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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsLast thread I'll start today: I'll admit I'm scared. 2016 is still very fresh in my mind.
I know a lot of you think expressing this fear is being a "concern troll" but I'm not going to apologize for my feelings.
Go ahead and hate on me, if you must. I've been expressing my feelings (at times inappropriately) on this board for more than 20 years now.
So, yes, I am scared.
I was actually on DU on election day when it got hacked.
I thought it was a desperate ploy by Russian trolls that would mean less than nothing, as Hillary was definitely going to win.
Well, we all know how that turned out.
Now, they have had 8 years to refine their game.
Neal Katyal was on MSNBC a few nights ago outlining how easy it would be to get just a few wins in a few states to give Trump the dictatorship he so desperately wants.
(And, before you ask, I've done all I can money-wise and volunteer-wise and signature-wise with my full-time job duties and limited income)
I went back to being a star member here so hopefully we can withstand the hacking....
I'm not going to apologize for being scared, and for expressing that I'm scared.

(34,983 posts)your feelings are your own. But to expect validation from others might be a big ask when we are this close to the finish line.
(28,096 posts)That's the accusation that's been thrown at people expressing their anxieties.
I happen to think it's really unfair and unkind.
(34,983 posts)Lots of people are on edge with the election so close. Honestly just block that person right now. You don't need the negativity!
From what you've said you're doing what you can outside of full-time work, have volunteered a bit. Depending upon where you live hopefully you can vote soon as well. I will be able to early vote next week!!
(34,983 posts)and see a lot of OPs. You are getting the onslaught of campaign email. I have given them hundreds of dollars and I finally wrote stop on all the texts and unsubscribed from all lists. She has raised a ton of money and this is how they do it - a very aggressive fundraising campaign. I needed it to stop so I cut it all off. It doesn't mean I don't like Kamala - I still 200% support her. I just don't need a fundraising email every 20 minutes!
(28,096 posts)
(6,795 posts)I'm not a health care professional, just my two cents
We have a very black cloud on the horizon, that will just be there we hope for just eighteen more days.
(4,140 posts)Its how you respond to fear that matters. Fear can freeze you in your tracks or it can make you run faster and hit harder.
We should be scared because the very existence of the country as we know it is on the line. Thats not hyperbole. Its literally do or die.
We must win, we have no choice.
(264 posts)I don't think you're overboard at all. The opposition cheats and is violent. Seems like anyone not worried might just be whistling in the dark. Just my opinion.
I'm hoping, in just a few weeks it's going to be a celebratory atmosphere around here. Happy emojis jumping around everywhere!
(65,563 posts)Trump is a deranged psychopath. Hed make term 1 look tame. If he won, I feel Id have to get out of the country and I dont have the means.
But I am still optimistic Harris will win. I think the underdog and gloom e-mails from her campaign are so we dont take things for granted. And we cant.
(54 posts)I don't think you should ever have to apologize for how you feel, and you aren't alone. I vacillate between feeling 2008 levels of hope and joy and optimism, followed by feeling the dread and nausea of election night 2016 (though admittedly, my baseline is closer to 2008 than to 2016).
I absolutely believe in our candidates - I think Harris and Walz have the potential to be a truly phenomenal influence in the direction of our country. And I believe that they are running an exemplary campaign, with very few missteps. I believe in the surrogates they are bringing in to help engage with voters, and I believe in the volunteers on the ground. We are truly, truly doing the things we need to do. I absolutely believe in how horrific the opposing candidate is - and that his running mate is even worse. And I believe in how slipshod their ground game is. It is very clear that they are doing nothing to appeal to independent voters.
On both sides, this is all about turnout. It's probably not even about "undecided" voters, because I'm not sure how many people are truly undecided between these two candidates. It's more about energizing those people who have lower enthusiasm, or those who have some enthusiasm but who face obstacles that make it harder for them to vote. Low enthusiasm voters might not have taken the time to read about policies, so campaigns have to spread the message about what they stand for. Harris and Walz are doing that. I have not heard a word about anything those other guys are actually *for*. Voters who aren't that energized, who are considering just skipping it, have to be energized and have to be informed about how they can cast their votes as easily as possible. The Democratic volunteers and canvassers are doing that. Those other guys are outsourcing their ground game and don't even seem to be able to consistently remember when Election Day is. And as for the obstacles - the ground game helps there, along with Marc Elias and his team.
Admittedly, Hillary was right about the deplorables who will support the fascist felon regardless of how clearly unqualified and dangerous he is (Hillary was right about a whole lot of things). It is truly an embarrassment that there are so many of them, and it's worrying that so many of them vote. However... there are fewer of them than there are of us. They are putting out biased polls and putting their thumbs on the scales of the betting markets to make their numbers seem larger than they are. While they're doing that, our side is getting the word out, keeping the enthusiasm up, and making sure our voters have the information they need to cast their ballots.
I'll be worried until January 6, at least some of the time, because 2016 (like 2000) was a sign that yes, sometimes the good guys don't win. But overall, I keep coming back to taking comfort in the knowledge that our team is running a spectacular campaign.
(51,919 posts)
(53,541 posts)There wasn't much negative about Trump back then. Kamala has a much better campaign.
Rather than be negative help the campaign by encouraging those in your social media groups to vote for Kamala. As well as your family and friends.
Be positive in supporting Kamala and other Democrats.
(53,798 posts)And the OP has assured us that she is doing the work.
But, given the stakes of this election, I think all of us are nervous.
Some find relief in expressing that. Some find relief in pushing those feelings away. Some are motivated by being optimistic about unknowable future events. Some are motivated by seeking out possible pitfalls so they can examine them and deal with them.
Both kinds of people should be able to express themselves on this discussion board. We can trash the threads we don't like. I trash lots of threads of both persuasions.
But we all deal differently, and no one should be demanding others feel the way they do, or deal the way they do, with the stress of this moment.
(2,327 posts)But if you are in a battleground state, doing something like canvassing for Kamala could help ease your anxiety. If youre not in a battleground state, then know that Kamala and Tim and their campaign staff are trying their absolute hardest to gain more votes. They have explored a number of different ways to broaden their support including going into the lions den that is Fox News.
I too remember the nightmare that was Election Night 2016. And I often feel very scared too. But I try to take heart in all that everyone is doing so very much to try to help Kamala win
(53,798 posts)usonian
(15,554 posts)I'm going to donate on a certain person's birthday Sunday.
Do you know who that is?
Stay in touch with as many friends and family as you can. Turn off TV. That helps you to deal with your emotions, rather than others'.
Take a few photos and share. I have gotten sunsrts and a rainbow (half of one, anyway) and a comet. The last two on the same day.
Try to fill anxious moments with good experiences. Music is a giant part of my life. Wishing you ( and all of us, up to that birthday person) the best.
Duncan Grant
(8,597 posts)Since were all havin a share, Ill admit I can indulge catastrophic thinking from time to time but not now.
Theres an eminently qualified woman at the top of our party. Theres momentum. Trump has had a terrible week. This is a rare time in my life and I intend to enjoy it. Imagine the 1st woman President.
Fear (fuck everything and run) is like obeying trump and the authoritarians in advance of any real threat. The threat is all a head game today thank you foreign intelligence services and rich guys. For now, Im confident that swaying imbecile is going down in flames.
Enjoy this - what I believe to be - wonderful moment. And take care of your own well-being.
2 Meow Momma
(6,791 posts)I have to employ something I hate
discipline. No polls, no 24/7 news, write postcards, watch Netflix.
It seems a natural thing to be scared for the future of our country, not to mention every female in America.
Hugs!! 🥰
(5,437 posts)accept this could go sideways, even though the trauma of 2016 is alarmingly fresh.
So I was feeling fine, calm, during a phone chat with a good liberal friend, and out of nowhere she said, declaratively, he;s going to win. What?! She repeated it. It was the certainty in her voice that shook me.
It never occurred to me that he will win. Could win, yes. Will win? Never.
Its the tricks up their sleeves that has her rattled, the ones Neal Katyal talked about. Me, Ive focused on the army of attorneys our side has standing by. But they have the Supremes.
Yes, but I still dont think they will win.
(65,291 posts)I won't repeat what she said but it rattled me. I was angry. Now I'm wondering if it was fear talking. Hmmmm....
(4,814 posts)We have to keep doing the work. Of course.
Hang in there.
(19,770 posts)At least I should be able to get some intermittent distractions from my various interests, and pursuits.
While my vivid imagination is fantastic for Art making; not so good w worry. I'm pretty sure I'll have to fight off a few internal "movies", or even "holodeck experiences".
(10,411 posts)When reality is too unpleasant, retreat into a new reality where everything is awesome all of the time. Anything that intrudes on that awesomeness will be railed and lashed against until it is banished from the happy place.
Which . . . isn't a great way to go through life. One generally doesn't consider being constantly surprised by utterly foreseeable events a desirable personality trait.
That said, I'm optimistic about Harris winning. I think she will. Maybe 70/30. The popular will be won by 5-8 million. However, there is cause to at least be side-eyeing everything. Biden only won 2020 by 40,000 votes across swing states. Biden. In 2020. After Trump mangled the Covid response. After the country got a whole eyeful of him for four years.
So it's prudent to have some anxiety about what will happen in the swing states. It doesn't take much, and never underestimate how various factors in play around race and sex might rattle what should be a more comfortable lead. In close races, every factor counts.
Anxiety is ok. Anxiety is normal. Coping with it in a healthy way is advisable. Down time. Finding activities that are enjoyable. Avoiding news if it's getting to you too much.
Anyone not anxious about the future of the country in a close presidential race is chilling in Happyville.
Happyville is not a real place. It's a cardboard fort with a construction paper flag built for hiding.
(65,291 posts)Fort Happy is a good place to go when annihilation is truly inevitable, like at the end of Melancholia. Fortunately, nearly 100% of situations are more nuanced.
Win or lose, all these morans and MAGATs are still going to be with us on November 6. It's a marathon. No fairy tale ending.
(50,926 posts)(use your imagination) to derail the Harris Walz momentum. It doesn't have to be accurate. It doesn't have to be life threatening. The media and the electorate are so fickle and senseless.
It is the idea of an October surprise that keeps my cork screw busy.
Hang in there.
Maru Kitteh
(29,493 posts)However we manage our fear, whatever we have to do, we do it. I know people who can't even really be around when it gets this intense so they go on a news strike so they can stay sane enough to function and face going to the polls. That's self care and I applaud them for it. The one thing we must never do is accept defeatism. We have to take that fear that we all share and collectively, keep moving forward. All of us at some time or another will need our friends to carry us, but together, we can do this. And we will.
Elessar Zappa
(16,292 posts)in our type of situation but its not good for your mental health. What ever happens, happens and as long as youve done all you can to help Kamala take office, its best to summon your inner Buddhism and let go. Im certainly not dismissing your very legitimate feelings and I know its hard and easier said than done but its helped me tremendously these last years.
(1,379 posts)Nixon in '68, Reagan in '80, Bush in '00, Trump in '20.
(15,022 posts)dwayneb
(933 posts)We are fortunate that we still have platforms like this one where we can freely post our opinions and thinking.
This is not about emotions or feelings. We are at war. That is a fact - our fascist enemies will stop at nothing in order to secure power, they've been working toward this for 100 years.
The reality is that this time, they have the most powerful propaganda machine that has ever been devised. And they are not afraid to use it even if it destroys us all.
We can't give in to fear. If we do go under the boot of someone like Trump I can assure you that a Resistance will emerge. Americans will never give up the freedoms that we fought and died for, without a fight.
(6,627 posts)LostOne4Ever
(9,612 posts)There is so much at stake and (whether you believe them or not) there is evidence that we all have reason to be scared.
I am trying to keep in mind how quickly things can change and all the things we have going for us:
Harris is Favorable/Trump is very unfavorable
Jobs, Stockmarket, & overall economy are going up
Prices are going down
People are mad at the Trump Supreme Court
Most of the issue and policies the people favor us
The states we need are historically blue and in either mixed control or Democratic control
Harris killed it at the Debate
That said, I am struggling to keep my own outlook positive. I feel like I am watching a slow moving train wreck and there is nothing I can do to stop it. If the worse case scenario happens I am stuck in a place I cant leave.
In the end what will be will be. I am just hoping that what MLK said is true:
(379 posts)One thing I do, along with my wife, is tune out and turn off social media and tv every so often. We spend a ton of time with friends and family. Politics are never discussed. We have so much in common, we talk about family events, football, more football and the upcoming holidays and preparations for those. Here in western PA, the fall colors are approaching peak. Take a ride, go to the zoo, anywhere politics isnt discussed.
Kamala is going to win PA. her last few pushes should be all about this booming economy. Shes got this. Americas got this.
(65,291 posts)It's rational to feel scared right now. We have an absolutely insane person running again for president and the polls are essentially tied.
I'm scared for what this means for our country. How could so many people be so fooled, or worse, perhaps they recognize who Trump is and they don't care?!
If you're asking for companionship right now, I'm here. If you're asking for affirmation, you've got it. If you're asking for advice, I'll tell you what I tell myself - be good to yourself. Be kind to yourself. Knowing that you've done what you can, you have the right to tune out politics for a while. Go for a walk, visit a museum, binge watch something, read a good book, eat your favorite food. Spend time with people who love and care for you.
However the election turns out, we're still going to have our fellow Americans, good and bad. It's a marathon. We have to stay healthy and mentally strong for ourselves.
(31,622 posts)I have done everything I can, but I am scared, too.
(1,386 posts)Volunteer, ring, canvass
mountain grammy
(27,484 posts)BannonsLiver
(18,592 posts)Kaleva
(38,864 posts)If one is prepared, they won't be so scared or nervous.
You can't do anything in regards to how the election will turn out but you do have control on how you respond and prepare for it
Response to Coventina (Original post)
Demsrule86 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(71,038 posts)We didn't have a bitter primary this year.
Quiet Em
(1,523 posts)But remember that they want you to be scared. They've been using 2016 as an emotional weapon in their attempts to intimidate women from running for the office of the Presidency and to intimidate voters from voting for women.
(6,221 posts)2016 was a shock. But there were some issues then that we don't have now. There was too much confidence from the Clinton campaign in the "Blue wall," and clearly not enough effort made by the Clinton campaign to shore it up when a week's worth of campaign appearances across those three states would clearly have been enough to eke out wins. We're not making that mistake, the Harris campaign has the money and they are using a multi-faceted strategy to reach voters on the margins. Evidence? She's now leading among independent voters and her lead is trending her direction.
If you want some re-assurance, go to the website for WCPT Radio 820 in Chicago, and listen to yesterday's Joan Esposito show She had a guest host, a political analyst who made some observations about the campaign much clearer, including pointing out clues about what the internal data is showing, the strategies used, how effective they are and what Harris' money advantage is doing for her, compared to the scatter shooting, "do what we want" approach that Trump's PAC supporters take. This included a reminder that Harris has a large pack of billionaire donors on her side. Citizens United is terrible, but if those are the rules you want to play by, the other side can use it to their advantage, too. And we are.
Trump's second attempt at an election, his re-election, was a failure. And his run through the GOP primaries this time around, having already been in the White House once, can also be considered a failure. He had opponents, and with all of the face time he's had in the media, and all of the attention focused on him as the potential nominee from the day he left Washington, he got around 72% of the primary voters' support. Considering the absolute nobodies who ran against him, and the money he spent, that's a sub-standard performance.
So of course the fear of 2016 is there, as is the "fear" generated by what the media emphasizes was a narrow victory for Biden in 2020, electoral college-wise. Trump has always been a huge threat, and he did a lot of damage when he was President. But a lot of people saw that, and I think that led to Biden getting the win in 2020. Harris has not only made that a campaign issue, but she has rounded up and organized the conservative Republican opposition. And many of those people have a lot of influence, and some of them still have their credibility.
There is evidence, from credible sources, that Trump is weaponizing polling data, not only to boost his ego, but as a strategy to try and spread discouragement and fear, prompt pressure on the campaign from those who feel the fear, and maybe even cause resources and time to be allocated differently and less effectively. It has also become increasingly difficult to distinguish between solid journalists and journalism, and Trump infused propagandists and propaganda.
So your fear is justified.
But be confident. There's a lot of strong evidence to indicate that Harris is going to win the election, the Democrats are more than prepared for an onslaught of election-related legal challenges, some of which have already achieved rulings clearly in our favor, and there are an equal number of eyes on our side watching out for any potential messing with votes and election outcomes.
And I believe a majority of Americans know what's at stake, and are not blinded by prejudice, religious bigotry or influenced by propaganda posing as the free press. I feel fearful of being too optimistic and then being hugely disappointed, but I also have some confidence that the positive direction Harris has given to her campaign, and the obvious contrast between her good character, as well as that of Tim Walz, with a convicted rapist, criminal, insurrectionist liar and J.D. Vance, an opportunist who has proven to be a duplicitous liar like Trump, is a highly visible factor. Because of that, Harris will become Madame President-Elect whenever the election results are finalized.