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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsPeople aren't celebrating.
People aren't "celebrating" an assassination. People are "denying a claim" for sympathy that's out of their emotional network.

Response to onecaliberal (Original post)
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(54,563 posts)Irish_Dem
(63,954 posts)InAbLuEsTaTe
(24,791 posts)Paladin
(29,404 posts)Swede
(35,346 posts)Can you give us a reason why sympathy is required in your particular case?
(63,954 posts)Swede
(35,346 posts)Eventually...
(63,954 posts)tosh
(4,453 posts)there are limits.
(63,954 posts)Hellbound Hellhound
(294 posts)Aristus
(69,095 posts)for a patient suffering from revocation of continued existence, but the phone menu is impossible to navigate, and anyway, I have other patients who require my attention.
Response to onecaliberal (Original post)
dalton99a This message was self-deleted by its author.
(7,411 posts)onecaliberal
(36,594 posts)OverBurn
(1,134 posts)Demobrat
(10,015 posts)His enemy had a gun because anybody who wants a gun in this country can get a gun. So he got shot. Thats the country we live in. Happens every day.
And yet this mans murder is all over the news, because hes rich and white and made his living by denying care to suffering people.
Like his life matters more than the mother of two shot dead by her drunken angry husband when she tried to leave.
It doesnt.
(19,418 posts)Got obscenely rich doing it. That's the worst part.
(6,842 posts)Lack of sympathy does not mean you condone cold blooded murder. He was, albeit indirectly, responsible for a lot of pain, suffering and death. Even if he died by slipping on some ice and cracking his head open, no one is going to sympathize. Doesn't mean we condone horrible accidents.
What annoys me is all the attention this is getting in the media and police resources being used just because he was wealthy. If it was any average person.....
(2,280 posts)It have not been given a second thought.
(11,650 posts)If it had been just another woman murdered by her spouse, it would have taken years for police to even identify the murderer...
(4,481 posts)ShazzieB
(19,418 posts)They're being murdered by the GOP politicians in their states who have passed abortion bans with vague exceptions and steep penalties for doctors who interpret those laws as anything other than a prohibition on providing any kind of care to help empty a miscarrying woman's womb.
Please don't blame the doctors for trying to avoid going to prison for LIFE. They are stuck between a rock and a hard place. The real villains are the lawmakers who pass this terrible legislation.
(13,864 posts)what's in his will.
(3,137 posts)They may not care about the dude. However, this is bringing to light how evil the company is and how they illegally deny claims.
So, they care about the bad press.
It means they'll have to increase their bribe, I mean donations, to some key republican lawmakers. They definitely care about that.
(13,864 posts)I bought puts on Enron, 20 days before it went completely down the shitter.
I ain't passing myself off as a financial genius but that one was too good to pass up.
I am sure $$$$$Millions were made today before the market opened.
(7,934 posts)this.
(32,310 posts)Patton French
(1,364 posts)NT
(27 posts)Just like Spartacus it's time for everybody to get that guy's outfit. Let the NYPD stop 10,000 people all dressed the same. Yes, the CEOs appeal was denied 😎
(3,936 posts)
(27 posts)Just like Spartacus it's time for everybody to get that guy's outfit. Let the NYPD stop 10,000 people all dressed the same. Yes, the CEOs appeal was denied 😎
(34,053 posts)Crunchy Frog
(27,318 posts)For as long as you've been here I'm surprised that you've never encountered the phenomenon.
(15,584 posts)Probably here to troll people into making ill-considered statements so the Kash Patel FBI has extra ammo for labelling DU a kooky far left, extremist site.
I expect that to be a feature of visitors to the site in years to come
(4,481 posts)AND to take a moment to appreciate the dark irony. This has ripped a bandaid off the entire country, and something deeply significant has suddenly changed. I think Americans just got a stark glimpse of what neoliberalism's unregulated capitalism has done to us. You can keep telling us we're not doing it right, but you can't change the fundamental shift that's happening.
Andy Canuck
(296 posts)Universal healthcare wouldve saved his life.
(36,594 posts)Happy Hoosier
(8,746 posts)NameAlreadyTaken
(1,919 posts)krkaufman
(13,776 posts)Mr.Bee
(520 posts)They're fed up with 50 years of this abuse!
(38,912 posts)That should warrant another week or so of hand wringing and scolding.
(38,912 posts)Personally I don't care what happens to those those who are happy about this. Im not wringing my hands or scolding. Just stating the fact that I'm not going to feel any compassion or lift a finger to help those who themselves feel no compassion for someone who was murdered if something bad happens to them.
This is lovely:
"Just stating the fact that I'm not going to feel any compassion or lift a finger to help those who themselves feel no compassion for someone who was murdered if something bad happens to them."
Um, that makes you guilty of the same thing, as guilty as you claim they are. More so, actually.
(47,265 posts)Cirsium
(1,756 posts)You made an observation. That is not the same as advocacy.
What is interesting about this is that conservatives often disguise their advocacy as mere observation. "Medicare for all? That is not practical."
Amanita Pantherina
(57 posts)This is some high level pearl clutching. 8/10
It sure as hell won't be for marksmanship.
'scuse me, I assumed the OP was regarding the Assassination investigation.
(3,458 posts)This feels much like that, in reverse.
I feel for his family. I didn't know him or what he was like and I don't automatically assume he was deserving of what he got.
That said, UnitedHealth has long been a callously cruel, money-grubbing abomination. Clear back in the 1980s they caused huge numbers of medical bankruptcies by their denials of claims and then just dropping patients over technicalities. I'd dance on the grave of UnitedHealth if it ever went belly up.
(15,584 posts)I dont want to get into all this again (the ethics of grace dancing etc).
But going by the internet (well Reddit conservatives/Reddit liberals and comments on news articles anyway), it does seem to be a comment on the state of US healthcare that there is almost no sympathy for this guy.
This seems to be the one story uniting the left and the right in terms of reactions.
The shrugs are actually the most sympathetic of all the reactions out there. I gotta say I have never seen anything quite like that before..
(2,280 posts)reality is dawning on them.
(Who am I fooling?)
(21 posts)Sorry to be crass but he did.
I'm a casualty of his work.
(38,912 posts)Happy Hoosier
(8,746 posts)Abusers often use a "both sides" argument when a victim dares to strike back.
(38,912 posts)As Maga will have claimed he deserved it and now he says the CEO deserved what happened to him
Happy Hoosier
(8,746 posts)I don;t know the motives of the shooter for sure. I am saying that I understand someone pushed to such desperation and anger that they might decide violence is their only option.
Thompson had a net worth of $43 million. He was a long time executive of UHC. That means virtually ALL his wealth came from working for, and eventually leading, a company that makes their profit by charging people as much as they can, and denying as many claims as they can within the law. He was NOT a good man.
Crunchy Frog
(27,318 posts)As far as I know, the poster didn't.
(5,895 posts)learn to love the boot? And the taste of the boot? Mmm, yummy yummy boot, stomping on our faces forever!
(slash sarcasm tag in case someone needs it)
(2,959 posts)It was a perfect storm of our corrupt private medical establishment, not much in the way of mental health infrastructure, and allowing everyone to have a gun. The chickens have come home to roost.
(6,731 posts)Someone gets really upset and decides to become judge, jury and executioner and carries that out with a gun!
Who am I kidding? Happens a lot, it is just you don't hear about most of those cases.
Media: Shock! Horror! Innocent and important man gets killed by gun violence! Please feel horrified, thoughts and prayers, etc.
Average citizen: Yeah, maybe. Let me think. Nope, care factor zero, I'm over it.
We all get a choice of how we take the violent death of another person.
Don't let the media tell you how you should feel.
Personally, I'm not feeling anything.
(1,111 posts)That Fred Phelps died. OH well....
(32,454 posts)the 10 million dollar deductible.
(395 posts)United Health Care is the countrys largest health insurance company. All of these claims being denied. People suffering and as were seeing now, dying as a result of denied coverage.
This would have, and should have been, a huge topic for the Democrats. People of all political beliefs could relate.
Maybe instead of having singers on stage, VP Harris could have had a health insurance town hall with the people who have been denied coverage. Democrats, Republicans, Independents. I know its hindsight, but with the satisfaction being expressed by so many after the CEOs death, it seems something like this would have moved the needle. Perhaps enough to move PA, MI, WI, NV.
Happy Hoosier
(8,746 posts)There was lots of substantive materail coming from the Harris campaign, but it got almost no media coverage.
(395 posts)Thats all she needed. A few ads about the booming economy here in PA, coupled with ads about health insurance denials, may have convinced his voters that she was right.
We didnt see either here in western PA
Personally I think just ads about the great economy may have been enough here. Health insurance companies denials, maybe using republicans to talk about this in her ads?
All I know is the singers and actors she paid didnt help.
But who knows.
(2 posts)I don't know if you're serious or not. That's hard to tell. That said, the Democratic Party and Kamala Harris received as much dough or more from United Health as the Republicans. I haven't looked at the other insurance companies, but the same is probably the case. I guess some here will get outraged by saying that but it's a fact. Reality and facts overrides emotions.

Both sides do take a lot of corporate cash.
Pointing that out is not bothsidesism (false balance, or false equivalency ).
Lobbying by UnitedHealth Group:
$5,860,000 in 2024
$10,760,000 in 2023
The Harris campaign was the largest recipient of donations from UnitedHealth Group:
Harris, Kamala $774,019
(395 posts)I think her campaign did her a disservice by not bringing up the economy at every speech and now that health insurance is in the limelight, why didnt they have her talk about claims denials??? I know both sides take money from them.
Im talking about why the campaign didnt talk about claims bring denied????
It was so frustrating to me to hear ad after ad after ad, all talking about trump. Harris campaign people should have had her talking about the good she did and maybe health insurance talk would have moved the needle.
Im just frustrated.
(32,454 posts)XanaDUer2
(15,274 posts)Republicans and we could come together.
(395 posts)Regardless of politics.
(35,010 posts)the hate for the insurance industry is widespread. The oligarchs will definitely find a way to break that up soon. As it is the major billionaire-owned newspapers are focused on hunting down the suspect and moving on to other stories. Nothing to see here, move along. They've decided it's not in their interest to talk about this guy who rose from a small town to a health care exec with a net worth of nearly 43 million - all while denying 1/3 of the claims coming in the door.
(8,451 posts)Insurance companies have a ton of money to spend. They can make or break politicos just like the broligarchs can. That's part of the reason the ACA more closely resembled the Heritage Foundation plan from the 1990s than it did a single-payer plan. Since the advent of Citizens United, that power has only grown.
(6,665 posts)Should they encounter more people like this.
(9,408 posts)Martin68
(24,959 posts)Amanita Pantherina
(57 posts)I would rather quickly die healthy and rich at the age of 50 from a gunshot than die slowly,
poor and sick at the age of 50 from a medical condition that would be treated if had the money.
We all have to go sometime.
(23,125 posts)Klondike Kat
(866 posts)A person (or people) can only take so much before they will do something that they previously wouldn't have considered.
(3,422 posts)Im not saying the healthcare system I live under is perfect. Wait times can be atrocious up here. 8 months for an MRI unless you can pay for private? Fucking horrible. Over a year for a therapist? Fucking horrible.
I have never had to stress about bringing my kids to an ER or to the doctor and worried about how I would pay for it. Maybe how would pay for their prescriptions but thats different.
I cant feel sympathy for a man who is making $10 million a year while being the CEO for a company that was denying people life-saving treatments. My bucket of fucks is dry.
Cthulu on call
(45 posts)Or is that just for when elementary school kids get massacred?
(700 posts)wryter2000
(47,689 posts)LexVegas
(6,633 posts)get the red out
(13,683 posts)Could turn the Republican Party into the gun CONTROL party.
(612 posts)nm
(2,280 posts)N/T
OAITW r.2.0
(29,357 posts)CEO's of privatized healthcare have a problem,. Stockholder value vs. the impact of denials. Not sure I'd want to be the face of privatized healthcare these days.