General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsHobby Lobby is a threat to your religious freedom. And your health. And your wallet.
Remember Animal Farm, where everyone was equal, but some were more equal than others? That is what the Supreme Court is all too likely to decide. Dont scoff, they did it before with the Citizens United ruling, in which they decreed that while we all have the right to freedom of speech, rich people have more free speech than do the rest of us.
We are talking about a potential assault on the very principles on which our nation was founded, and on which our Constitution was based. The idea that your bosss religious beliefs can overrule yours is not all that different from having your governments religious beliefs likewise trump yours. This would completely take away our constitutional freedom of religion as hitherto guaranteed under the Establishment Clause.
More at the link.

(67,112 posts)had a weird aura about it IMO.
(13,986 posts)But I am neither artsy nor crafty, so I never had a reason to to do so.
(38,967 posts)That said, I will never step in one again.
(13,986 posts)Not my kind if merchandise. If it were, I would've taken my business elsewhere.
(67,112 posts)Nuclear Unicorn
(19,497 posts)legal construct that would allow an employer to interfere with my reproductive freedom. When "The Law" demanded my birth control become attached to my employer my employer became attached to my birth control.
(2,061 posts)Do they cover Viagra? Seems rather sexist if they do.
I just saw a story last night on some channel where the employer wanted to cover contraceptives as it was cheaper than covering a birth and the resulting care for the baby/child. This reminds me "Every Sperm is Sacred" in Monty Python. Are we still living in the 50s?
I've never even seen a Hobby Lobby, are they in California?
Fla Dem
(26,226 posts)and forced abortions. How do you say HYPOCRISY!
(13,986 posts)The Arbourist is ripping up wingnut balderdash. Just a bit of his response:
Contraception is no different from any other medicine. It improves the quality of life and saves lives. But if contraception were to go on the chopping block then here are 10 other therapies that employers could say falls foul of their religion and deny coverage:.
1) Blood transfusions (Jehovahs WItness)
2) Organ transplants (Jehovahs Witness)
3) Antidepressants (Scientology)
4) Addiction medicine (Scientology)
5) In vitro fertilization (Catholicism)
6) Antibiotics (Christian Scientist)
7) Screening for sexually transmitted diseases (Catholicism, no one is ever having sex outside of marriage so STD screening is not needed)
8) Tissue and skin grafts that leave the body to be prepared for implant/use (Jehovahs Witness)
9) Treatment of alcohol intoxication and alcohol abuse (Islam, Mormon and all the other religions that forbid alcohol consumption)
10) Treatment of trichinellosis (a parasitic brain worm) from pork consumption (Judaism)
Y'all go read it, and then check out his other writing. A great talent is he.
(78,249 posts)by claiming to be Christian Scientists.