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Linns Stamp News reports that the US Postal Service will destroy the entire press run of a stamp series aimed at getting children to be more active. According to Linns reporter Bill McAllister, three of the stamps in the fifteen stamp series raised safety concerns among sports figures on the Presidents Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition. The stamps in question depicted children performing a cannonball dive, skateboarding without kneepads, and doing a headstand without a helmet. The unsafe depictions came to light after USPS Marketing chief Nagisa Manabe asked Michelle Obama to take part in a first day ceremony for the stamps. That was apparently the first time the stamps had been reviewed by the Sports Council.

(3,379 posts)They need helmets for headstands now?
If you get your safety advice from a stamp, that's a problem.
(23,156 posts)In fact, I can't imagine how you could possibly do a headstand wearing a helmet.
And I'm 65 years old.
(26,591 posts)good god, what a nation of lily livered wusses.
(8,830 posts)gads.
(11,841 posts)I read yesterday where some school has banned all types of balls (except nerf) at recess. Along with tag, and cartwheels.
(28,876 posts)Physical activity comes with too much risk.
(24,283 posts)Pretzel_Warrior
(8,361 posts)Cannon balls into public pools is about as iconic "Summertime in America" as you can get.
The absolute safety police are ruining everything.
(16,656 posts)every fucking one of them. they're worse than a plague of locusts.
(11,841 posts)A jury will give someone a million bucks after they do something they shouldve known better than to try.
Why do you think there are so damn many lawyer commercials on TV? Everybody wants "their" check. And where does it come from? The insurance company and thru them, US who pay the premiums.
(16,656 posts)I haven't seen a whole spate of million dollar payouts unless it concerns cases of some type of industrial neglect.
There aren't a bunch of people hitting the hot coffee lottery, and even that one got reduced big time.
(21,115 posts)is a myth don't you. I saw the images of that older woman's wounds from that "hot coffee". She was burned extremely badly in her crotch and backside requiring skin grafts. She was put into a nursing home after and never returned home and died a couple years later. And for what its worth they were not in a moving car...her nephew pulled into a parking spot before this happened.
Using the "Hot Coffee Lottery" is disrespectful to what that little old lady suffered at the hands of McDonalds.
(16,656 posts)would you type "McDonalds Hot Coffee Lawsuit" into your search engine?
It seems there is a secret settlement that was reached in that case.
(6,452 posts)The woman was disfigured and badly harmed and hadn't done anything particularly stupid. Mcdonalds had been warned many times about the heat of their coffee but kept it at high temperatures for commercial reasons.
You should look into things yourself before you direct other people to.
(21,115 posts)she died before the case went to court. Her nephew that cared for her sued on her behalf. Again...I saw the images that were presented as was horrific. She suffered and was never the same again.
There is a picture at this link....warning very graphic!
(11,841 posts)The case settled in 94, she passed away in '04
(21,115 posts)I misremembered that part...but Stella was hardly frivolous about her lawsuit and she hardly deserves the kind of scorn she became with jokes about how this woman was litigious (ie McDonald's Coffee Lottery)
"...Liebeck was taken to the hospital, where it was determined that she had suffered third-degree burns on six percent of her skin and lesser burns over sixteen percent.[11] She remained in the hospital for eight days while she underwent skin grafting. During this period, Liebeck lost 20 pounds (9 kg, nearly 20% of her body weight), reducing her down to 83 pounds (38 kg).[12] Two years of medical treatment followed.
Liebeck sought to settle with McDonald's for $20,000 to cover her actual and anticipated expenses. Her past medical expenses were $10,500; her anticipated future medical expenses were approximately $2,500; and her loss of income was approximately $5,000 for a total of approximately $18,000.[13] Instead, the company offered only $800. When McDonald's refused to raise its offer, Liebeck retained Texas attorney Reed Morgan. Morgan filed suit in New Mexico District Court accusing McDonald's of "gross negligence" for selling coffee that was "unreasonably dangerous" and "defectively manufactured". McDonald's refused Morgan's offer to settle for $90,000.[2] Morgan offered to settle for $300,000, and a mediator suggested $225,000 just before trial, but McDonald's refused these final pre-trial attempts to settle."'s_Restaurants
(16,656 posts)I used a totally inaccurate example and for that I am sorry.
(21,115 posts)Just gets to me when I hear people make light of that case when poor Stella suffered so much...And I know its because people don't really know what went on with that case. The reason is because McDonald's tried to use a misinformation campaign against her. So I thought it was a good opportunity to educate people and disabuse them of that notion. Thank you for the opportunity to provide more information and thank you for being a good sport about it.
(2 posts)Consider the Lesson learned them. I was one of the lambs that bought into the misinformation campaign. Because of your posts I did go back and look based on what you posted to look at. WOW! those pictures are horrific. I was one of the ones that thought McDonalds coffee was too hot to begin with and is still too hot. But I also thought the lawsuit was silly based on the info that was spoonfed by McDonalds with an all beef patty. I am informed and ashamed. Thank you
(21,115 posts)I did hesitate at first....
So glad you became better informed about it. Perhaps you can pass it on when you hear someone else make light of it. That would be great.
(24,283 posts)Laelth
(32,017 posts)-Laelth
(11,841 posts)Homes that have a pool and get foreclosed on. The banks have to put a wooden frame with fencing on it across the top of the pool because of potential lawsuits. Even if the yard is fenced and locked.
(32,017 posts)-Laelth
(45,358 posts)Wearing a helmet during a headstand would make it more dangerous.. Harder to balance, more risk of neck injury, etc.
Lame, USPS.
Ms. Toad
(35,851 posts)I actually went to find a picture of the stamp because I couldn't believe anyone would be so stupid as to really mean you should wear a helmet when doing a headstand.
(26,060 posts)B Calm
(28,762 posts)philosslayer
(3,076 posts)And justifiably so. We should not be distributing stamps that depict dangerous activities. Especially when it involves children.
(5,417 posts)Kids are not going to use a stamp, and then decide to ride a bike without a helmet. I think they should reissue stamps with kids watching TV, since that might be the only thing deemed safe enough.
(3,076 posts)There are plenty of safe activities children can engage in, and the stamps should depict those, with the children properly protected.
(103,856 posts)
Most mail these days is junk mail with pre-posted envelopes..
(9,766 posts)RC
(25,592 posts)Gotta keep us safe for the possible canon fodder as the best choice for a livelihood. The MIC gotta be fed.
Back to reality, this is really stupid. What kid is going to get dangerous ideas from a stamp? How many kids even know what stamps are anymore?
(39,360 posts)
(11,841 posts)thatgemguy
(506 posts)XemaSab
(60,212 posts)n/t
(32,524 posts)XemaSab
(60,212 posts)But as far as it being a right wing talking point, since when is encouraging kids to tear it up outside something that belongs to one "side" or the other?
(333 posts)as the over-emphasis on "safety" (a.k.a. excessively zealous litigation, control and compliance) results in kids being treated like precious, fragile tea cups.
(556 posts)If I've summarized incorrectly, please correct me. I think that was the jist of it.
(60,212 posts)I think that IN GENERAL, there are differences between little boys and little girls, and that playing rough games is important for many little boys in a way that I, as a woman, can't really understand.
I don't believe that little boys and little girls should be raised differently, but I don't think that there should be enforced sameness either.
Of course if little girls want to play football and little boys want to make Barbie clothes, they should be encouraged in that.
Obviously there are cultural assumptions that we throw at kids that are nonsense, but it shouldn't be up to women to define what masculinity is any more than it should be up to men to define what being a woman should be about. Letting women make the definitions and set the rules runs the risk of pathologizing normal "boy" behavior.
Finally, I am concerned that kids in general have been playing outside for millennia, and that by going against it and keeping kids indoors for fear that they will get hurt is really unhealthy and we will see problems in the future from this.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)...are you a parent? Are you someone who spends a lot of time around little kids, through work or whatever?
The reason I ask is because there is a lot of "common knowledge" assumption around "kids today" and what they do or don't do or helicopter parents or what-have-you. I am a parent. I do not believe there is anything like an epidemic of "keeping kids indoors for fear that they will get hurt".
(10,729 posts)Thats an actual thing lol.
(22,336 posts)The reason the First Lady was interested this is because of high rates of childhood obesity, which is caused in part because parents are afraid to send their kids outside playing due to fear of injury and kidnapping. Kids who play sometimes get hurt, but, as a parent, I've had other parents amazed that I allow my kids to: jump on a trampoline, climb trees, run on the sidewalk (they could trip and fall or stub a toe), play tag (they could collide), climb up the slide, and get in snowball fights. It's safer to have kids inside in front of a TV screen all the time. So we have education campaigns such as these stamps.
(5,082 posts)in the mid to late 20th century, the human race was on the verge of extinction. more than half of children were killed in playtime accidents.
It wasn't until the United States Postal Service, recognizing this fact and their opportunity to change this, recalled their stamps indicating dangerous playtime. This single action was the seminal event that altered the downward spiral of human population and led to a new Golden Age of human enlightenment and prosperity.
(34,986 posts)Maybe they can use obese children in front of tv sets instead ...
My thoughts exactly
(25,198 posts)but a cartwheel doesn't? What am I missing here from the nannies?
(34,986 posts)Evasporque
(2,133 posts)With editions of:
the cluster bombie
anti-personnel mine
bunker buster
50 Cal Sniper Rifle
This will be on heels of "Famous Hangings"
(20,277 posts)their fucking minds.
They're STAMPS.
Bubble wrap the little bastards and plunk 'em in front of the tv.
(13,985 posts)
(43,203 posts)Most of us shouldn't have made it to our tenth birthday but we did it anyway.
I dunno, maybe in my case I only survived just to spite the hand wringers.
(115,902 posts)
(19,339 posts)tabasco
(22,974 posts)They must be suicidal to engage in such deadly activities!
(115,902 posts)N!!!!!!!1111111111
(94,946 posts)that kid on the swing isn't wearing a seat belt!! I see a lawsuit coming with that one!
(12,869 posts)7962
(11,841 posts)Who wouldve ever thought they'd see THAT?
Union Scribe
(7,099 posts)to ask what a postage stamp is than to get any dangerous ideas from them
cui bono
(19,926 posts)
(26,366 posts)DesMoinesDem
(1,569 posts)Liberal_in_LA
(44,397 posts)Posteritatis
(18,807 posts)Throd
(7,208 posts)Hassin Bin Sober
(26,841 posts)So there's that.
(7,208 posts)Better have an informational campaign about that.
(22,457 posts)progressoid
(50,932 posts)
(22,000 posts)They would be an instant collectors item
(2,467 posts)With cannonballs...
These people are crazy.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)No, not really.
(1,741 posts)This is a report of a report. I'd like to view the original story and see the source of this news but Linn's is a paid subscription site:
(18,318 posts)Dash87
(3,220 posts)Who wears a helmet for that?
(2 posts)Tell the the Presidents Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition and Michelle Obama to stay out of it! I think the Post Office destroying these stamps because of them is ridiculous. So what if the skateboarder doesn't have kneepads ON A STAMP or a kid is doing a cannonball or a kid is doing a headstand without a helmet (how do you do one WITH a helmet anyway???). At least the Post Office is advocating kids to get moving instead of sitting there playing video games. egad! Oh my, what if the kids got a paper cut on their tongues licking the stamps, how safe is that? (actually they are peel and stick I'm assuming)
Maybe the Post Office should do a time lapse photograph stamp of 20 of a bunch of kids bubble wrapped and see how long it takes them to get out of it. I bet that would get them "moving" I am just kidding. No hate mail please.