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There are numerous verses in the Bible commanding people to help the poor, but the Christian-based Family Research Council (FRC) claims that doesn't include the government helping the needy.
FRC head Tony Perkins recently told Christian radio host Janet Mefferd that while Christians should be active in politics and government, they cannot support the government helping poor people, noted (audio below).
"I think as Christians we'll be held responsible for the policies adopted by this government because its us, said Perkins.
"Is that saying the government has a responsibility to care for the poor? Thats not what scripture says. The scripture handed that responsibility to you and I as members of the faith, followers of Jesus Christ, Perkins later added.

(6,476 posts)roguevalley
(40,656 posts)haikugal
(6,476 posts)They fuel the Tea party and the radical right wing and are positioning themselves just like they did in Germany in the 1930's. We laugh at them at our peril.
(10,737 posts)"MY god is smart enough to have a handle on how basic bio-chemistry works, why doesn't yours?"
See, it's not hard =).
(6,476 posts)and I don't laugh at them. I take them very seriously.
I used to have long discussions with RWA christians...once I ended up telling my father in law that his God was too small. He didn't take it well. I have had many discussions regarding science etc. and have identified myself as a their reaction you'd have thought I'd grown horns and hoofs...this was all before I'd done much research and reading about their beliefs and listened to various 'bright lights' for myself.
I don't bother anymore.
(10,737 posts)and so we (as their fellow citizens) are going to have to at least acknowledge their existence and FEARS, even if we're not allowed by Governing Contract (Constitutional Law) to ACT on that as a Citizenry.
(6,476 posts)for what it is and opposed at every opportunity. I consider them dangerous.
Their fears and ignorance are fertile ground for the radical right and that is what they're doing with their huge propaganda machine. This has been going on for over 30 years...we're dealing with second and third generations of these bigots. We know from experience how potentially violent they are.
I can imagine what our government must look like from outside the states...I am beyond embarrassed for my country but more than that I'm worried...
(7,670 posts)Can you read minds? Do you magically know that they don't accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior?
(6,476 posts)because their attitudes toward the poor and other religions is totally not what Christ taught. They are corporate. They teach that Christ will reward them with money and that liberation theology is the devils work, among other things. That's how I know.
(7,670 posts)Even assuming the Gospels are 100% accurate, they also can be vague and are subject to interpretation.
ON EDIT: In addition, Jesus Christ, as portrayed in the Bible, was rather exclusive(you can only be saved through him), also he introduced Hell(Tartarus) into the Jewish cosmology, whereas before him, the worst God can do to you is kill you, after him God can torture you for eternity. Not a nice person.
(6,476 posts)Chris Hedges and Cornel West and they'd say the same thing about the radical right dominionists. What they teach isn't Christianity as we know it. I personally have no dog in the fight because I don't believe in the myths. What these people are is fascists and I question that they believe any of the crap they spew....but they use their position to preach hate and I don't think that's what Christianity (as I was taught it) is about. I was taught it was about love.
(7,670 posts)other people they are "false" Christians based on arbitrary, and generally preexisting moral or ethical beliefs. All the while reinforcing the damaging belief that Christianity somehow has a positive affect on people's behavior to the extent that becomes a defining characteristic of behaviors many people deem positive, such as altruism.
Basically you are saying that Non-Christians lack some quality or quantity of love. Please understand that language matters, as does framing, and frankly what you were taught about Christianity is irrelevant. You were taught by people who were loving, period.
The fact is that Jesus was both "loving" and "hateful" depended on preexisting beliefs of believers.
(6,476 posts)there is too much of that around. Dominionists aren't christians in my book. Take it or leave it.
(7,670 posts)and insulting equivalency.
I would say that in this instance, you aren't acting very Christian.
(6,476 posts)I gave my opinion...I answered your questions...WTF?? I find dominionists disgusting.
(28,270 posts)These assholes belong to the Church of Ayn Rand, Disciples of Mammon!
(45,359 posts)3. We will work with each other, we will work side by side,
We will work with each other, we will work side by side,
And well guard each ones dignity and save each ones pride.
And theyll know we are Christians by our love, by our love,
Yes, theyll know we are Christians by our love.
(7,670 posts)That Non-Christians aren't capable of love?
After all, how else will Christians be distinguished from Non-Christians by action, and not belief?
Nuclear Unicorn
(19,497 posts)Where I live a long time resident was left paralyzed after surgery. The local church went to his house and refurbished it for wheelchair access and had a cook-out. It was all pretty amazing to see. The gentleman didn't have to apply for help, wait for approval or anything; they saw the need and they went.
(31,849 posts)is in for a big surprise when he arrives at the "pearly gates."
(25,017 posts)And they he'll end up going down the chute.....
(10,602 posts)We will have to deal with them sooner or later because their long term goal is to end democracy and replace it with a theocratic state just like the Islamic states. They hide behind religion but we cannot let that stop us from going after them. Religion is fair game when it turns to fanaticism.
They say they are being persecuted but they don't know what it is. The fact is that these institutions are businesses and not religion.
(6,476 posts)theHandpuppet
(19,964 posts)And in some cases it's worked very well for them. City councils, school boards, etc. They build from the ground up but always with a greater purpose. I wish more folks would really pay attention to what's happening locally.
(14,177 posts)We're so absorbed by the bigger picture that we don't look at what's going on immediately around us. That's exactly where a lot of the trouble starts.
(7,670 posts)ProfessorGAC
(71,522 posts)Your point has been made. Taken, and mostly ignored. It's getting tedious.
(7,670 posts)AngryOldDem
(14,177 posts)That's persecution for the rest of us, in my opinion.
brer cat
(26,768 posts)What a disgrace.
(7,670 posts)fadedrose
(10,044 posts)but Perkins is full of shit.
(10,602 posts)hrmjustin
(71,265 posts)duffyduff
(3,251 posts)to con people to their point of view.
It's the oldest political trick in the book.
Rousas Rushdoony, the creator of "dominionism," or "Christian reconstructionism," was a member of the John Birch Society. It took genius to use religion as a way to further "libertarian," fascistic ideas.
(8,514 posts)AngryOldDem
(14,177 posts)Everyone is called to help the poor. EVERYONE. That is what Christ taught.
I am constantly amazed that those who claim to be "closest to Christ" are the ones who are most clueless about what the man actually taught and believed.
(41,694 posts)sendero
(28,552 posts)They want nothing less than for everyone to be dependent on the church. Fuck the slimy lying devils.
(22,000 posts)I'm sure if they walked past a homeless person they'd kick'em.
(7,198 posts)B Calm
(28,762 posts)surrealAmerican
(11,551 posts)1. We are responsible for the actions of government because "it is us".
2. We have a collective responsibility to care for the poor.
3. Government should not care for the poor?
Nope, given his own statements on the matter, he just failed logic.
Prophet 451
(9,796 posts)I was raised by a devout Christian. She devoted her entire adult life to looking after disabled and disturbed children and while she didn't manage to instill her faith in me (truthfully, she never tried too hard), she did instill teh conviction that good people don't just pass by on teh other side.
This pseudo-pious legalistic bullshit is just their way of giving lipservice to Jesus while hating the poor. It''s teh gospel according to Ayn Rand, the commandment of selfishness. They want to abolish social programs and rely on charity so they don't have to give a penny to supporting teh poor. No other reason.
(10,893 posts)spanone
(138,152 posts)he uses Christ
(19,288 posts)Initiative crap and give Secular based assistance. And eff them.
(56,177 posts)written by some semi-literate shepherds.