General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsIf Zimmerman gets his gun back wouldn't that mean anyone
in contact with him should fear for their life?

(51,122 posts)JoePhilly
(27,787 posts)A reasonable person could now fear for their life if they see Zimmerman.
(1,156 posts)EOTE
(13,409 posts)But then again, I'd imagine that this should be clear even to you.
(1,156 posts)EOTE
(13,409 posts)And Zimmerman is obviously a fucking idiot with power issues? You seem to be suggesting that murderers who get off never murder again. I'd think that Zimmerman would be a prime candidate for a repeat offense.
(1,156 posts)... with someone attacking him who is unhappy with the verdict.
(13,409 posts)And according to Florida law, Zimmerman should be shot and killed very quickly. Anyone has a right to fear for their life around Zimmerman, thus anyone could kill Zimmy in Florida and get off on a jury trial.
(53,475 posts)Mike Daniels
(5,842 posts)Domestic violence and charges of assaulting LEO's. They may have been dropped or pleaded down but it doesn't change the fact that he has shown no qualms about getting into physical altercations.
Someone could try to goad him into doing something stupid by harrassing him which would seem risky but you never know what people may do.
(161,825 posts)kestrel91316
(51,666 posts)But you'll eventually get PPR'd, I imagine.
(22,143 posts)It's not like he's a lunatic, rabid murderer looking to gun down anyone he comes across.
This is so over the top. Makes us look as loony as the other side. Get a grip.
(57,596 posts)I'm supposed to believe that bullshit about him having some real-life black friends or something??
(22,143 posts)He's not going to shoot you out of nowhere for no reason. It's just dumb to say that.
Besides, how likely are you to come in contact with him?
Come on.
(13,409 posts)Martin was the one in fear of his life and Martin was the one who was murdered by Zimmerman. I most likely will never come in contact with him, but many other people will. I see no reason why a good bulk of them would not be very fearful of him.
(57,596 posts)I'm not suggesting he'd shoot me without warning in broad daylight, but clearly he sees people who look like me as criminals and has the ability to kill without remorse...
Besides, he's probably extra itchy out of fear that one of us will exact revenge or something; so if I was say, in a quarter-mile radius, I WOULD feel very very nervous...
(34,371 posts)And I wouldn't want him anywhere near my nephews.
And we are the wise ones - that don't go looking for trouble. Unlike some people you know.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)MrSlayer
(22,143 posts)This is nonsensical.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)for their children if George Zimmerman and his family moved into their neighborhood?
(34,371 posts)noiretextatique
(27,275 posts)or scared of gun-toting strangers. and even if said gun-toting strangers kills us: it is still our fault. so sayeth the jury, anyway.
(34,371 posts)A few people at DU. *sigh* I guess now we know what we are really dealing with - eh?
At the end of day - we all have 1st Amendment rights. Me - I'm going to say and write whatever I want about Georgie. If he doesn't like it - then he can just shoot me - right?
(15,189 posts)But that is what he did. I would think anyone near him would be justified in shooting him just in case he draws first. He brought this on himself. I hope he is miserable till the day he dies. And I think that day is near.
(27,275 posts)
(289 posts)Blue_Tires
(57,596 posts)I'd dare the courts to convict the person who pulls that off...
(14,337 posts)but keeping that gun is a very, very bad idea just from that aspect. If he insists on owning a gun, destroy that one and buy a new one. HE might be the one to fear for his life with that gun.
(37,428 posts) the only thing that ever got him noticed, and is about to bring him more money than he's ever had? Yeah, I'd say almost anyone he ever approaches should be a little worried. Dude already had severe mental problems, and now these very problems have been validated and are garnering him the approbation of the only people who will ever associate with him again.
I doubt he will turn into a mass murderer, but we should all be frightened.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)best to just defend yourself if you're armed and ask questions later.
(55,537 posts)but if you shoot you're fine, as long as you're white.
(20,600 posts)but as a white guy, yea, I would feel safe. Zimmerman doesn't view me as "the enemy".
Response to LiberalFighter (Original post)
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(51,666 posts)doc03
(37,421 posts)because you felt threatened. With their SYG law anyone should get off for that one.
(65,616 posts)nt.
(17,671 posts)JohnnyBoots
(2,969 posts)plan to sucker punch him and then ground and pound.
(27,985 posts)Been thinking this for a bit now.
(55,537 posts)He's a proven killer.
(161,825 posts)so YES
(78,249 posts)Only black people in contact with him should fear for their lives.
Mr. David
(535 posts)Because I fear for my life, and is protected under SYG.
George Zimmerman is a criminal and a murderer, so everyone has justification under Florida law to shoot GZ's ass, according to the jury.
(10,136 posts)SYG only applies after you have shown your self defense claim was reasonable (ability, opportunity, jeopardy).