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(19,381 posts)Drum
(10,084 posts)Firestorm49
(4,279 posts)c-rational
(2,900 posts)tanyev
(45,273 posts)yonder
(10,034 posts)Spot on observation. Made me laugh but its funny/not funny.
(10,545 posts)What the actual fuck happened to enforcing Church and State Separation? Why cant WE just ignore the 2nd amendment?
(22,814 posts)Nevilledog
(53,514 posts)Bonus: one of those morons is Anthony Kern, AZ fake elector
(7,269 posts)StarryNite
(11,228 posts)I'm sick and tired of all this sick cultist shit.
(10,102 posts)MotownPgh
(413 posts)Thanks for posting. Hope this is shared far and wide so that sane Americans see the way this is headed. Maybe even some commercial, especially for Arizona senate for instance
(121,234 posts)SamKnause
(13,993 posts)Separation of Church and State is being ignored.
They bleed us dry by not paying taxes, yet they have a voice in our government.
This is insanity !!!!!!!!!!!!
(12,510 posts)
Blue Idaho
(5,500 posts)This is the 21st Century for 🐶 sake. I guess I should be relieved they didnt sacrifice any virgins while they were down there.
(2,112 posts)From the movie saved:

(4,567 posts)EarnestPutz
(2,739 posts)Sky Jewels
(8,856 posts)Jesus wasn't supernatural and is never, ever coming back. There. Saved you lots of time. You're welcome. *dusts off hands*
DJ Synikus Makisimus
(889 posts)sinkingfeeling
(53,933 posts)jalan48
(14,654 posts)FormerOstrich
(2,793 posts)Is that real? I haven't' seen anything about it anywhere else. It's sad I have to ask if it is real, because nothing would surprise me about some of them. Well...maybe...honest is that real? It looks like they are giving CPR. I didn't listen to it.
(11,228 posts)
(4,044 posts)They just need some black robes and pentagrams.
(2,332 posts)To be Satanists. After all, Satanists understand things like bodily autonomy and not hurting (or raping) children, enough to have those as commandments, unlike the Judeo Christian 10Cs.
And spare us the rabid exaggerations about the attire of Satanists. I mean, really, plenty of Christian ministers wear black robes:
(4,044 posts)There's a difference.
>> spare us the rabid exaggerations about the attire of Satanists
Spare me your moral outrage over nothing.
North Shore Chicago
(4,079 posts)big enough for these nuts.
(40,915 posts)
(280,598 posts)These people are deranged
(1,732 posts)... what they're saying here is more comprehensible than what they usually say in that chamber.
(65,368 posts)MineralMan
(148,428 posts)Insignificant in the extreme.
(53,514 posts)MineralMan
(148,428 posts)However, I'm not sure their little show of speaking in tongues has any impact on anything. Just three or four nutcases being nutcases.
It just seems insignificant to me.
(438 posts)I count 8 in that circle of crazy. They represent quite a number of constituents and others whose religiosity contaminants the legislative process.
(20,063 posts)At least he's going to grow out of gibberish, while they embrace it.
(12,075 posts)I could translate this:
(1,258 posts)dembotoz
(16,922 posts)makes them feel like they are communicating directly with god
reinforces anything the maga preacher says
(35,571 posts)Vinca
(51,549 posts)Back in the 80's my late father got involved with one of the whackjob megachurches and I went to a service with him once when I was visiting. Sure enough, the crazies talked in tongues. Very, very weird. At least there weren't any snakes.
Elessar Zappa
(16,295 posts)where from and when did Arizona get so many Pentecostals? I used to think of AZ as a libertarian Republican state, unlike the evangelical Republicans in the South.
(22,182 posts)We had many frank and honest discussions about religion and she admitted she faked speaking in tongues at church when she was younger because of the pressure to do so and her want to feel like she belonged. Her and her friends were all faking it. And when you went and did it, you got special treatment from the rest of the congregation.
People's faith is their faith, but the fact that people like this not only get elected to office, but then perform this nonsense on the people's floor in the House of Representatives for the state is just disgusting.
(6,678 posts)but those prayer folk need to be deleted from politics.
Politics is about clear thinking and making decisions that benefit the majority of people.
It's not 'Oh, donno what to do, but let's call on the Upstairs Big Guy to decide for us!'
If you are going to do politics like that, might as well shut the whole political shop down and rely on church leaders to make decisions.
(I guess separation of State and Church didn't occur to them?
Why weren't they arrested or removed?
Or at least told . . . Umm, no, you can't do that here?)