General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsOn the Bright Side, I Just Saved a Bunch of Money on My Car Insurance (Ferret/Shower Cap)
First of all: fuck.
To clarify: FUCK!
Fuckity fucking fuck.
That said, in the interest of balance, on the other hand:
And to those who would counter, MOTHERFUCKING FUCKING FUCK, I say
fair enough. I see where youre coming from. MOTHERFUCKING FUCKING FUCK indeed. Perhaps even HOLY CARCINOGENIC BALLS OF LIGHT-DEVOURING FUCK.
(And yes, links and such await ye here:
The fuck, America? You chose
Abstractly, I get why somebody might vote for a violent autocratic movement over the price of eggs. Personally, I prefer to live in a society, but I do get it. I would probably check first, to see if said violent autocratic movement actually had a viable plan to bring down the price of eggs, but then, I am a libtard.
Anyway, Ive been having a grand old time, pinballing between all the same fun, fun emotions youve been feeling. The I guess America is basically evil now despair, the banging-my-head-on-my-desk-till-it-splinters outrage that lying works so goddamn well, and of course, that burst of if this is what voters want, they deserve what they get spite, complete with practicing the smug look Ill shoot at the bewildered Trump voters as they enter the reeducation camp six months behind me. (Ideally, you want one thatll still convey the intended level of disdain once your teethve rotted out.)
Most of all, the shaking-my-head-so-hard-my-jowls-ripple-with-measurable-frequency disbelief that anyone anywhere could possibly still believe this visibly decomposing con man is some sort of business genius, who could fix anything, even if he possessed the slightest interest in doing so. Which he doesnt.
(I dont actually have jowls, for the record. Though if I keep drinking at the rate I have been this week
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me after crashing the economy and causing tens of thousands of senseless Covid deaths, to say nothing of the rapes and felony convictions and staffers calling him a fascist and so on, ad infinitum, well, shame is the least of our worries, although that time traveler I met at Dennys last year did say something about all the 21st century American history texts coming in pop-up book form.
All in all, a fairly crappy Tuesday, even as Tuesdays go. Always been a lousy TV night, frankly, but I confess I found the season finale of American Democracy particularly dissatisfying. Certainly disappointed the Jack Smith subplot wont play out. The Russian bomb threats targeting minority precincts were a clever detail, though; my compliments.
And the trailers for next season look awful. So many of my least favorite characters returning in prominent roles. Not excited for this vengeful narcissist can prosecute anybody he wants angle, or the economy-wrecking tariffs theyre teasing, and I dont care for the elevation of this Elon fellow, because how many idiot racist billionaires do really you need? Sometimes less is more.
Beyond that, most of the political news this week involved sifting through the wreckage for explanations, and it turns out its pretty difficult to write jokes about early post-mortem hypothesizing.
How many points rightward does the electorate have to shift to screw in a dictatorship? THREE TO FIVE, APPARENTLY, BUT WERE STILL WAITING FOR MORE DATA
is this thing on?
Id already been planning to take a break after the election, and, uh
yeah, Im gonna do that. Im fuckin exhausted, yall.
The actual writing of this blog is a hefty enough workload, but the necessary research involved (incessant doomscrolling, essentially) keeps the MAGA rage/hate/shit/poison cocktail at a constant simmer inside my poor, battered cranium, more or less around the clock. Which doesnt leave a lot of room for other work.
As you mayve noticed, its been a long-ass time since I made a comic book! So long, Im embarrassed to say how long.
Ive been wrestling with this story for
shit, I was worried it would no longer be relevant by the time I actually got the fucking thing made, but thanks to the unteachable American electorate, I guess Ive got a whole new window.
You folksll love it, assuming I ever get it done. (Its turning into my own, personal Megalopolis, only hopefully not, yknow
shitty.) Wont burden you with the details, but over the last few months, there have been
lets say, setbacks.
Previous blog hiatuses have proven productive, so Im gonna step away for a bit, to focus my energies on dragging this little bastard across the finish line, yes, but most of all, to rest up for the fights to come. Feels like the perfect time to unplug, honestly; skip the gloating and the dread, drink some beers, take some walks, drink some more beers, fill any and all available receptacles with fluoridated water before RFK Jr. floods my pipes with whale juice, and then drink any beers that may have evaded my attention, however improbably.
How long a hiatus? At least through Thanksgiving, probably the end of the year. Maybe Ill pop up for a sporadic update here n there. Ive dug my little trench on the sidelines of our circular firing squad on social media, so Ill probably half-heartedly lob a water balloon from time to time. You can follow @john_luzar, but if you see me posting too much, feel free to chastise me.
Ok. Resistance mode it is, then. You know that world-weary Krusty the Clown sigh? Thats the sound I made after I typed, Ok. Resistance mode it is, then.
But even in these dark times, we mustnt lose sight of the wonder life has to offer us. For instance, imagine the childlike delight of those North Korean troops, experiencing their brief, consciousness-expanding immersion in western internet pornography, right as theyre fed into Putins meatgrinder. Brings a tear to your eye, doesnt it?
Ok, friends, Ill see you in a bit. Forgive me for rattling the ol tip jar (Now accepting PayPal, Venmo AND Cash App) a little harder tonight, because as mentioned elsewhere, I will certainly not be taking a hiatus from beer. Far from it.
Stay safe out there. Take care of yourselves. Above all else, do not, under any circumstances, allow the bastards to grind you down.

So, how much did you save on insurance?
Thanks, Ferret.
Elessar Zappa
(16,295 posts)
(95,227 posts)
(35,478 posts)Asking for a friend.
Anyway... Really, I have nothing to say.
Thanks for being here this Friday, Cap.
(38,276 posts)Remember that old line, "stop the world, I want to get off"? I've reached that point. At least stop this country. If I could do it, I'd be really into "voluntary self-deportation". I have zero confidence this country will get sufficiently better in my lifetime to justify trying to save it from its own ignorance any more.
(43,446 posts)Eloquent as always, though you had me at FFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCKKKK!
Rest up. Come back. Be careful. Its weird as fuck out there.