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Project 2025: The Plan To Seize Power by Gutting Americas System of Checks and Balances
Biden slams Trump after he tries to distance himself from Project 2025
Republicans call Trumps move to distance himself from Project 2025 preposterous
Just ludicrous: Ex-Pence advisor on Trumps attempt to distance himself from Project 2025
Heritage faces blowback after bloodless revolution comment

Doc Sportello
(7,962 posts)Constantly. So far, it's been relegated to also ran status. Every interview should focus on this, instead of falling into the media's trap of incessant focus on Biden's supposed failures.
(24,128 posts)The American people need to know what the orange menace and repukes wants to do with this country and how you can kiss your social security, Medicare and any other government programs goodbye!
(36,534 posts)

(15,774 posts)

KS Toronado
(20,658 posts)It's up to us average citizens to get the word out how reQublicans plan to destroy this Country
so a few rich people can get richer.
(12,635 posts)Been a plan since forever.
Blue Owl
(55,227 posts)B.See
(4,370 posts)bdamomma
(67,287 posts)is hiding out, hopefully he will blow a gasket in his head!!!
(10,282 posts)I also unequivocally reject monarchy and intend to live to see anyone who DARES to be coronated as such in these United States to suffer the same fate as Louis XVI, complete with an adequate marker for the occassion:
*for those wondering, that plaque is in Place de la Concorde in Paris and denotes the spot where King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were beheaded.
(9,801 posts)...seems more accurate.
(9,801 posts) about....
(6,625 posts)But if he did actually exist, he would have looked more like this:
In other words, a poor middle eastern Jew, not a European white man. The white, blue-eyed blonde "Jesus" always cracks me up!
But yeah, my daughter is 30-something surgical many goats is she worth, I wonder....
(67,287 posts)He was a Middle-Eastern man. Not blue-eyed like Jeffrey Hunter in the Kings of Kings!!!!!
(23,036 posts)MOMFUDSKI
(7,080 posts)the blue door.
Justice matters.
(7,844 posts)The USSC just allowed it to happen by making Trump a lawless king next time!
NEVER FORGET the sacrifices of The Greatest Generation must NOT have been made in vain!
GOTV & VOTE BLUE up and down ballots!
(6,912 posts)greatest suckers and losers,if you ask any republican.
-90% jimmy
Justice matters.
(7,844 posts)But maybe "some" lurkers here will get the "message" and they will understand what's at stake and vote blue.
It *could* happen here if they don't.
(22,650 posts)Let's make them answer THAT question, scream it in front of them.
(67,287 posts)the threat was never from the outside, IT WAS WITHIN WITH SO CALLED AMERICANS!!!!!!
They have such a low opinion of the American people. They just can't understand the Middle Class who built this country. The hate the poor. I could list more, but, let me stop now.
Fritz Walter
(4,349 posts)
(6,785 posts)I do not understand why the DOJ is not investigating this, and their threats against the American people.
Black Lives Matter marched in the streets advocating for equal justice, and were roughed up, arrested, some even killed during the trump Presidency.
(339 posts)Do the people who put this together have names?
red dog 1
(29,915 posts)BumRushDaShow
(147,004 posts)LakeArenal
(29,935 posts)What happened to love it (as it is) or leave it?
(19,617 posts)You'll notice since Biden got elected the country is "a mess and completely destroyed" according to them
They've gone as far as to compare The United States of America to a third world Central American Country.
That doesn't sound very loving, and they still want us to leave.
(29,935 posts)US Republicans are stereotypical third world tyrants.
No dictators in this country. 🇨🇷
(1,696 posts)The upper management of our party seems feeble by comparison.
(19,617 posts)They need to hold onto a decent majority in the House to grease the programs through
I don't know if they can take the Senate this fall.
So much at stake this year, it's frightening.
(103,496 posts)To please an increasingly smaller group of criminally insane billionaires. Fuck them all!
the bought SC. Senator Whitehouse has been talking about it, getting dark money out of politics. Senator Whitehouse is up for re-election. I plan on giving him small donations.
(103,496 posts)And we also need to get Fox News out of our government. Seriously, Hannity acts like he's the regional manager for the MAGA Q nuts in Congress and the Senate. This crap has got to stop.
(36,631 posts)haele
(13,868 posts)The general workforce might be okay, except in those departments they're getting rid of or replacing with venture-capital run corporations and AI.
Government pensions, social security, and any sort of retirement investment will be gone, though. I guess us middling class and poors are supposed to work for the masters until we can't anymore, then just go off somewhere ditch-like and die, leaving our spot for the next tool to step in and do what it's told to.
Company complexes for the general workforce and "un-trustables" will be developed within the next few decades. Doesn't matter if they're in cities or out on remote federal facilities, Project 2025 ensures US society will be separated between the Respectable with Money, and everyone else - potential criminals or other riff-raff supporting or working for those with Money.
Just like the old Anti-Bellum Southern Plantation society. The compliant or fellow travellers, the "trusted staff", advisors, and those providing "security" will be able to live nearer to the Big Houses; their rewards will be left-overs and cast offs.
Not good for most of us. But for the wealthy, well - they're going to make a pile of money until it all comes crashing down around them. Because when it comes down to the basics, money in itself is only a transferrable value concept; it doesn't actually do anything other than suck up energy - perhaps hoarded in its physical representation (metal, stone, or paper) it can be used as a construction material.
But until it's given a broadly accepted value amongst everyone, money is basically useless. And all these mediocre but wealthy idiots pushing rich = smart know this in their greedy little hearts. That's why they have to value anything produced with or through physical attributes below the concept of the production of money.
Otherwise, they don't have power over a craftsman, tradesman, or any other person who provides them with whatever they want that they also don't want to work for or do on their own.
Only little people work to sustain themselves to an individual point of comfort (for the most part). The "elite" tell themselves they're smarter because they work to accumulate more money beyond any amount they would ever need.
(23,143 posts)There were 101 replies. Everyone was in agreement that it is a horrific plan.
People are sharing this which is good to see.
(4,370 posts)I'll add them to the rest of my bookmarks.
(13,665 posts)... and think it is for losers and suckers. They are laying the groundwork to take America -- a country specifically founded in response to the obvious problems of having a king and a national religion -- back to that same kind of monarchy. And they call it "making America great again" -- except that, by definition, it won't be America any longer.
(103,496 posts)It's time we erased those two from our collective memories. They did nothing but harm the United States, and if we're not careful, the MAGAs will finish the job.
(1,447 posts)John McEntee (described as one of Trump's most trusted aides), Ben Carson, Peter Navarro, and Russell Voight (another of Trump's most trusted people.)
(5,895 posts)Wouldn't be the first time America ignored pearl-clutching civility mavens and doomsayers, and threw off the yoke of a dipshit monarch.
(31,214 posts)The people gathered into concentration camps will be
used for free labor.
Many others will be wage slaves.
(67,287 posts)have been talking about Project 2025, I heard Joy Reid mention it, there may be others too.
Rachel Maddow was on the View talking about it too. So the word is getting out.
But mention to friends, some don't know about it at all. This is when we come in. The more we tell, maybe it will sink in.
(67,287 posts)board should be arrested. Enemies of the state aren't they to be considered that?
(67,287 posts)the Left may not allow a peaceful transfer of power.
WTF it was not us who interfered with the peaceful transfer of power it was TSF and his cult. I hope this whole concept blows up in their faces. What the hell pitting Americans against Americans. This has to stop. All this division and hate has to stop. November is coming up fast and we all have to get this information out there. Is there any agencies or groups planning to have a bill board displayed around the US saying Project 2025 will be the end of America.