8,649 posts). . . that if a universal draft (no deferments or exemptions except for clear health barriers to serving), during the run up to the invasion of Iraq in 2003, the national conversation would have been very different. But since, for the vast majority of Americans, it was someone else's kid, not theirs, who would provide the necessary cannon fodder, much of the country was happy enough to take W's advice and go shopping.
(5,946 posts)I have told this sotry many times - I have hated GWB since I was 23. I am almost 70 now - that is a life time of following stories abut him, long before most of my friends cared about him. I have always found him a self centered spoiled and not to bright guy. - but why? Because the day he got into the national guard my flat footed curved spine survivor of polio and legally blind fiance got drafted into the marines. They had lowered the standards they also drafted kids with asthma and other contrarian problems that would not allow you to survive in the jungle. - for him to get into the national guard would have taken an act of god. So I follows spoiled GWB that year and since. watching him ruin other people's lives all along the way - too many stories. and always getting away with it. The hate gave way to just loathing him and realizing at no point will he ever know that he did good,he might be told it, but it would never be glaringly true.
toby jo
(1,269 posts)NCarolinawoman
(2,825 posts)It's too many wars, Johnny!
(1,208 posts)I'm not internet savvy, otherwise I'd offer to set one up myself.
(26,314 posts)grahamhgreen
(15,741 posts)tavernier
(13,376 posts)It was the Land of Milk and Honey after a few quick fixes! Only then did Obama cast an evil reversal spell and turn the whole thing into shit again!!
This would be funny if it wasn't for the senseless loss of life and home and property that these bastards caused with a nod of the head.
(82,849 posts)Pay the outstanding bills on Iraq 2.0 and Afghanistan. Until we clear the books on those little war crimes, not one additional dime for elective invasions.
Luminous Animal
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)funding wars is easy. Too easy.