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SANFORD, Fla. WFTV reporter Daralene Jones spoke with a woman who heard a Sanford vigilante shoot a 17-year-old boy as he was walking home from a convenience store with a bag of candy.
The shooter, George Zimmerman, claimed self-defense in the killing, Sanford police said.
They said there was not enough evidence to arrest Zimmerman, fueling outrage around Central Florida and the nation.
However, witness Mary Cutcher said she knew the truth. Cutcher said police only took a two or three sentence statement from her, but it took about 30 minutes to tell WFTV the story.
"The cries stopped as soon as the gun went off, so I know it was the little boy," Cutcher said.
INTERVIEW: Witness talks to WFTV about teen slaying
Cutcher said a cry for help got her attention on the day Trayvon Martin was shot and killed in her backyard by Zimmerman, who was a neighborhood vigilante.
Cutcher said that until now, she ignored repeated attempts by national and local media to share what she saw, partially out of fear.
"We said, 'Is everything OK? And he just looked at us. Selma [another witness] asked him again, 'What's up, what's going on, everything OK? And he just said, 'Call the police,' kind of nonchalantly, kind of like, 'Leave me alone,' '' Cutcher said.
According to a partial police report, Cutcher is one of six witnesses that Sanford police took a statement from.
Cutcher said it was short, and police never questioned her in detail until after she repeatedly reached out to them.
"Blew us off, and I called him back again and I said, "I know this was not self-defense. There was no punching, no hitting going on at the time, no wrestling,'" Cutcher said.
Cutcher said she believes whatever confrontation there was, it ended before they got to her backyard. She also said she believes Zimmerman continued to chase Martin as he tried to get home.
More at link:
Say what you want about Nancy Grace, but she lamented about how difficult it was for the prosecution when they had cops on the stand saying that Zimmerman is "truthful" in their own prosecution case. I agree with her on that one.

(20,450 posts)about collusion between the Sanford Police Department, Zimmerman, and the State will come to light.
This case was mishandled. It was a cover-up and collusion.
(51,859 posts)this jury, either.
"I thought he was still alive" yet the cries for help stopped immediately after the shooting.
"Shit he's running" but he came back to attack me.
"I went back to get an address for the dispatcher" yet I wasn't asked to.
"I was headed back to my truck" but refused to meet police there.
"I didn't follow Trayvon" but I took two flashlights with me and was going in the same direction.
"He pinched my nose and smothered me while I yelled for help" yet that can't be heard on the audio tape.
And on it goes..
(24,739 posts)PoliticAverse
(26,366 posts)Recorded Friday, March 2nd, 2012:
(51,859 posts)account, yet there was only one who did so.
(26,366 posts)pacalo
(24,739 posts)She didn't need an interpreter during that day-after press interview outside her apartment.
(51,859 posts)Thanks.
(24,739 posts)She showed more heart in trying to do what was right than anyone the prosecutors came up with. Very curious.
(55,406 posts)It lends credence to the idea that the prosecutors may have deliberately thrown the case.
(11,124 posts)K&R
Too many things fell through on the Prosecution. It just looked fixed to me. I think it was all played out like it was in order to cover the wrong-doing of the Sanford Police Dept. That's where the real wrong-doing began. There was no evidence taken from GZ's body, under his fingernails, in HIS blood. Nothing was documented that night on GZ. And then they let him go! The Police Dept ASSUMED that Trayvon was a ne'er do well, as he evidently had no ID on him. But I can't even believe that, as they did have his fucking cell phone. What did GZ do, render it inoperable? Did that fact come up at the trial? The phone was definitely in that evidence bag the prosecutor held up. Was that phone still operable?
No, they should have thrown GZ in jail until they identified the body, until some investigation had been done. The law fell through in Sanford, FL on Feb 26, 2012. And again on July 13, 2013.
(51,859 posts)by Zimmerman, were the "deciders" in this case.
(11,124 posts).... for the corrupt Sanford Police Dept. That whole trial was kabuki theater. I got so mad in the middle of the night that I was alerted on when some young punk made some stupid nonsensical remark and I climbed all over him. I knew when I punched "Post my reply" that I shouldn't have done it.
(92,308 posts)mzmolly
(51,859 posts)I think he was humiliated by believing Zimmercop, initially.
(21,020 posts)as a witness...
because there seem to be a lot of "I believe's" in there.
"I believe" is not evidence.
"I saw" and "I heard" are difficult enough, as ten people seeing or hearing the same thing will give their own versions of what they "saw" or "heard".
But "I believe"?
What if someone came forth to say "I believe Trayvon Martin struck the first blow"?
That wouldn't be good enough, and neither should "I believe" from the other side.
(51,859 posts)That as an overall meme of the witnesses.
(21,020 posts)don't remember that as being the "overall meme" of the witnesses.
What I remember is people saying, "I heard this". "I saw that".
And if it was the "overall meme", as you say it was, then perhaps the prosecution felt that they had more than enough witnesses who "believed" they heard or saw things they may or may not have?
I mean, many people does one need to say what they believe they saw or heard?
(51,859 posts)of what they saw. This is why Zimmerman's lies were the most important aspect of this case.