Bill Maher’s Advice To Hillary Clinton On Marijuana Is ‘PASS THE TORCH’
November 1, 2013 - Bill Maher offered some free advice to the Republican party on Friday night to appeal to young people. Firstly, stop going on hunting trips to prove you're a man of the people. And two, come out for legalizing weed so you can be a true dude of the people. The genesis of the bit was Ted Cruz going out and hunting this week, which Maher thought was unnecessary because "you've already proved your total dominion over creatures with brains the size of walnuts. After all, you're the leader of the tea party!"
Maher said young people don't care about hunting, that "if they want to kill something, there's an Xbox right downstairs." The average voter is not an elderly, gun-toting middle American, it's a "young Latino lesbian who smoked a boatload of dope."
But Maher may have only been suggesting the GOP embrace this issue because of his frustration with Democrats who have been far too quiet on this issue. He said if the Democrats want to win young people in 2016, they'll have to say "welcome back to stoner Hillary!"