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From now till November, every day, pound it home: republicans have been systematically lying to Americans about climate change. The whole stinking party.
Don't think climate chaos is happening? Watch the frikken weather report. Any day. Every day.
Climate change is in our face. You see it all the time, unless you are Blinded by the billionaire-backed Bullshit MAGA Cult, Inc..
The entire mendacious G.O.P. needs to have its face rubbed in its lies. Because climate change is real, and it is by now an ugly and expensive part of daily life.
Bernardo de La Paz
(51,085 posts)"Normal" is usually averaged from about a 30 year preceding period. When I look at a week's forecast, temperatures are usually a couple of degrees above normal (Celsius; Fahrenheit would be about 3 above). Be sure to check nighttime norms too, since global warming is elevating those even more than daytime.
I often see 5 days above normal, one normal and one below. Nights more so.
(3,635 posts)The M$M never fully grasped the who the adversaries were in the Global Warming/Climate Change debate when it began in earnest in the 1990s. It was always depicted as the oil companies versus big government (Al Gore being labeled as the poster boy). In reality it was the fossil fuel industry versus the insurance/financial industry. These were the two entities with the most to lose as far as what we as a society decided to do to address this problem.
Now we're seeing the consequences of choosing not to address rising greenhouse gas levels mainly due to our consumer life style choices. Bigger this and bigger that means more resource consumption/greenhouse gas emissions. All of these "assets" are mostly leveraged or paid with loans. The banking industry insists on some type of back up plan (insurance) to assure it gets its loans addressed in case of total loss. With changing weather patterns, the insurance industry can no longer use outdated climate patterns to estimate how much it will be on the hook to replace. Thus, insurance rates go up because of climate uncertainty.
The danger is that market corrections (rising insurance rates) are being opposed on a political level. If you impose false narratives on the market, it goes out of balance. And market imbalances are always corrected regardless of what the politicians and people want. Cheap gas and cheap insurance are not possible in a warming world.
(2,996 posts)While Florida gags on inch after inch of climate change rain, the republican governor continues to lie about it. All repubes lie about it. They need to have their lies rubbed in their ballot boxes while HOME OWNER INSURANCE skyrockets because the G.O.P. blocks every effort to do even the smallest thing about it. They are screwing us with their lies, and especially our children.
(2,996 posts)The Texas repubes go with the usual BS republican lies. This image below is not from today -- but it might as well be.
Dems should hit this hard -- the dissonance between the facts of daily reality, and the generously-funded republican BS lies that climate change is some kind of phony, made-up lib concept.
(2,996 posts)But facts keep getting in the way of his republican-corporate propaganda. He needs to take his stinkin finger out of his brain openings and let in some facts.
(21,834 posts)90s all week here in Michigan, and this is after the mildest Winter of all time.
(2,996 posts)Republicans are going to keep lying to Americans about what we are actually experiencing.
They need to be hammered on their lies every day from now till November.
They are severely injuring America with this particularly foul set of lies.
(21,834 posts)If Trump wins? Trump has vowed to gut all the climate progress we're making and pump more CO2 into the air than ever. A Trump win in November means the planet will die, any hope we have, however faint, will be gone on Climate Change. Trump will ensure that the most severa aspects get here decades earlier.
(2,996 posts)This is where the G.O.P. is shitting the False Propaganda Bed. It is where there bullshit is the thinnest, because it rubs up against reality day after day.
Dems can score big gains beating this drum, day after stinking hot, stormy, flooding-wet day.
It makes it painfully obvious that the republicons are LIARS. You really have to want to swallow the bullshit in order think of the G.O.P. position as anything other than poisonously dangerous and greedhead-minded, Inc. evil war on the world (and all children).
(2,996 posts)Thanks a crapload, republicans. Your climate change lies have massively helped this kind of climate change catastrophe to happen again and again. You do not deserve to hold public office if you cannot accept reality.