This idea that investing with after tax money somehow absolves people from ever paying taxes on the
gains from that investment is absurd.
First of all, earning money is in and of itself is an isolated economic event.
Investing money is as well an isolated economic event.
The gain (or loss) from that investment increases (or decreases) the pile of money you started with from the start.
Second, if you make investment income tax free then you would also have to say that it should not be used to lower taxes if a loss is the result of your investment.
Now as it stand, you can deduct up to $1,500 to $ 3,000 from your ordinary income (Wages, rents and interest) if you sell an asset or investment at a loss.
That would go away using the magical financial segregation Mr. Romney believes in with all his heart.
So Mr. Romney, this is a country of individuals who come together to form a society. If we continue to pit one class of people against another, how long can we expect that society to stand firm.
After all, it wasn't the sons and daughters of the 1% who were fighting and dying "for" our country, it was overwhelmingly the kids who were looking to fit in someplace and found the Armed Forces.
If you lose the support of the people who love their country, believe that this is a country of men and women and not a country of haves, and have nots then you destroy the connection we have to the USA...