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Boston Cop delivers milk to family with young child, during the lock down.
Bravo to our dedicated "Big Government" employees, in Boston and beyond.

blue neen
(12,440 posts)I love that last pic, btw!
(51,899 posts)Above and beyond ... as they say.
(12,977 posts)Last edited Sat Apr 20, 2013, 11:03 PM - Edit history (1)
Instant internet meme -- and it puts Reagan firmly in his grave.
(26,133 posts)That snide cynical right-wing perspective.
(976 posts)Maybe if they showed more pictures of cops holding gallons of milk, instead of AR-15 assault rifles, their public image would change. This is a PR campaign that needs to be done. Our public servants do deserve better. Peace.
(96,106 posts)
(58,162 posts)if it was up to the republican assholes these "big government" employees would be making a whole lot less and have no well earned pension.
cui bono
(19,926 posts)
And then you gotta wonder... what would they bother to deal with? I mean if it's privatized, do they have to do anything they don't want to, that's not gonna fit their cost/benefit parameters?
(15,122 posts)treestar
(82,383 posts)Reaganites need to see this and have their noses rubbed in it.
(188,604 posts)GREAT headline mzmolly
(51,899 posts)underpants.
Sadly, I can't help but think of good ol' Ronnie when we have a national disaster.
(85,167 posts)I think if I had a public platform, I could see myself launching a campaign to REMOVE his damn name from every freeway, every bridge, every high school, every building, every town square, every big boulevard, and so forth. He planted more toxic seeds in the farmlands of the American psyche than ANYONE ELSE before or since. And unfortunately, many of them have sprouted, and grown. His presidential library should be relocated to Somalia.
(34,189 posts)All those "Reagan" freeway, bridge, high school, building, town square, big boulevard, and so forth will fall into disrepair and need to be replaced sooner than later.
When that happens, we can name the new structures for people who really cared about this country and its people.
(19,044 posts)mzmolly
(51,899 posts)to pursue terrorists, before and after they strike.
(85,167 posts)Triana
(22,666 posts)...and that is justified.
We praise them when they serve and protect the public, their sworn duty. Also justified. Not "hero worship" - just credit where and when it's due. Right now for these guys, it's due.
Still Sensible
(2,870 posts)Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it.
― Mark Twain
(51,899 posts)
(22,666 posts)
(28,835 posts)I'm not sure why that's so difficult for some to understand.
(53,661 posts)SammyWinstonJack
(44,203 posts)
mountain grammy
(27,525 posts)deutsey
(20,166 posts)but there were also too many dumb asses who lapped up everything he said that made him a powerful asshole.
Dawson Leery
(19,392 posts)agent46
(1,262 posts)But I still have a lot of questions about what happened to the Occupy movement when it was in the streets and asserting a legitimate voice of dissent nationally. Police Depts. across the country are coordinated by the DHS now. There's still an iron boot there. Some of us haven't forgotten just because they're the good guys this time around.
(44,203 posts)Cha
(307,150 posts)from the Government who were so brave and vital in Boston.
(51,848 posts)While there is a place for the free market, when your house is burning down the thing you need most is six government employees and a hose.
(25,592 posts)jmowreader
(51,848 posts)There is not one business in America, not one private citizen in America, that got successful without help from the government.
Easy example: the company I work for. We have a massive hospitality division. We use government roads, government inspectors, government tourism promotion...our biggest hotel is safe because the evil government made them sink the pilings it's on forty feet deeper than our private architect wanted them.(Our biggest hotel is built on the edge of a lake; the dumbass architect wanted to set the pilings on the bedrock but the state wanted them embedded so the moist soil couldn't make them slide around.)
The baggers in the area will tell you our boss "made it on his own." The local baggers are idiots.
(43,731 posts)aaaaaa5a
(4,672 posts)Ronald Reagan pandering to the most ignorant society has to offer.
Governor Rick 'secession" Perry asking for Federal Aid.
President Obama responds to the wannabe Texas Confederate Governor.
Reagan to Obama.......... What a difference.
(53,661 posts)Cha
(307,150 posts)for sore eyes for the People of Boston and beyond!
Thank you, mzmolly
My pleasure.
(16,350 posts)mzmolly
(51,899 posts)...according to CNN.
(20,616 posts)Beautifully done. The emptiness of the bullying Reagan "government is the problem" philosophy laid bare, in touching human form.
Thank you, and well done.
YOU bleever.
I still owe you one of these:
(53,661 posts)Catch2.2
(629 posts)I think the Dems need to do is reverse the Nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.' quote. So many people have that negative image of the gov't and I think a lot can be traced to Reagan. The gov't can run well but not when it's run by people that don't think gov't works. If we could start changing the mindset that the gov't doesn't work then I think more people would start drifting away from the GOP, which would = a better America.
(51,899 posts)We need to "sell" the American people the good - in a functional, representative government.
(53,661 posts)Last edited Sun Apr 21, 2013, 02:39 AM - Edit history (1)
(16,402 posts)
(26,133 posts)where the right's adoration of Reagan comes from? Is it because he stood for starving the government and fulfilled their fantasy of living in a libertarian utopia where they could take and use and usurp everthing they craved - might makes right?
Or because they felt like was their adorable old Gramps?
I have never understood even one scintilla of the attraction.
Like GWB, I thought he had very low intellectual capacity, compassion, worldliness and understanding.
I felt like I saw right through him. But considering the regard he is held by the right, I am clearly missing something.
Am I?
(307,150 posts)He had those who are succeptible eating right out of his greedy little fist.
The silver tongued devil as it were.
(805 posts)mzmolly
(51,899 posts)Sorry to scare you.
(36,392 posts)I despise low life hypocrites like Paul Ryan.
(5,399 posts)...It's The Milk Man!!
(8,339 posts)Nicely done.
(38,745 posts)but they are union thugs!
(87 posts)The lack of that kind of presence following a major incident would scare me more.
(51,899 posts)as they say.
I agree with you, fully.
(28,151 posts)I saw it yesterday with the explanation. It just makes me smile.
Go Boston police! Some of my favorite union thugs!
(51,899 posts)Last edited Sun Apr 21, 2013, 12:18 PM - Edit history (2)
for the topic.
A lovely, human gesture, captured during a very dark time.
Edited to add Hey J!
Walk away
(9,494 posts)If the Gun Lobby had it's way, every house those officers were walking towards would be packed with AK15s with thousands of bullets and no way to tell who is holding them.
(51,899 posts)with backpacks loaded with AR15's? Sadly, the death toll would have been greater.
(37,431 posts)he doesn't look to happy to be doing it
(51,899 posts)Bravo to the cop who felt it was part of his duty to assist people in need. I'm sure "PR" wasn't the slightest consideration.
(37,431 posts)me?
(37,431 posts)an unhappy cop carrying 2 milk jugs?
(1,589 posts)super lame all of the posts with that same comment. pretty radical to still look for something negative in something positive.
Cynical, Libertarian hogwash.
world wide wally
(21,835 posts)I'm from a corporation, and I'm here to help
(3 posts)But I bet what's bugging the freaked out minds of Reagun, Paul Ryan Teabaggers is, "I hope to God that cop ain't pulling that Good Samaritan act of his on my taxpayer money else we should dock him for moonlighting as a milkman while armed and in uniform."
(51,899 posts)
(71,265 posts)
(9,841 posts)mzmolly
(51,899 posts)considering who they were seeking. Thank you for sharing.
(4,113 posts)He spent much of his adult life drawing a paycheck from the taxpayers and all he could do was speak contemptuously about government.
What a hypocrite!!