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How do you differentiate between the 2?
A post of my work at a shelter got banned (I assume because i just one of those liberals who acts on what he does)
Where do you draw the line?
The devil in me wants to ask, can we tolerate liberals in our mix>
9 votes, 1 pass | Time left: Unlimited | |
Liberal... | |
4 (44%) |
Progressive... | |
4 (44%) |
Other | |
1 (11%) |
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(14,195 posts)Riftaxe
(2,693 posts)Jackpine Radical
(45,274 posts)I have no idea what you're trying to ask, or what the differences are btween the two terms in your usage.
(2,693 posts)are probably the two i would point you towards.
(2,693 posts)seems a bit pedantic to me...but ya know, where the crowd goes...I will be left behind doing what i believe in.
(5,330 posts)"Progressives" have a long history of authoritarianism, such as the Temperance movement and Prohibition. You see many progressives today behind he gun control movement.
"Liberal" on the other hand implies tolerance, live and let live, freedom on social issues and on what people do with their bodies.
I'm more of a left-libertarian, so I identify with the "liberal" label more than "progressive."
(2,693 posts)and i find you very astute...While we can assume the progressives of the day are not aware of it, you are the first person to acknowledge that disgusting baggage.
banned from Kos
(4,017 posts)(Same for gun bans).
Don't tell me how to live (I am pro-choice pro gay marriage too).
(11,804 posts)If you offer someone delicious crepes and they say "these are good crepes" that person is undoubtedly a progressive.
If you drop a hammer on someone's foot and they cry out, they are probably a liberal!
If, at any time, a person says or even thinks the word frappacino they are probably a progressive.
Evergreen Emerald
(13,095 posts)Done in response to the republican's successful de-dehumanization of the anyone "liberal."
So, in answer to your poll...both.
(2,693 posts)I suppose i should have asked what is the definition between liberal and progressive.
Evergreen Emerald
(13,095 posts)People stopped associating themselves with "liberal" in response. "Progressive" started replacing the term "liberal" recently.
I think that you are correct: how the terms are defined is key. I understand the history of the terms. I believe they have morphed into something different.
(37,364 posts)serve the purpose of creating discord. I don't think you can be one without being the other.
(11,641 posts)and pencil me in that group please....
(2,693 posts)Sure, might have to close *most of our bases* but that is the point.
on edit: don't know about the others, but you my kind of liberal
(19,877 posts)Hope that cleared it up.
(2,693 posts)because i had too. was 30 years ago anyways
(3,145 posts)gollygee
(22,336 posts)is that in economic circles, liberal means anything but liberal politically. "Liberal" means "radical free market capitalism." And in some countries the liberal party is what we would call neo-cons, though they call them neo-liberals.
I guess I personally prefer the word "progressive."
(2,693 posts)while hardley today don't encumber us with the definitons of 200 years and french too boot
To me reading progressive on a screen means eugenics and the other bother that they held dear.,
banned from Kos
(4,017 posts)the rest of the world uses the word more accurately.
(2,693 posts)one hundred percent.
(16,694 posts)VERY roughly speaking, I tend to see liberals as leaning far more towards an insistence of socialism in the form of DIRECT control of critical industries and services (nationalize the banks, oil industry, etc.). I tend to see progressives as leaning more towards merely wanting to heavily regulate markets and industries. They're also more "tolerant" of trying to accomplish goals through influence instead of direct control, even with respect to the social safety net.
But there's alot of hair splitting in there and to some extent one might suggest that all progressives are liberals, but not all liberals are progressives. i.e. one is just a subset of the other.
(2,693 posts)however, one i like well enough not to argue
very well said.
Mc Mike
(9,181 posts)Anti-authoritarian, anti-totalitarian.
Can't see fighting vs.liberals or progressives, but would oppose the authoritarian streak someone cited as reason for banning your shelter work post. I don't understand that ban.
(20,441 posts)If you go to Japan, for instance, the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan is considered the center-right political party. It also is the most dominant party there and has been for decades. The option for voters that is to the left of the LDPJ is the Democratic Party of Japan, which recently just lost power back to the LDPJ.
If you go to Australia, the Liberal Party is the right-wing party in Australia. The Labor Party there is considered to the left of the Liberals. The Green Party is even further left than the Labor Party, occupying the old positions that Labor once occupied three decades ago.
The reason the word liberal means something entirely different in the United States is because Franklin Roosevelt co-opted the term "liberal" from the Republican Party. He redefined it to mean working class freedoms from unfair competition and monopolies and the freedom to pursue renumerative jobs that offered human decency and a comfortable standard of living.
Prior to FDR, liberal basically meant the freedom to run a business however one saw fit, even if it meant using child labor and little or no environmental pollution control or workplace safety standards. That's what liberal meant, and it's what I still consider the accurate term. "Neoliberal" as a term was invented in the US because of this historical anomaly with the term.
(26,314 posts)Riftaxe
(2,693 posts)want the same thing...however; progressives are willing to make every man, woman and child suffer to achieve it.
(72,631 posts)But first, I would like to say what I understand the word "Liberal" to mean and explain in the process why I consider myself to be a "Liberal," and what it means in the presidential election of 1960.
In short, having set forth my view -- I hope for all time -- two nights ago in Houston, on the proper relationship between church and state, I want to take the opportunity to set forth my views on the proper relationship between the state and the citizen. This is my political credo:
I believe in human dignity as the source of national purpose, in human liberty as the source of national action, in the human heart as the source of national compassion, and in the human mind as the source of our invention and our ideas. It is, I believe, the faith in our fellow citizens as individuals and as people that lies at the heart of the liberal faith. For liberalism is not so much a party creed or set of fixed platform promises as it is an attitude of mind and heart, a faith in man's ability through the experiences of his reason and judgment to increase for himself and his fellow men the amount of justice and freedom and brotherhood which all human life deserves.
I believe also in the United States of America, in the promise that it contains and has contained throughout our history of producing a society so abundant and creative and so free and responsible that it cannot only fulfill the aspirations of its citizens, but serve equally well as a beacon for all mankind. I do not believe in a superstate. I see no magic in tax dollars which are sent to Washington and then returned. I abhor the waste and incompetence of large-scale federal bureaucracies in this administration as well as in others. I do not favor state compulsion when voluntary individual effort can do the job and do it well. But I believe in a government which acts, which exercises its full powers and full responsibilities. Government is an art and a precious obligation; and when it has a job to do, I believe it should do it. And this requires not only great ends but that we propose concrete means of achieving them.
Our responsibility is not discharged by announcement of virtuous ends. Our responsibility is to achieve these objectives with social invention, with political skill, and executive vigor. I believe for these reasons that liberalism is our best and only hope in the world today. For the liberal society is a free society, and it is at the same time and for that reason a strong society. Its strength is drawn from the will of free people committed to great ends and peacefully striving to meet them. Only liberalism, in short, can repair our national power, restore our national purpose, and liberate our national energies. And the only basic issue in the 1960 campaign is whether our government will fall in a conservative rut and die there, or whether we will move ahead in the liberal spirit of daring, of breaking new ground, of doing in our generation what Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman and Adlai Stevenson did in their time of influence and responsibility.
Our liberalism has its roots in our diverse origins...
Full Speech:

(2,693 posts)But I loved it then, love it even more now
(25,960 posts)from traditionally liberal positions and constituencies.
The Clintons, for example, are so-called "progressives", but aren't "liberals" in the slightest.
(2,693 posts)and Hillary once in primary....
(16,694 posts)They took a few progressive positions on some issues, but it was as much by happenstance as anything. They took distinctively conservative positions on several things. Many of them were positions subsequent candidates ran AGAINST. DADT, DOMA, and NAFTA being probably the three biggest.
(3,102 posts)raouldukelives
(5,178 posts)MrYikes
(720 posts)More and consistent posting of this type would allow learning.
(60,567 posts)One from Column A, two from Column B. Choice of egg drop or hot and sour soup.
With five or more you get free egg rolls.
(2,526 posts)muriel_volestrangler
(103,008 posts)I'm sure you knew that; but it's just as well that everyone else knows it too, rather than seeing the picture of martyrdom you want to paint.
(10,136 posts)You ask multiple questions, but the poll seems to be answering the question "What are you?" which is not one of the asked questions.