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Did Senator Barrasso let the cat out of the bag this morning on Jansing and Co.?
Is this their plan? To remove Senator John Kerry from his senatorial seat by nominating him for Secretary of State over Susan Rice?
These are distorted, trumped up charges against Susan Rice. These weasels and their motives need to be EXPOSED!
Here is Sen. Barrasso making his pitch for John Kerry saying his nomination would " sail through in the nominating process "..

sabbat hunter
(6,922 posts)of any Senator elevated to a cabinet level position. They don't vote against their own.
Collins said the same. After she got done blaming Rice for everything under the sun.
(154,021 posts)Walk away
(9,494 posts)These vampires of the GOP are not shy about showing their fangs in public anymore. I will cheerfully donate to what ever teabagger primaries Collins in 2014!
sabbat hunter
(6,922 posts)is fairly moderate (and by most GOPers she would be considered liberal as she is pro-choice, against a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, voted for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. She also voted to repeal DADT
Not sure why she is taking this stance against Susan Rice.
Lil Missy
(17,865 posts)sadbear
(4,340 posts)then a member of the Massachusetts House delegation should take one for the team and run for the Senate seat.
I do love Ed Markey for that seat.
(33,497 posts)has been a lot of speculation for months about both Kerry and Rice for SOS.
(4,340 posts)At this point, it's only an assumption that Rice is his preference.
But her appointment does make sense if/when Clinton leaves.
sabbat hunter
(6,922 posts)in line for Secretary of Defense.
(33,497 posts)Of course there is no guarantee that Brown would win, but he did once in a special election and it is just a fact that turnout in many special elections and midterm elections are smaller which helps republicans. Also, Brown would start any race (which is a short term race) with lots of name recognition and money. We need all the Dems we have in the Senate for the next two years.
(14,923 posts)McCain and Graham have other motivations: getting a scalp, keeping phony impeachment hopes alive, etc. But let's not forget that these guys are politicians, and senators, and they think of politics and the Senate first. One less Democrat in the Senate would make for a nice little cherry on their sundae.
Which raises another point that deserves attention. If Harry Reid is going to push filibuster reform next January, why should they not include a provision that the minority can't filibuster certain categories of major appointments? The number of vacancies in this administration, judgeships and other key positions, is mind-boggling, and it reached the point where the administration simply stopped trying to fill positions because some wingut senator was placing a hold on every single nomination.
This too needs exposure to the old harsh disinfectant. But if Ayotte really puts a hold on Rice, I spect that'll get lots of attention. Swell move by the party allegedly trying to reach out now to nonwhite voters eh?
(31,706 posts)If Snotty was that fine of a Senator, the fine folks of Massetchussets would have re-elected him. Instead he turned off a lot of independent and female voters who will surely be voting again in 2014 as well as they have this year. It's a false assumption that I hope they stick with as the rushpublicans attempt to bully this President around.
The bottom line is there will soon be filibuster reform that will prevent the rushpublicans from throwing the tantrums they are now...and I think that's part of this game as well. Also the desperate need by the rushpublicans to feel they've won something if President Obama doesn't nominate Amb. Rice.
The rushpublicans still haven't learned that their obstructionist games were a major motivating factor that rallied Democrats this year...and will be a sole focus come 2014. Collins knows she's one that's under the gun...
woo me with science
(32,139 posts)helping?
(58,179 posts)Anyone who thinks that the "caustic reaction" from GOP senators on their meeting with Susan Rice yesterday gives Democrats any pause on a Rice nomination for Secretary of State, should think again, a Democratic Senate aide tells First Read.
Said the aide: "People are happy to fight for her. This is getting people's back up. The general sense of the mood is this is ridiculous. She's obviously qualified."
"The aide also questioned whether Republicans besides McCain, Graham, and Ayotte would think this is a 'smart fight to pick' given Rice's qualifications and that this would mean a 'high-profile fight with a qualified African-American woman.' As to the threat of holds from Ayotte and Graham, the aide said that if Rice is nominated and presents well at her confirmation hearing, there's a 'good chance cooler heads prevail' and there would be more than enough votes to confirm her. That would make Ayotte and Graham's holds 'moot' once it goes to a cloture vote, the aide said, because "either we have the votes or we don't.'"
(3,333 posts)For those two, it's revenge for Rice turning McCain's so-called "foreign policy strength" into his greatest weakness during the 2008 election.
(30,801 posts)it's a shame--I'n sure he'd be a good SOS