General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsIt appears that a number of people here don't understand "shelter in place"
...judging by the complaints about "Martial Law".
"Shelter in Place" is a SAFETY protcol. It is not a curfew and it is not a denial of civil rights. It is issued when public authorities believe that staying inside is the safest place for people to be, just as an evacuation order is based on a decision that people would be safer outside a particular area. Nobody is subject to arrest if they violate the order, just as nobody is forced at gunpoint to evacuate thei home during a hurricane.
(nb-I help run a Community Emergency Response Team and have training in these matters)

(36,437 posts)OFFICIALS: "We don't actually know where this guy is or whether he has numerous violent confederates. The best way to stay safe is to stay put."
DUMBSHITS: "You can't tell ME what to DO!!!! Fascists!!!!"
(6,151 posts)MadrasT
(7,237 posts)
(20,277 posts)distantearlywarning
(4,475 posts)It's a 15 year old mentality: all knee-jerk rebellion, no common sense.
(53,661 posts)uponit7771
(92,327 posts)ChangeUp106
(549 posts)Imagine if this was the South? People would be taking up arms and refusing to comply
(58,179 posts)La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)cartach
(511 posts)dballance
(5,756 posts)Making it sound like the police have locked down the city by decree.
Brother Buzz
(38,180 posts)emulatorloo
(45,728 posts)Lots of folks here have a Alex Jones mindset.
(6,615 posts)many american don't keep food in the Fridge
(511 posts)Scuba
(53,475 posts)kentauros
(29,414 posts)Although I first heard it used for us looking at Hurricane Rita bearing down on us in 2005. I don't know if it was in use before that, though.
(60,567 posts)
(36,286 posts)because they are afraid!
(53,661 posts)olddots
(10,237 posts)The "news " media has got the mass hysteria meter pegged with their repeated fear mongering and dramatic bullshit .
MSNBC running a chaser that says LOCKDOWN it's confusing and pandering to fools .
(511 posts)coming across as if they are actors in some dramatic TV production. They should restrict themselves to reporting the facts as they are made public instead of the non stop analysis,different scenarios,what ifs and general bullshit. Of course this has has been going on for many years and represents free speech but when does free speech get trumped by bullshit.
Arctic Dave
(13,812 posts)Ie, ammonia leak, or any other gas release.
I think they are misusing the term.
Cal Carpenter
(4,959 posts)are NOT expected to stay at work, they can drive home, or take taxis, or whatever (no public transp though) and should shelter in place at home. They are *encouraging* people to go out to travel home.
Definitely *not* a sign of total lockdown or martial law.
I'm frustrated about misuse of this word. It veers into dangerous hyperbole/'boy who cried wolf' territory. I think potential abuse of authority, over-reaction, are all reasonable areas of discussion with all this, but martial law it ain't.
If it goes on for too long, and people start getting arrested for going out, then we can talk about all that. But for now I haven't heard of a single case of innocent civilians being arrested by cops or military or anything just for being outside.
(511 posts)Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)
(53,661 posts)kickysnana
(3,908 posts)I live in a block construction fire safe building for seniors. We are supposed to stay in our apartments unless someone comes to tell us to leave. Invariably some people wait about 4 minutes and then start going out to find out and the rest hear people taking/moving in the hall so they all come out to what is/was going on.
It would help if they had an end time where they sound or say "all clear" for the fire alarm/drill but they don't so technically I should be in my apartment since the last time last summer. But suggestions seem to all end up in the circular file with the management of this place and logic is not a subject they seem to be familiar with.
(6,234 posts)Sure, we sometimes use it when we shouldn't, and rarely when we really should, but there it is.
(34,108 posts)and not at the stupid times. Lackadaisical about wire-tapping, the Iraq War reasons, etc.
(6,234 posts)AngryAmish
(25,704 posts)Haven't had a day like that in years. I miss it soi.
(18,068 posts)They're not going to drag you, kicking and screaming, out of your house -- but if the shit hits the fan, they're putting you on notice that you're NOT going to be at the top of their list of priorities.
(8,339 posts)Some of the posts today have been simply disgusting.
(96,010 posts)ReRe
(11,134 posts)... of the term "shelter in place." Knowledge is gooooood.
Response to brooklynite (Original post)
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