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Last edited Fri Mar 1, 2013, 01:16 AM - Edit history (1)

(152,914 posts)lunasun
(21,646 posts)Maraya1969
(23,153 posts)CaliforniaPeggy
(152,914 posts)
(23,153 posts)
(12,001 posts)octoberlib
(14,971 posts)joeybee12
(56,177 posts)WilliamPitt
(58,179 posts)and ask if this is in any way real.
(14,910 posts)
Electric Monk
(13,869 posts)rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)Luminous Animal
(27,310 posts)tammywammy
(26,582 posts)and google search for keystone time magazine cover
(53,339 posts)cbrer
(1,831 posts)A light in the darkness.
A helping hand to a sinking planet.
Thanks CP. You rock!
(12,022 posts)wow wow wow!!!
I have not picked up a Time or Newsweek for years because neither one tells the truth about what's happening to Earth. But I have to give them credit for this.
(24,692 posts)
(95,205 posts)from over here near where that abomination is proposed to arrive.
(63,421 posts)At least not what I know of them anymore.
Response to CaliforniaPeggy (Original post)
srogers Message auto-removed
Progressive dog
(7,353 posts)Jackpine Radical
(45,274 posts)Here are the current & recent covers:
(7,044 posts)...and the r
(58,179 posts)What's the story here?
(53,339 posts)It's from the next-to-last paragraph of Michael Grunwald's commentary inside the March 11 issue:
I'm with the Tree Huggers,9171,2137419,00.html
This is the cover of the U.S. edition:
March 11, 2013 | Vol. 181 No. 9
(20,219 posts)

(153 posts)limpyhobbler
(8,244 posts)Thanks
Luminous Animal
(27,310 posts)BlancheSplanchnik
(20,219 posts)Wow!
It's about TIME media stepped away from the M$M profit at all costs, keep the bajillionaire club happy, politics is just sports protocol.
ETA: oh. This isn't actually the cover. So Time isn't being as progressive as it seemed. Hmmm.
(23,864 posts)(!)
(53,339 posts)robinlynne
(15,481 posts)blkmusclmachine
(16,149 posts)
(152,914 posts)I should have been more thorough.
I'm sorry.
(21,646 posts)I found it on Facebook. Wish it was real or something like that added to the post
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)

(1,309 posts)The President has clearly stated he wants Organizing for Obama to push his agenda yet at the same time he wants OFA to support local grass roots movements. Well here is his chance to support a grass roots movement. Everytime I get a request to donate, and everytime I am asked to listen to his message or those about his agenda, I am struck by how selective that agenda may be at any time. In many cases I am reminded that Nixon said trust me too. I do not mean to imply that the President is dishonest like Nixon but I would like to know what the President's agenda is for the environment and more specifically as it relates to the Keystone Pipeline. I recognize that the President can make this decision without enlisting any grassroots support but since we are so often asked to have his back on issues such as the sequester, taxation, the violence against women, gun control etc., it seems fitting he would have our backs on this issue and if so should let us know. President Reagan, who I personally disliked, but often cited by the President said Trust but Verify. I say we should trust but now is the time to verify. Does OFA really belong to the grassroots or is it the Propert of the President's alone?
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)independent organizations like moveon, PCCC, PDA, or DFA.
(511 posts)About time DU grew up. Allowing garbage like this to be printed from various sources is no better than the misleading or outright BS tactics that FOX uses.
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)misplaced.
(12,072 posts)If Obama stops it, the Canadian oil will still be developed. With the world demand for oil being what it is now, there is no way that such a huge amount of oil will not be developed. Canada will simply run a pipeline to their Pacific coast while building their own refining capacity. The only different end result is in who make the money from refining all that oil.
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)isnt worth the cost to the tax payers for the clean up of a spill, or the danger to the water supplies. Let the Canadians take the risks. I am surprised you'd repeat the talking points of the conservatives.
(12,072 posts)And I have worked in offshore oil. So I know a few things about oil and pipelines. My points were from my experience, not from reading conservative arguments. Face it, that oil WILL be developed.
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)workers will get.
Dont you agree that the conservatives want the pipeline to enable corporations to make money? Liberals are against the pipeline. Where do you stand?
(12,072 posts)Lots of people who are against the pipeline think that by blocking the pipeline they will also stop the development of the tar sands oil. The oil will be developed with or without the Keystone XL.
Oil pipelines are extremely safe. Pipeline spills are very rare. With oil being worth over $100 dollars per barrel, the oil companies don't want $$$$ pouring out onto the ground.
Pipeline crews and refinery crews tend to be well paid. Often they are unionized.
Do you accuse everybody who disagres with you of being a conservative? It is starting to look like Obama will approve the pipeline. If he does, will you accuse him of being a conservative?
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)The conservatives want the pipeline. Their arguments are that it's going to be built anyway so might as well cross thousands of miles of America. The pipeline will create jobs.
The few jobs are not worth the environmental risk. Even if rare, the damage to water supplies of a rupture could be disastrous. And the clean up most likely would be with taxpayer money. BP didnt want to lose billions of barrels of oil into the Gulf but they didnt take the least bit of precautions to avoid it.
Almost every day we hear about the pipeline pushing Americans off their property for the goodness of the corporation.
(12,072 posts)They were put forward against the Trans-Alaska pipeline. The pipeline was built and it has worked very well.
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)The Canadian pipeline is intended to benefit oil producers in Canada not the USofA.
The Canadian pipeline will push many Americans off their properties and reduce the value of thousands of peoples lands for the benefit of corporations.
It will endanger water supplies for thousands.
Again the small amount of wages generated isnt worth the environmental risks.
(24,149 posts)Time would never go against their oil and gas company advertisers. The money is more important to them than journalism