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Communications is going to be vital over the course of the next four years and secure communications is absolutely essential. If you are not on a VPN (Virtual Private Network) beginning right now, I strongly urge that you get on it as soon as possible. The MAGAts will have total control over the surveillance apparatus and I dont for a second believe they wont use national assets that are as of right now forbidden to monitor Americans.
If someone could post a tutorial on setting up and using a VPN that would help a lot.
Organize and resist.
(237 posts)many VPN networks require monthly fees, and for many cash strapped people, that is one fee/expense to many.
(15,153 posts)I did some research on this very topic and will summarize shortly.
There are two aspects to this effort.
One is in the actual tools we use, such as tor, vpn's and so on, and there's a lot to teach there.
Fortunately the EFF has lots of good info on this.
It just needs be shared in a way that people can and will actually use.
Like getting them to use tor/onion browser instead of their beloved chrome, which is 100% Google spyware and so on.
Second is the forums and sites we use to communicate.
Some will be like DU, open to public inspection.
Others will need to be private, from spying eyes.
So those are two things I am looking at to share, and will probably do incrementally in activist headquarters.
Post/edit/ ... repeat.
I *did* come across some absolutely vital information this morning on a wide range of topics, that actually get at the root of our current problems, like the repeat of the fascist playbook actually being played (they are following it to a "t" ) and about social media. Did you know that Australia just banned minors from accessing social media? This is stunning, and I read a boatload of comments on how these sites are the "de-facto" parents for kids, in shaping their worldview and view of the world (as a "Matrix" separate from the reality that actually exists and operates) plus all the toxicity.
Understand causes and the symptoms become clear. But that's another separate chore.
Just throwing information out there doesn't help people unless it's organized in a way they can understand (this comes from many years of computer support and management).
As I have posted, these times are unusual, and the old rules of making fine distinctions don't apply.
It's "Are you a member of the National Socialist (Nazi) party or not"
It has come to that point.
They confuse to abuse and never forget that cruelty is their GOAL, not just their means, and they're as persuadable as Branch Davidians.
So place ourselves in the 30's with a chance to stop Hitler, Mussolini and Fanco, and
see our opposition as Branch Davidians. "Unliving" people see death as better than life.
Not easy to deal with and our leaders have followed conventional means, which failed twice to stop Orange Shitler.
Peaceful means will work, but not without a lot of focus and concerted effort.
I expect that current leadership will use conventional means to try to hold back the onslaught of garbage legislation and actions.
I don't know yet who will be the Martin Luther King who organizes and energizes the forces of good.
But we can make the tools and means available.
If the best that a techie can do is to try to unwind what technology has wrought in the hands of sociopaths (and there are so many of them) then it's a worthy effort.
When they see that their cruelty only united a loving and caring community, and that (as attributed to the Buddha) "holding hate inside you is like swallowing poison and expecting the other person to die" then long-lasting change for the better can happen, and it had best happen RIGHT NOW.
Working on it. Any really detailed information will have to be organized in a more accessible way than DU forums, or ANY forum, for that matter.
At least I am familiar with that territory from IT work.