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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsOverlooked by a lot of people in Jack Smith's filing: Trump used burner phone to pressure election officials
G) Trump called the Michigan speaker, on an unofficial line marked "Spam Risk Egypt" to discuss fraud allegations. Proving he tried to cover his tracks, and these were not protected "official acts"-Trump used a burner phone, routed through a foreign country to contact Michigan house speaker.
-He tried to pressure the speaker in this off book call.
-Speaker McCarthy knew about the burner phone line.
-The phone showed up as Spam Risk Egypt on caller ID.
If the President thought his attempt to overturn the election and forge elector documents were legitimate official acts why was he using an insecure, foreign routed burner phone for these calls?
How many other sensitive calls did the former President have on this unencrypted line with coconspirators, that could now be used as blackmail against him, by any foreign nation which may have tapped that line?
(And before the reply bots get here, let me remind them: Trumps own legal team did not dispute the authenticity of *anything* unsealed from the Smith filing)
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(3,817 posts)Using a fugging thuggy burner phone to try and overthrow the lawful government of the USA.
Republicons will rot in political Hell for their betrayal of our great nation.
What Would Jesus Do?
Would Jesus use a burner phone to try and deceive people about who he is conspiring with?
(Asking for all the Republicans who consider themselves to be Christians)
(17,593 posts)When this wends its way to the final arbiters of 'justice'. They know best.
(36,594 posts)
(7,931 posts)Excellent evidence BTW that these actions were personal, not in the course and scope of presidential activity.
(7,967 posts)
(14,012 posts)Criminal behavior much?
Wiz Imp
(3,343 posts)dalton99a
(85,944 posts)DJ Porkchop
(635 posts)Trump's whole life plays out like an 80's mob movie.
(65,288 posts)And it was a fishy line, so fishy even the burner phone showed it as a spam risk?
The president of the United States used a burner phone and an insecure line routed through a foreign nation to pressure state officials to commit fraud in order to steal an election.
And half the country is voting for him again.
Jesus wept.
Paper Roses
(7,526 posts)yardwork
(65,288 posts)Native
(6,819 posts)Link to tweet
(1,257 posts)rubbersole
(9,036 posts)NotHardly
(1,555 posts)William Seger
(11,281 posts)1. Why were they trying to set up an unmonitored private communication channel to the Kremlin?
2. Why was a Trump business computer communicating with a Russian bank computer?
(64,609 posts)ArkansasDemocrat1
(3,213 posts)He was having a sale
Response to Orrex (Reply #14)
ArkansasDemocrat1 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(4,661 posts)Botany
(73,043 posts)
. and during Jan. 6th. They knew they were breaking the law in an attempted
violent coup to overthrow the government. Trump is a life long career criminal.
Why is this election even close?
Btw in 2016 long before the election McCarthy was well aware of the Trump/Russia connections.
(1,473 posts)fmr Michigan state Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey says he was given a heads up by the state house speaker that Trump might call him and that it would show up on his phone as "Spam risk Egypt."
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Spam Risk Egypt = Threat Level Midnight
(1,473 posts)Interesting side note to this is that since it was first reported a few years ago we have learned that Egypt gave the Trump campaign $10 million in 2016 to keep afloat..
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(65,288 posts)Texin
(2,685 posts)He knew he was acting outside the bounds of his "official" executive privileges and suborning unlawful acts on behalf of election officials, some of whom were elected state officials in executive seats.
(36,631 posts)Robber Baron Roberts, Slimey Sammy, Corrupt Thomas, Gorey Sucker, Coathanger Barret, and Beer Bong Weenie Waver may be looking for yet another way to protect their favorite Heritage Foundation stooge.
We need a blue Congress and blue Executive to excise some cancer in our Judiciary.
(48,369 posts)No? So his IT and political minions arranged this for him? Because he can hardly dial let alone understand tech?
I see. A lot of people involved on this one.
Mme. Defarge
(8,600 posts)not a texan
(56 posts)I remember not too long ago there was an issue of $10,000,000 coming from Egypt. It is just so difficult to even try and track all his failures and crimes. I don't know if there is any connection, but why would you route calls through Egypt of all places?
(154 posts)Donald Trump could rape and torture someone's toddler in front of them, and bust it's head on a rail road track and the mother and father would mortgage their house for his Trumps legal defense fund.
Kid Berwyn
(18,996 posts)Them, and frauds. Frauds use burner phones, too. And crooks. Crooks use burner phones, too. And traitors! Traitors especially use burner phones.
(17,168 posts)Here is just one article. Unless a person was very careful, more than likely every organization and government in the world knew what was been said and who was banging who.
(6,425 posts)communication network during the Years of Darkness, aka 2016-2021, and we kind of thought because it became public knowledge that they didn't do it? I'm willing to bet they did establish one with the help of Putin. Despite him being brazen about making calls to Putin using his personal phone it does not mean that was the only line of communication. Putin was not about to get into details etc. over someone's personal phone.
There's no way that someone as ignorant of matters as the Orange Ruski knew on his own which documents to grab as he left. Someone was working on the "list" and there is no way the "job" was discussed in a manner open to US Intel detection.
(51,791 posts)We will NEVER know the full extent of what he took. If you think what the FBI pulled out of Mar-a-Lago is all of it...think the fuck again.
(6,425 posts)being made privy to any kind of tracking/sign-out system that any of the agencies were using if any. We do know there are folders that were now empty. We are not privy to how specific the folder codes are to the document beyond level of classification. In other words does part of the code indicate missile defense etc.? With the extremely lax SS presence at Mar-Ugh-Ghastly we have no idea who all came and went and when or if they came with nothing but left with boxes or big packages. Remember the woman they found wandering around the place and nobody had track of her although she had been spotted roaming around for hours?
OAITW r.2.0
(29,263 posts)Joinfortmill
(17,073 posts)He's committed espionage, but we can't get him for that. Eventually we will bring this m*fucker down, but it won't be for his worst acts. I suspect we won't ever learn what his worst acts actually were.
Blue Owl
(55,189 posts)Just another lie everything he says is a fucking lie
(53,541 posts)Who helped him get and set up the burner phone(s)?
When were burner phones set up?
Did anyone else have burner phones under direction of Trump?
(5,600 posts)Magats love their crooks.