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Unearthed video: JD Vance attacks women who can't have kids because they passed the biological period when it was possible as miserable people who have no real value system and struggle to find meaning
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Ocelot II
(122,740 posts)We can't even be teachers if we never had children, and if we have careers and/or cats but no children we are destructive psychopaths with no purpose in society? Did I get that right?
(63,308 posts)And not deserving of any rights.
central scrutinizer
(12,441 posts)Get rid of useless crones and save on Social Security and Medicare.
(25,226 posts)esp. if you're brown, black, or liberal. Or, God forbid, MOOZlim.
This oozehead wants to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency?
(5,125 posts)SheltieLover
(61,990 posts)Guy is beyond weird & creepy!
You're supposed to join some sort of religious order.
Ocelot II
(122,740 posts)So what are the nuns supposed to do?
(12,202 posts)Otherwise, its off to the ice floes for you!
Ocelot II
(122,740 posts)And if you can't be a teacher since you never had children, you certainly couldn't be trusted as a babysitter. You're a miserable old psychopath who'd fill the children's minds with subversive notions, like the fact that being a childless career woman with or even without cats can actually be a fulfilling life.
(41,579 posts)It is clear that he believes the things he says. He is a very sick man.
(31,202 posts)I keep wondering how such damaged, ugly,
and dangerous people have over-populated
our legislative and judicial branches of
They don't deserve it and should never be on
a ballot or list in the first place.
(63,308 posts)The moral collapse of the American people.
(31,202 posts)and his demented SS.
(36,896 posts)Anybody with a grudge is welcome. Anybody looking to get vengeance on those who have wronged them is welcomed.
(63,308 posts)Some of the most privileged people on the planet.
(36,896 posts)We're kept in a constant state of anxiety over money.
If you don't have money, the MAGA media machine tells you that other people (read: immigrants) are the reason why you don't have it.
If you do have money, the MAGA media machine tells you that other people (read: African Americans, the govt., feminists, etc.) are trying to take it away from you.
This constant state of anxiety breaks some people mentally. Trump and MAGA appeal to these people.
(63,308 posts)So the GOP could steal power and wealth.
And our enemies could destroy the US.
(3,645 posts)Perfectly stated!
(18,380 posts)hlthe2b
(107,712 posts)I've lost my pacifism reading his bullshit.
(35,771 posts)(Hand up)
(152,876 posts)Irish_Dem
(63,308 posts)I am a non violent pacifist.
But I would like to smack the crap out of this guy.
(571 posts)Demobrat
(9,995 posts)I can wear a hazmat suit.
(19,147 posts)Is Skittles available?
(69,009 posts)for smacking the shit out of Douchebeard Scuzzbucket.

(175 posts)RandySF
(71,646 posts)until you join a presidential ticket.
(35,771 posts)spooky3
(36,874 posts)hlthe2b
(107,712 posts)zorbasd
(298 posts)chose this silicon-valley-facsist-Thiel-bottom-boy over working class Ryan...Amazing!!
(3,094 posts)Citizens united led to him winning...pure and simple.
(14,162 posts)Sanity Claws
(22,113 posts)If I had to psychoanalyze him, I'd say he has a lot of mommy issues. JD, go to a shrink to take care of your trauma. Please don't inflict your trauma on us.
(329 posts)Bad Mommy.
(30,150 posts)this man very sincerely hates women, that's been clear, now I see he also hates equality writ large.
it's unthinkable. #VoteBlueToSaveAmerica
(10,429 posts)both would deny it.
(18,665 posts)And those woman who vote republican and are "beyond childbearing years are useless and miserable" seem be agreeing with him. They still vote republican. Talk about dumb.
Kid Berwyn
(19,033 posts)JD Vance is pure NAZI.
Dave says
(5,007 posts)Unhuman out Nazis the Nazis. Really frighteningly despicable. If iirc the thread where I learned of this, the book suggests childless women beyond child-bearing age, LGBTQ+, the whole left wing are unhuman, less than human, and should be rounded into camps to be exterminated. Truly evil sh*t, and JD put his stamp of approval on it.
Kid Berwyn
(19,033 posts)NAZI fucker also worked to foist the bastard Blake Masters.
And he owns at least 10% of Zuckerberg.
(1,364 posts)better get thee to a convent..oops a lot already are.
Wonder if Opus Dei is onboard with this,also?
(43,390 posts)and church), and keep them 'barefoot and pregnant' and excluded from higher education, career jobs, current affairs and politics.
We know where this leads, Lebensborn if you're female, young and fertile. 'Breeders' is what this miserable misogynist wants.
For undesirables, the disabled, non white, immigrants, lgbtq and 'dissidents,' it's the labor camps or extermination.
Yesterday Vance said 'we need a healthy Ruling Class.'
People who aren't listening better wake up, fast.,_K%C3%BCche,_Kirche
(36,874 posts)Over age 45?
(71,646 posts)hlthe2b
(107,712 posts)or 5 million...
Clouds Passing
(3,516 posts)Biophilic
(5,247 posts)Especially friends and his tech buddies like Thiel. These people think like the Taliban. How did we as a nation do this?
(47,671 posts)I couldn't tell you what it meant except that people who disagree with him have different values that led them not to have children, therefore are miserable.
(16,332 posts)Some psychologist or psychiatrist would have a field day analyzing what the hell is wrong with this guy.
(121,223 posts)SamKnause
(13,993 posts)I am in that group. (71 female)
I am not miserable.
I am extremely happy !!!
I guess he is trying to say we are useless and do not matter.
At what age does a man become useless ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????
(20,822 posts)Says who?
(1,213 posts)That's the proper response.
(20,822 posts)are all agnostic/atheist is ludicrous.
(40,915 posts)"Once everybody agrees with me, then everything will finally come full circle, and we'll have a happy, healthy society."
You can't get a much clearer solution than that.
(16,332 posts)Malignant narcissist chooses another narcissist to be his running mate.
He has the answer to "what is wrong in our society". They're always putting down our country. To use their famous words, "if you don't like it move to Russia." He and his idol and their MAGAt followers are what's wrong with this country.
(45,267 posts)of the burden of the monthly menstrual cycle. And the last few years of that were toughmy iron levels were constantly low. Even without any children/grandchildren to consume my time, my days are busy and filled with things I enjoy doing.
Whats JD doing these days? Making a lot of awkward public appearances that seem to be making him miserable and struggling for meaning.
(1,429 posts)Define punchable face
(65,568 posts)"SAY IT TO MY FACE!!!"
(6,937 posts)If I ever have the misfortune of meeting him in person, it will not go well.
Here in the old lady village we "grandmas" put on our red and purple ridiculous looking outfits and meet for tea ever month to work out various charitable endeavors. Some of these women are pushing 100 - and some never had kids either. They are still out helping people. He needs to come meet us and stop hanging out with the miserable hateful wenches he has been keeping company with. We'll even loan him a better kind of red hat.
Sky Jewels
(8,856 posts)He hates all non-penis-havers because they committed the unforgivable crime of being born not male.
(1,364 posts)He wasn't born female..because then,he could have had all the d--k he really wanted.
(11,172 posts)sinkingfeeling
(53,916 posts)Kaleva
(38,886 posts)LiberalBrooke
(568 posts)Sky Jewels
(8,856 posts)Hes a parasite who should be dropped off in the middle of the Sahara Desert or the Pacific Ocean.
(25,577 posts)SunSeeker
(54,516 posts)
(5,125 posts)lala I can't hear you...
(4,527 posts)

(36,874 posts)Repugnant. She has a Yale law degree and experience. So I view her as complicit.
(17,206 posts)Beck23
(329 posts)What he doesn't realize is that he is not authorized to criticize everyone who is not a tradwife.
In fact, there is a whole lot not to like about JD and men like him who think women's only purpose in life is to be baby machines.
JD is the worst of the worst of women haters. It's no wonder his best friend and sugar daddy is a gay guy (Thiel).
(48 posts)Should be repulsed by this as should every man who has a mother. JFC these people are sick.
Ursus Arctos
(66 posts)I wonder how Vance feels about childless Ginni Thomas who prioritized her career as an attorney and insurrectionist. Is she also a miserable, unfulfilled useless eater? Or is she okay because she is actively trying to take away women's rights?
(4,327 posts)like many of his ilk, are toxic, misogynistic, women hating pieces of shite.
Explains why he'd prefer couches. They don't talk back.
(23,410 posts)who I can assure you is anything but useless and miserable.
(15,158 posts)I can't imagine anyone who would ever vote for this guy. Ever.
(869 posts)deranged social darwinist.
I had thought them to be near extinct since reproduction is such a problem for them.
Near everyone will tell them to get fucked but there are none who are willing to help.
(2,435 posts)As best I recall, about 78 years ago I learned a critical life lesson: DO NOT PISS OF THE WOMENFOLK. JUST DON'T DO IT.
Guess ol' JD never learned that. He's about the learn it now.
(92,327 posts)... is bad, really bad.
(329 posts)He wants to punish all women who are not mothering because his own mother was abscent. He is mad at his mother and taking it out on all women who choose not to have children.
(9,289 posts)I'll be he doesn't pronounce theater or groceries like a real hillbilly EE-ther.
Eliot Rosewater
(32,545 posts)We are a broken society.
(2,663 posts)...which is ostensibly a production of yet another far-right "think" tank, "American Moment". They are one of the new breed of far-right organizations which are MAGA-oriented, with Catholic radtrads in leadership positions.
As for Vance, he's simply plagiarizing de rigueur misogynist garbage from the MRA/PUA "movement" (e.g. 4chan, Roosh V) that's deader than disco--yet Vance is still out there, slaving away like a stevedore in his attempt to defend the indefensible.
(5,052 posts)He has enough money to afford therapy for HIS issues. We The People are not interested in joining him in his self perpetuated misogyny just so he can feel a little less weird.
(34,280 posts)kacekwl
(7,839 posts)ask him in person to explain this belief ? Preferably by a professional accomplished woman with no children.
allegorical oracle
(3,943 posts)dude who has mommy issues.
(21,891 posts)ck4829
(36,574 posts)travelingthrulife
(1,465 posts)Any day now all my money will be electronically turned over to my closest male relative.