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(49,286 posts)Bluethroughu
(6,699 posts)Go ask the orange loser.
(25,183 posts)unless someone could goad his ego into it. Then when he could not even comprehend the questions, let alone answer them, he would veer off into a lengthy gish gallop to avoid more questions, leaving the press stunned.
Afterward, we could all call for the press journalists to be replaced for their inability to get answers from the felon or do follow up questions.
(11,619 posts)Off script, unprepared? You and I know for a fact the Pedo could NOT, ever.
So why all the ruckus about Biden being old????
Because it's a Putin planned psyops helped along by pampered American billionaires. Get rid of Biden, no matter what unfamiliar person you replace him with, and Pedo Trump wins.
They did it to Hillary and they are clearly doing it again.
Pedo Trump isn't campaigning. He closed down almost all the GOP offices throughout the USA. Who does that in the middle of an election?
Why would you do that? Because he knows the fix is in. He's going to challenge any election results and take them to the Dancing Supremes. The Dancing Supremes are going to turn America over to a Pedo Trump dictatorship. It's in the works.
The Supremes have been particularly busy dancing for Putin at his golden palace. And we all know how much Putin has helped out his fellow Pedo.
Dave Bowman
(4,445 posts)Earlier someone posted a catchy nickname for the shitbag:
Pedonald (Pedonny is not bad either).
(2,665 posts)kwolf68
(7,883 posts)Right has been screaming for 40 years about a Liberal media, basically projecting. Now they have, in the least, a media full of lackeys and accomplices even if they are not a right-wing echo chamber.
Of course, Biden has gaffed up some and we spend 2 weeks talking about it. Trump gaffs up and it's part of his schtick and by goodness don't say anything -even objective-about him or you'll be branded "Liberal media".
Biden has his weaknesses, but he has a ton of strengths as well, plenty enough to easily dispose of the wanna-be despot. The media has been fluffing Trump since 2016, it's negligent. I do believe if the same scrutiny now applied to Biden was being applied to Trump this election would practically be over.
And OH FUCKING yea, next time I hear that godamn commercial where it goes, "Biden (not President Biden, but Biden) over turned President Trumps immigration policy..." I am going to murder someone.
(39,481 posts)whether media
-- use insinuating headlines; or whether they
-- ignore coverage of positive events or decisions; whether media
-- amplify and flog the most trifling negative when simple facts will suffice; when they
-- raise dishonest questions to foment public doubt;
-- make negative snap judgments in op-eds.
Because "the perfect as the enemy of the good" is the corporate anti-democratic media's bad faith framing narrative assigned to reporters when they cover liberals or any coalitions of Democrats.
Wounded Bear
(61,183 posts)Hermit-The-Prog
(36,631 posts)malaise
(280,507 posts)unflushable toilet 😂
(36,631 posts)"This is a tough hurricane, one of the wettest weve ever seen, from the standpoint of water."
-- traitortrump, about hurricane Florence
This is an island surrounded by water, big water, ocean water,
-- traitortrump, about Puerto Rico, after hurricane Maria
(280,507 posts)
(36,631 posts)malaise
(280,507 posts)I cannot process this
(12,630 posts)Progressive dog
(7,337 posts)because he thinks the people who live there don't know.
(2,665 posts)"I thought you said your shark didn't bite!"
(280,507 posts)😂😂😀
(2,828 posts)When you picked me up.
(2,665 posts)Dave Bowman
(4,445 posts)malaise
(280,507 posts)Rec
(86,038 posts)Owens
(403 posts)Watch him flail and wail about how unfair that question is!
(1,444 posts)I know they really make it hard to comment to them, or to contact anyone, but it will all help to break the oligarch's grip on our media and congresscritters.

(36,594 posts)infullview
(1,064 posts)Im only 67 years old. My expertise is in software engineering. I worked in R&D for a good percentage of my career and have more than 40 years of experience. My knowledge of tech is current. Ive been sending out resumes for 8 months and no one has bothered to give me the opportunity of an interview.
I feel for Biden but public opinion is so agist
.. I know he can do the job, but the vast majority discriminate against old people. I have to admit that I am scared to death we may end up with pResident tRump if we dont change horses.
Think. Again.
(21,282 posts) still on a winning streak.
(37,463 posts)wnylib
(25,183 posts)changing your resume? Or cover letters? Or choice of places to contact? Might be that it's not age that is the factor.
(1,064 posts)The head hunter that was shopping my resume was exasperated. My qualification exactly matched what the prospective employer was looking for but they didnt like the fact that I did the work in the 1990s. Nothing about electronics or the C programming language has changed. My reps comment was they are searching for a purple squirrel and they dont get it that time equals money.
Dont feel obliged to comment unless you have an engineering background similar to mine, you are the same age, and have had no problems getting interviews.
(4,544 posts)After presenting prospective employers with a resume that is well-qualified or even overqualified. If they hire someone younger, the excuse (sound familiar?) is that they must be more advanced technologically...but the real reason is they can start a younger hire out at (far) less salary...
(1,064 posts)UNUM, a local company, had four jobs posted. I was well qualified for the senior position and got rejected almost instantly. Then I lowered my salary expectation on indeed to match a mid-level position and again I got immediately rejected. I happened to be listening to NPR shortly after this happened, and they had the Portland ME Chamber of Commerce on interview; they were talking about how Maine has one of the largest aging populations, and how they cant find enough qualified people to fill existing job openings etc..
I sent an email to them with my rejection letter from UNUM and copied their HR department. Of course, I received a CYA letter from UNUM almost immediately explaining all the buzzwords my application was missing, except, they were all there on my resume. I pointed this out and never heard back from them.
(25,002 posts)Or we'll definitely end up with Trump as dictator. Republicans pushed LBJ out of the race in 1968 and we ended up with Nixon.
Don't listen to the elitist media. They want Trump for the promise of tax breaks. They don't know that their company will be no more if Trump wins.
(1,323 posts)spanone
(138,085 posts)Martin Eden
(13,751 posts)Then extended fearmongering about our southern border.
(25,183 posts)incompetence in not getting answers or follow up questions and call for them to resign.
Martin Eden
(13,751 posts)During the CNN "debate" I wish Joe had admonished the moderators to do their viewers a service with a thourough post debate fact check.
Think. Again.
(21,282 posts)These brief hits of reality are a hell of a rush!
I can see why some people get addicted to it.
(37,463 posts)wnylib
(25,183 posts)or how to handle the release of the Project 2025 info.
(807 posts)azureblue
(2,347 posts)No water in your faucets. You ever try buying a new home and you turn on. You want to wash your hair or you wanna wash your hands.You turn on the water and it goes drip, drip the soap. You can't get it off your hand. So you keep it running for about 10 times longer. You trying, the worst is your hair. I have this beautiful luxuriant hair and I put stuff on. I put it in lather. I like lots of lather because I like it to come out extremely dry because it seems to be slightly thicker that way. And I lather up and then you turn on this crazy shower and the thing drip,drip and you say I'm gonna be here for 45 minutes. What? There's so much water. You don't know what to do with it.You know, it's called rain. It rains a lot in certain places. But, now their idea, you know, did you see the other day? They just, I opened it up and they closed it again. I opened it, they close it, washing machines to wash your dishes.There is a problem.They don't want you to have any water. They want no water.
DT 6/22/24
(18,652 posts)LetMyPeopleVote
(157,500 posts)634-5789
(4,356 posts)This is perfect. Joe came out swinging, ala the Biden I know him for.
(146,688 posts)From 1988 -
Joseph Biden (right) sits opposite Andrei Gromyko, chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, during negotiations in Moscow in 1988 to ratify the intermediate-range nuclear forces treaty. Photograph: TASS/Getty Images
He has been there, done that, wore the t-shirt, wore the t-shirt out, got a new one, wore that out... Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
Blue Owl
(55,195 posts)

(5 posts)The P.O.S. my daughter married was going on about how he "went off of a list of reporters" and that it was likely that "large parts were scripted".
I told him that this is bullshit and that even if true, it is unlikely that he'll have a President as capable or as accomplished again in his lifetime.
(103,346 posts)An asshole who should neither be a doctor or a representative, but he is because of Fox fucking News.
(15,519 posts)fromt the magnificent EarlG!