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Last edited Sat Nov 9, 2013, 09:01 PM - Edit history (1)
Russell Brand: we deserve more from our democratic systemFollowing his appearance on Newsnight, the comedian explains why he believes there are alternatives to our current regime
Russell Brand - The Guardian
Tuesday 5 November 2013 12.57 EST
The less privileged among us are already living in the apocalypse, the thousands of street sleepers in our country, the refugees and the exploited underclass across our planet daily confront what we would regard as the end of the world. No money, no home, no friends, no support, no hand of friendship reaching out, just acculturated and inculcated condemnation.
When I first got a few quid it was like an anaesthetic that made me forget what was important but now I've woken up. I can't deny that I've done a lot of daft things while I was under the capitalist fugue, some silly telly, soppy scandals, movies better left unmade. I've also become rich. I don't hate rich people; Che Guevara was a rich person. I don't hate anyone, I judge no one, that's not my job, I'm a comedian and my job is to say whatever I like to whoever I want if I'm prepared to take the consequences. Well I am.
If we all collude and collaborate together we can design a new system that makes the current one obsolete. The reality is there are alternatives. That is the terrifying truth that the media, government and big business work so hard to conceal. Even the outlet that printed this will tomorrow print a couple of columns saying what a naïve wanker I am, or try to find ways that I've fucked up. Well I am naïve and I have fucked up but I tell you something else. I believe in change. I don't mind getting my hands dirty because my hands are dirty already. I don't mind giving my life to this because I'm only alive because of the compassion and love of others. Men and women strong enough to defy this system and live according to higher laws. This is a journey we can all go on together, all of us. We can include everyone and fear no one. A system that serves the planet and the people. I'd vote for that.

(3,871 posts)WillyT
(72,631 posts)

(12,647 posts)the youth listen. And that's a good thing.
(72,631 posts)

(72,631 posts)

(12,081 posts)to talk about what no one else wants to talk about? Truth would never be revealed and change would never happen.
(4,119 posts)Two of the greatest...George Carlin and Bill Hicks. I watch BH on YouTube and he's so amazing...insanely funny and deeply intelligent!
(4,119 posts)Even though he died in 1993...sadly the things he said are as true today as they were then.
One little clip that I fear is true....
(51,311 posts)dionysus
(26,467 posts)his mansion is going to change the system... good luck.
why do the hard work of educating and organizing the populace to get real candidates when you can just drop out of the process?
(72,631 posts)It's a piece of a larger puzzle, yet... an important one.
One that has changed the war on class, and lets many people figure out that they are getting screwed by the 1%.
It's educational/evolutionary/revolutionary...
And those squatters... woke a whole lot of people up.
If the Democratic Party hasn't been totally bought off... they may get more support.
(26,467 posts)WillyT
(72,631 posts)My old man served with the Marines in WWII and the Korean War...
Figure it's the least I can do.
That does not prevent me from thinking...
And I agree with Russell... give me something REAL to vote for.
(26,467 posts)just because he's right about the corruption in politics doesn't mean he's right about dropping out of the process.
(72,631 posts)
(26,467 posts)only reason it made the news. do you think he's the first or only person to point out that politics is corrupted? we've been doing it on DU for 12 years. and outside of the internet people have been doing it for decades, even centuries...
(72,631 posts)
(24,135 posts)I wouldn't vote either.
But that's not the case and so I vote.
(26,467 posts)government is... then doesn't vote.
(72,631 posts)Read the piece.
(24,135 posts)theory on the telly a few weeks ago and didn't vote in the recent election.
(72,631 posts)That means that basically... 1/4 of us decide who's in office.

(24,135 posts)and this clever fella - maybe we can get it down to 1/8th.
(72,631 posts)
(72,631 posts)
(72,631 posts)
(72,631 posts)
woo me with science
(32,139 posts)Thank you.
(72,631 posts)

(575 posts)
It has never occurred to me to NOT vote. I was brought up in a family of politicians. We VOTE!!! I used to tell people who didn't vote, I would not be friends with them. I had no respect for them. I'm still amazed at the # of people who don't exercise this right...
For now its all
we have, and for him to influence our millennial's not to vote, is reckless
and wrong.
What purpose does it have not to vote? Is it a protest to the establishment?
That's just dumb. They don't want us to vote, the RE doesn't anyway..
This kind of thinking is non critical, (as in thinking), and defeats Democrats
every time..
Always vote, there is no excuse not to!!! Russell needs to find the answers before he spouts off like this!!!
(72,631 posts)The less privileged among us are already living in the apocalypse, the thousands of street sleepers in our country, the refugees and the exploited underclass across our planet daily confront what we would regard as the end of the world. No money, no home, no friends, no support, no hand of friendship reaching out, just acculturated and inculcated condemnation.
When I first got a few quid it was like an anaesthetic that made me forget what was important but now I've woken up. I can't deny that I've done a lot of daft things while I was under the capitalist fugue, some silly telly, soppy scandals, movies better left unmade. I've also become rich. I don't hate rich people; Che Guevara was a rich person. I don't hate anyone, I judge no one, that's not my job, I'm a comedian and my job is to say whatever I like to whoever I want if I'm prepared to take the consequences. Well I am.
Luckily with organisations like them, Occupy, Anonymous and The People's Assembly I don't need to come with ideas, we can all participate. I'm happy to be a part of the conversation, if more young people are talking about fracking instead of twerking we're heading in the right direction. The people that govern us don't want an active population who are politically engaged, they want passive consumers distracted by the spectacle of which I accept I am a part.
If we all collude and collaborate together we can design a new system that makes the current one obsolete. The reality is there are alternatives. That is the terrifying truth that the media, government and big business work so hard to conceal. Even the outlet that printed this will tomorrow print a couple of columns saying what a naïve wanker I am, or try to find ways that I've fucked up. Well I am naïve and I have fucked up but I tell you something else. I believe in change. I don't mind getting my hands dirty because my hands are dirty already. I don't mind giving my life to this because I'm only alive because of the compassion and love of others. Men and women strong enough to defy this system and live according to higher laws. This is a journey we can all go on together, all of us. We can include everyone and fear no one. A system that serves the planet and the people. I'd vote for that.
From the OP.

(575 posts)I want change, believe you me.. I support Occupy, Anonymous and others.
I will work and be on the front lines for change. I just fail to see how NOT voting
is an option under the current option.
My daughter is a millennial, a Senior in college. I would never consider encouraging her not to vote.
If someone has a better way, I'm all ears.. Please share.

(72,631 posts)I've voted EVERY time since I turned 18 in 1974.
I plan to continue to vote until I die. But I am also able to read and understand the outrage and frustration of those that see it as futile.
(575 posts)WillyT... I get it.. I too am outraged..
but until we have a different system or we rise up
and say "enough is enough" it's all we have for now.
I'm happy to know you vote and work for change as I do. I see
many of your posts and enjoy them all.
Please let's just not encourage our children to not vote..That's all
I'm saying...

sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)Half the population here doesn't vote. Maybe if we were able to give them something to vote FOR they would.
A better way might be for the people to choose the candidates. For the people to vote for the best candidate in the PRIMARIES and refuse to listen to the political operatives who tell them, over and over again, 'yes, she's/he's a progressive but doesn't stand a chance against t he Repub'. Well, we've been doing that now for a long time. Next time how about everyone ignore that failed 'advice' and support the candidate they want to support and see what happens?
(39,909 posts)THAT is where we can send a message to the conservative & unresponsive Democratic Party Leadership.
THAT is where the heavy lifting will happen.
...and I'm ALL Fired UP,
but as a veteran of many Democratic Primaries,
I hold no illusions. The Democratic Party Infrastructure is as stodgy, conservative, and bureaucratic as ANY organization in the USA.
While the Party Infrastructure varies from state to state, it is manned by the Captain Queegs of the Democratic Party. They are heroes in their own right,
manning the outposts, day and night, through the boring times.
doing all the unglamorous grunt work.
Mailing out solicitations for money, paying the bills, keeping the lights on and such.
They KNOW the Pecking Order,
never question Party authority,
and feel entitled to have their turn.
They resent intrusions from Grass Roots Upstarts,
so be prepared if you want to get involved or support a candidate outside
the one already chosen by the Party Infrastructure.
You have the RIGHT to do so,
though the Party WILL slap you down like Red Headed Step Children.
The Arkansas Democratic Primary was a heart breaking eye opener for the Grass Roots and Organized LABOR. We were given a Look Behind the Curtain,
and it wasn't very pretty.
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)FOR, with enthusiasm, in the primaries and the party repeats that scam again, I will not participate and I KNOW I am not the only one. Enough of THEM picking the candidates, WE THE PEOPLE should have never allowed them to take that right away from us.
Great post as always, bvar!
(575 posts)I want to vote for someone too, not just vote.
How do we rally the troops and get it done this way. I will
work for this!!! All in!
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)the last election, made up of those organizations the Dem Party depends on, but doesn't often deliver for lately, eg, Liberal Activist Orgs, there are plenty of them, Unions, Advocacy Groups (SS advocacy groups eg) and rather than donating all the considerable amount of money these orgs have traditionally donated to the DNC only to see their candidates sidelined as the party backs Blue Dogs and other Corporate Candidates, and use that money to back only candidates with a real Progressive record.
It may not be enough to offset the Corporate money that would be used, but it would provide a lot more for non-Corporate candidates and take away millions from the DNC that normally is distributed according to their decisions.
All these organizations, especially the Unions, have been contributing huge amounts of money that in the end isn't always used the way they intended.
The Coalition that formed before the election stated that while they would still vote for Dems they were not happy at all with the way their money has been used and were not enthusiastic about continuing to do what they had been doing in the past. Airc, they raised ten million dollars at that fund raiser. Since then I do not know what they have been doing but am hoping that the coalition grows and that we, the people, the donors, Democrats, will have more of a say in who the candidates are.
That's what Repubs did.
Letting the party know that we WANT a say in the choice of candidates. Donating directly to candidates we support is one way to make sure the money doesn't go to Corporate candidates. I know eg, that young voters are increasingly anti-Wall St. candidates and one way to know who candidates are going to feel beholden to, is to look at who is donating to them. And make that a HUGE issue in the campaign. Expose their donations and ask the question 'who is this candidate going to serve, you, or his/her corporate donors'?
Something has to be done to begin changing the way things HAVE been done so far. We as individuals can do our part, but we need to have a strong coalition of Progressives in order to get a truly Progressive Congress.
(575 posts)I have noticed a big push to promote Hillary even before the last
Presidential election was complete and she was already out of the running..
and it continues. Its like we have no choice
but her. I am not happy.
Maybe I can't get Warren, but there has o be
more of a choice than HLC..
If you have any options for me please share.
I cannot agree more, we don't need corporate pigs picking our candidates...
(53,475 posts)Exactly right, and explains the brutal crackdown on Occupy.
(716 posts).. who stood in lines for HOURS, often cold and uncomfortable, because they thought it MATTERED.
If people see a real choice, they can be very determined to vote!
(39,909 posts)Something to vote FOR,
instead of the "Least of the Worst"!
"I've seen it happen time after time. When the Democratic candidate allows himself to be put on the defensive and starts apologizing for the New Deal and the Fair Deal, and says he really doesn't believe in them, he is sure to lose. The people don't want a phony Democrat. If it's a choice between a genuine Republican, and a Republican in Democratic clothing, the people will choose the genuine article, every time; that is, they will take a Republican before they will a phony Democrat, and I don't want any phony Democratic candidates in this campaign."
---President Harry Truman

[font size=4]Leadership! "The Buck Stops HERE!" NO Excuses![/font]
(37,573 posts)then it also works for people LIKE me.
The systems we have - political and economic work fairly well for LOTS of people.
The "thousands of street sleepers" in our country represent a tiny fraction of the 310 million who live here.
The "exploited underclass" is also a minority or a figment. Is the underclass exploited or just left behind? The people who are way down, do not have that much to take. Those who are way down generally don't have jobs. Are people on welfare exploited? Are people on food stamps exploited because of cuts to food stamps?
Society reduced the amount of free food they are given every month, but is a person who gets free food 'exploited'?
How about somebody with a $175,000 a year job? Are they exploited? They are not part of the legendary 1%, so I guess they must be. But most people below the median household income of $55,000 or so, would think they were doing pretty darned good with a $75,000 a year job, much less a $175,000 a year job.
I can even give another example. I ran for the water board, because I read in the paper that small customers were being hit with a 15% rate hike, medium customers with a 3% and big customers with 0%. As I said in my recent campaign, the difference between 3% and 15% is $100,000. A subsidy that the little guys are paying to the big guys. I fought on the board to reverse that and the last rate increase was 0,0,2,2,2. Zero percent for the bottom two rates.
But the other math thing I did not mention - that $100,000 subsidy? For 10,000 customers, it represents - a mere 83 cents a month. That's not a huge amount of exploitation. The difference between 2% and zero percent? That rate increase I saved them from - probably 52 cents a month for an average family customer. Not really enough to motivate them to rush out to the polls and support me.
(72,631 posts)Tough luck on the rest, eh ???
(37,573 posts)64% of households make MORE money that I do. Am I supposed to believe many of those people are worse off than I am? That the systems do not also work for them?
35% of households make more than twice as much money as I do. Are they doing worse than me?
9% of households make more than 5 times as much as I do. Are 85% of them living in misery in a system that does not work for them? That even though they make 5 times as much as I do, they are raging against the machine because of how they are being screwed and made miserable by the 1%?
If it works for me at $32,000 a year, I think it works for a lot of people in this country.
Response to WillyT (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(5,937 posts)The top half of that 99% does not feel the pinch that that bottom half does, but they cozily hide away within this percentage as if it makes them immune to the disparity.