The connection between Boston and Europe’s train bombers
One or both of the brothers might well have been in touch with Chechen separatists, whose Web sites they were reportedly reading. They could even have been in touch with al-Qaeda. But I wouldnt jump to that conclusion. Chechen terrorists have in the past been more anti-Russian than pro-Islam. They are not known for being anti-American.
Look, instead, at another possibility, one that is in some ways more disturbing than the convenient foreigners who hate us explanation. Although very little has been confirmed, the behavior of the Tsarnaev brothers looks less like that of hardened, trained terrorists and far more closely resembles the second-generation European Muslims who staged bombings in Madrid, London and other European cities. Educated and brought up in Europe, these young men nevertheless felt out of place in Europe. Unable to integrate, some turned toward a half-remembered, half-mythological homeland in search of a firmer, fiercer identity. Often they did so with the help of a radical cleric like the one the Tsarnaev brothers may have known. I do not have a single American friend, Tamerlan Tsarnaev reportedly said of himself. Thats the kind of statement that might have been made by a young Pakistani living in Coventry, or a young Algerian living in Paris.
We dont expect to hear it from someone who grew up in Boston, a city that has taught generations of foreigners to become Americans in a country that likes to think of itself as a melting pot. But now it might be time to change our expectations. These terrorists are a lot less like the 9/11 attackers or the Columbine attackers and a lot more like the men known as the Tube bombers of London or the train bombers of Spain. Our response is going to have to be different very different as well.