General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsMaybe it's too early for my announcement, but I'm moving to
Costa Rica! To close on my beautiful new house on February 14th.

(74 posts)I have been to Costa Rica several times and love it.
Your house looks great! What area is that?
(54,005 posts)niyad
(122,079 posts)sinkingfeeling
(54,005 posts)niyad
(122,079 posts)niyad
(122,079 posts)Celerity
(47,842 posts)your pic).
Active volcano nearby for added spiciness.
(188,542 posts)That looks awesome
(107,779 posts)We'll just have to live vicariously through you... Congrats.
(17,928 posts)livetohike
(23,233 posts)Looking forward to more pics .
(10,952 posts)
(880 posts)but i fully intend on leaving!
Maru Kitteh
(29,586 posts)akbacchus_BC
(5,813 posts)DFW
(57,168 posts)¡Que tengas muy buena suerte y mucha felicidad en tu nuevo hogar!
(54,005 posts)BonnieJW
(2,716 posts)Do the people speak English?
That's my hold up to moving to Mexico. Language and safety.
(54,005 posts)GreenWave
(10,115 posts)Por ejemplo:
This is rather fast paced. Just let your ears focus on the sound. Then use your eyes after several times through..
(57,168 posts)I'm sure there are courses available in Spanish for Gringos who move there.
As one who has lived in other countries, including Spain, I really recommend learning as much of the local language as you can. It improves the quality of life where you live, presuming you are not a hermit by nature, and is always a boost to safety and security if you find yourself in a jam, and there are only locals around to help you.
(4,864 posts)Bluethroughu
(6,825 posts)Response to sinkingfeeling (Original post)
Tbear This message was self-deleted by its author.
mountain grammy
(27,519 posts)Joinfortmill
(17,180 posts)Although, I'm old, so I will likely stay and RESIST.
Sucha NastyWoman
(2,972 posts)Which looks lovely, by the way.
(54,005 posts)HereForTheParty
(601 posts)nm
(54,005 posts)any groceries nor paid any utility bills yet. Won't need winter clothes!
(85,162 posts)From this angle, that pretty blue pool looks like a heart!
VERY Nice! Congratulations, sinkingfeeling! Enjoy it ALL!
(3,460 posts)I assume we are all invited.
Ace Rothstein
(3,312 posts)SheltieLover
(62,365 posts)It's gorgeous!
Fla Dem
(26,249 posts)LoisB
(9,398 posts)mchill
(1,152 posts)Remember, you can still vote from abroad!
(11,160 posts)I'm jealous! Can I come with you? Well that's real nice, I'm so happy for you!
I always wanted to go to Costa Rica. They play those little pan flutes I've
always been interested in. The sounds are so happy. Yeah, and you'll have
beautiful birds flying all around. And I remember listening to a radio program
on short wave from down there. Do you know if they still have that
international radio station? What language do they speak there?
Let me see if I can say something in Espanol:
Hasta luego, mi amigo!
Solly Mack
(93,874 posts)MontanaMama
(24,241 posts)Im really happy for you. When will you move?
(123 posts)twodogsbarking
(12,665 posts)Figarosmom
(4,352 posts)PortTack
(35,231 posts)ratchiweenie
(8,031 posts)buying there?
(54,005 posts)all transactions must be in cash. No financing for foreigners.
(8,031 posts)Ruby the Liberal
(26,361 posts)I am so jealous! I love Costa Rica. Best wishes to you.
LT Barclay
(2,819 posts)website is a lot of fun and very informative
(20 posts)We've been traveling to CR since 2010. We even purchased a piece of land in El Rodeo, up the hill from Ciudad Colon. I panicked once we started building because it proved to be onerous. I think I was a wimp!
You did the smart thing. If we had bought something already built, we'd have been there by now. Did you go through an agent, or was it private? I am determined to go back.
Grumpy Old Guy
(3,676 posts)It looks great. I'll be looking forward to seeing your photos.
(43,446 posts)Hope you'll stay here although I wouldn't blame you if you left America to its own devices.
(424 posts)May have to look down there too.
(2,298 posts)Belize is also a great choice.
I chose the Philippines because my wife has property there and is a citizen.
(35,004 posts)we did a spring break trip to the Arenal area. LOVED it! The pace is slower, and the people are kind (those 2 things tend to go together). Enjoy!
(10,245 posts)You will have to change your name now!
how about: feelinglifted ?
I wish you only the best in your new home! You'll have to stay in touch with us!
(10,188 posts)Did you make a lot of trips there to visit before you decided to move there?
(54,005 posts)FM123
(10,188 posts)So happy for you and your family!
(18,385 posts)Blue_Tires
(57,596 posts)Alberta Bound
(6 posts)You guys are a hoot !
First, ya OP - congratulations for your new digs.
Second, just to remind you (and others if applicable), that if:
a) you are a U.S. citizen, and/or...
b) a "U.S. Person" (look it up), or...
c) have not renounced or relinquished (look it up) your U.S. citizenship...
- then you still remain subject to all the laws, regulations, requirements, etc., of the U.S. Treasury Department IRS, and the U.S. State Department.
For those of you who believe that by simply "moving out of" the United States automatically gifts you an escape from certain U.S. Government "obligations" then at some point in your future there will be a day of reckoning - or the "OMG Day".
>>. point is: due diligence >> look it up.
(54,005 posts)markie
(23,114 posts)you forgot to include our invitations to visit anytime...
(7,128 posts)

(315 posts)Best wishes to you! Congratulations. What a lovely home and view!
(6,737 posts)It's up to us to do what we can. You CR place looks great though!
(3,059 posts)SpankMe
(3,368 posts)Save me some bed space.
Evolve Dammit
(19,920 posts)moonshinegnomie
(3,064 posts)CR,panama,spain,portugal or possibly even mexico
(12,685 posts)Well done, stunning!!!
(520 posts)tornado34jh
(1,357 posts)If you don't mind me asking, are you bilingual?
(54,005 posts)tornado34jh
(1,357 posts)But Spanish does give you access to quite a bit of countries. Maybe you will make some friends who might be able to translate for you.
(307,124 posts)Bon Voyage... we'll be interested to know how well that goes!
(24,783 posts)Karma13612
(4,733 posts)I used to follow a wonderful YouTube channel from an artist couple from California who moved there a few years ago. It was so informative and enjoyable as well.
Rob and LorrieMarie Move to Costa Rica
Theyre settled and now just enjoying Pura Vida! They have stopped producing new videos but the whole series is still available.
(1,282 posts)They're all I've got, and if something happens to them, I'm going to be here for them, or die trying to help them.
I do wish I could convince them to go. The middle boy is a Republican fool, but he's mine and I love him anyway.
Whatever the Orange Anus plans, I'll deal with it.
(9,390 posts)Congratulations.............I'm sorry it came to this....(If you hadn't been planning on moving anyway)...
A group of my closest friends gathered together yesterday at one of the couple's house (Laguna Niguel- Nice) and ate, played games, and had some meaningful conversations.
I was with folks who like to travel and the most popular location in which to relocate (among this group) was France. I don't know if it's doable for me. Thank God I live in California.....
I'm happy for you.....
(67,289 posts)good luck to you!!