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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsBiden commutes sentence for Kids-for-Cash judge, 72, was convicted along with former judge Mark A. Ciavarella Jr., 74, of funneling juvenile defendants to two private, for-profit detention centers in exchange for $2.1 million in kickbacks.
Conahan pleaded guilty to racketeering conspiracy charges and was sentenced in 2011 to 17½ years in prison. However, he petitioned the courts for a compassionate release during the COVID-19 pandemic, writing that he was in grave danger of not only contracting the virus, but of dying from the virus.
The judges were convicted of accepting millions in kickbacks in exchange for populating for-profit juvenile prisons with offenders whose sentences were often disproportionate to their crimes.

(15,221 posts)JCMach1
(28,325 posts)
(15,221 posts)marble falls
(63,186 posts)Prairie Gates
(4,057 posts)None of the 1500 were still incarcerated.
(4,151 posts)How does that happen?
Response to BlueTsunami2018 (Reply #3)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(32,360 posts)BlueTsunami2018
(4,151 posts)Did these things slip through the cracks? Did someone deliberately put that one in the stack?
I doubt President Biden personally vetted these pardons and commutations.
Response to BlueTsunami2018 (Reply #15)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(4,151 posts)Enjoy your stay.
Prairie Gates
(4,057 posts)One of the 1500. The only one anyone will talk about from now until when Trump pardons violent January 6 convicts.
Just kidding. They won't talk about that.
(14,003 posts)Both of them deserve to die in prison.
Judges, police, attorneys, public defenders, and attorney generals deserve double the punishment.
Anyone whose job it is to protect law and order should have their sentences doubled.
Prairie Gates
(4,057 posts)He was released from prison during the Trump administration under the COVID release protocols. He's been out of prison for 4 years. Biden's commutation basically took 3 or 4 years off his home confinement.
It's weird that the OP skipped that part of the story...
(14,003 posts)That makes it worse.
He should have never been let out.
If he caught covid, oh well.
The two of them didn't give a damn about the kids they damaged.
The justice system or lack there of sucks in this country.
Prairie Gates
(4,057 posts)Again, that happened in June 2020. As I read it, he didn't even have COVID - he was just eligible for COVID-related release. As it stands, he served about 9 years of a 17 1/2 year sentence in prison, and now has 4 1/2 years on home confinement. With the commutation, he basically takes the next 4 years off his home confinement. He has served 79% of his sentence; the federal average is 85% of the sentence, which in his case would have been a little under 15 years. He's served 13 1/2 years, so this commutation would have taken about 18 months off his sentence.
(409 posts)Prairie Gates
(4,057 posts)Why has this guy been on home confinement for 4 1/2 years?
(6,837 posts)Prairie Gates
(4,057 posts)
(5,581 posts)Prairie Gates
(4,057 posts)Do you know?
He was already on house arrest, and probably had 15-18 months left to serve. Shoudl the President have intervened in the BOP policy to return this guy to prison? Is that your claim?
(14,095 posts)The DOJ could certainly have returned people to prison once the threat of Covid had subsided.
Prairie Gates
(4,057 posts)None of them were in prison.
If 1 or 2 or 10 were bad seeds, that's a fuck-up, to be sure, but on balance, I'm not losing sleep over this guy taking his ankle monitor off now rather than in January 2026. The other 1490, or 1498, or 1499 make up for it, my view.
By the way, this guy was released from prison and put on house arrest during the Trump administration. That's important to note, no?
(14,095 posts)These commutation recipients, who were placed on home confinement during the COVID pandemic, have successfully reintegrated into their families and communities and have shown that they deserve a second chance, Biden said.
In a separate statement, White House officials said Biden is granting clemency to nonviolent offenders who were sentenced under outdated laws, policies, and practices.
Prairie Gates
(4,057 posts)Which is something you should acknowledge, seems to me.
Like I said, if 1498 get some relief and two are awful, I can live with that, especially if he was gonna take the ankle monitor off in a year, year and a half anyway.
(14,095 posts)IMO, as soon as the pandemic concern was no longer, he should have been returned back to prison, not released early because his sentence was considered to be too harsh
Prairie Gates
(4,057 posts)Which is somethign you should acknowledge, it seems to me. It's getting weird that you won't.
Also from the link:
Who was President in June 2020? We all know. You can say it.
(14,095 posts)Trump was gone in 6 months. Conahan should have been sent right back to jail as soon as Trump was gone and kept there until his sentence was completed.
He sent juveniles to prison in return for bribes, yet people for some reason feel sorry for him and support his early release. I just don't get it.
President Biden said the commutations were granted because the defendants would receive lower sentences if charged under todays laws, policies, and practices. I disagree with both the president and you that the original sentence was too harsh.
Prairie Gates
(4,057 posts)
Please don 't delete all these posts, too, guy.

Response to Prairie Gates (Reply #65)
MichMan This message was self-deleted by its author.
(34,315 posts)DeepWinter
(832 posts)commuting 1,500 people at time with one signature, you haven't a clue as to who you're commuting. You might know a dozen of them. People who know people who pull strings get names on a list and the President is trusting his people that this is OK.
I would really like to not see it done this way. It's a classic Good 'Ol boy smokey backroon deal for the majority of these people. Or it at least has the perception of that, and that's not good.
(1,444 posts)Goonch
(3,848 posts)BeerBarrelPolka
(1,444 posts)Indefensible.
(409 posts)This judge was in service to Capitalist America Inc. thats the only reason why the senate was commuted
(86,329 posts)Solly Mack
(93,895 posts)They deserved to die in prison.
Fix The Stupid
(975 posts)Right here..this.
There is no defence for this. Don't even try...
And don't give me the 'Trump did this too and it was worse! eleventy!!"
When you start comparing your actions to that idiot, you've already lost the conversation...
(91,311 posts)Fla Dem
(26,252 posts)Last edited Fri Dec 13, 2024, 12:06 PM - Edit history (1)
However he had served 13 of his 17 year sentence and has been under home confinement since 2020.
So really not a great change.
(6,837 posts)Not good at all.
The Unmitigated Gall
(4,708 posts)Bluethroughu
(6,837 posts)The children, he wrongly convicted and incarcerated have records and backgrounds that prevent them from living their best life...he profited off their demise.
Blue Full Moon
(1,686 posts)Oneironaut
(5,898 posts)This and letting him out on house arrest before that.
Silent Type
(8,246 posts)republianmushroom
(18,707 posts)"Conahan, 72, was convicted along with former judge Mark A. Ciavarella Jr., 74, of funneling juvenile defendants to two private, for-profit detention centers in exchange for $2.1 million in kickbacks." Judges picking up a little pocket change.
Guess I'm going to have to cut back my criticism of the convicted felons pardoning some now. Chuckle, chuckle
Don't know whether to put the sarcastic sticker on this or not.
(18,707 posts)Damn !
(51,587 posts)Freddie
(9,788 posts)My son was involved in the juvenile courts at the time this case was happening. He was no angel but he certainly didnt deserve a prison sentence. Thankfully we live in another county and he was treated fairly. What happened to those kids kept me up at night. How could a judge even call himself human to deliberately inflict pain on CHILDREN to line his pocket?? They deserved life with no parole. Did the kids get any restitution? Free state university would have been a good start.
(14,095 posts)Who was responsible and what did they get out of it?
(6,837 posts)PeaceWave
(1,349 posts)maxsolomon
(35,787 posts)Sentenced to 17 years in 2011. That's 13 years ago. He was sent home in 2020 so he didn't get CV19. He likely would have been released by now if CV19 had never happened.
Get over it, DU. The quality of mercy is not strained.
Response to maxsolomon (Reply #45)
PeaceWave This message was self-deleted by its author.
(1,444 posts)And I'll be goddamn if I'm going to have some internet person tell me to get over it.
(35,787 posts)- Some Goddamned Internet Person
(1,444 posts)I'm sorry that you're so soft on crime.
Your blubbering, name calling, and internet bullying won't work on me. I can guarantee you that 100%.
(10,242 posts)*
Prairie Gates
(4,057 posts)He's served 79% of the sentence; average for federals is 85%.
On balance, if they find one or two or ten of the 1,500 - all of whom are already out of prison, by the way - who should not have been commuted, that seems like an alright trade if it gets the other 1490, 1498, or 1499 to the end of their sentences in good order.
Everyone of the 1,500 commutations was of a prisoner already released to home confinement for COVID protocols.
Response to WhiskeyGrinder (Original post)
Post removed
(140 posts)Why?
Someone please explain like Im 5. Why?!?
Prairie Gates
(4,057 posts)He's served 4 1/2 years in home confinement. Biden commuted the sentence of everyone who was released to home confinement under COVID protocols. He was one of those. He was going to be under home cofinement anothe 18 months if he were to serve the federal usual of 85% of his sentence. He's served 79% of his sentence.
This guy is a horrible shitbag, but was going to be free anyway in a year and half. Buden did not commute his sentence specifically, but everyone who was in his same situation. Unfortunately, that got him lcuky, so he gets to take his ankle monitor off now rather than in January or June 2026.
(14,095 posts)These commutation recipients, who were placed on home confinement during the COVID pandemic, have successfully reintegrated into their families and communities and have shown that they deserve a second chance, Biden said.
In a separate statement, White House officials said Biden is granting clemency to nonviolent offenders who were sentenced under outdated laws, policies, and practices.
(4,986 posts)Democrats should have nothing but ill will and disgust toward the private prison industrial complex.