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As we suggested way back when this started, the prosecutor in the John Doe case is clearly working his way up to bigger fish and on Monday, revealed documents indicating Governor Scott Walkers participation in campaigning activity going on in his county office at the taxpayers expense.

Here is the bombshell you knew was coming if you read PoliticusUSA:
Kelly Rindfleisch, Walkers Deputy Chief of Staff in his Milwaukee County Executive office, was found guilty of one count of felony misconduct and sentenced to six months in jail with three years probation. Shes the fourth person to be convicted under the John Doe investigation so far. The judge presiding over the John Doe investigation granted the prosecutor the right to use the Walker documents in court way back on January 25.
Walker was supposed to testify for the defense, but several days later the defense made a plea bargain. You can read between the lines that Mr. Walker did not want to appear in court and offer sworn testimony on behalf of his former staffer, and thus she was forced to make a deal with the prosecution. That probably wasnt the best idea for Walker either, but he certainly cant afford to appear on court under oath on this matter.

Unknown Beatle
(2,688 posts)Hopefully he'll be wearing an orange jumpsuit soon. Just deserts.
(95,168 posts)and I think that if he should be arrested and jerked out of office, the state legislature, now under democratic control, would be the deciders when it comes to selecting his replacement..... Ohpleaseohpleaseohplease....
Jackpine Radical
(45,274 posts)Anyway, the Repugs regained control of the Legislature in the last election due to gerrymandering.
(95,168 posts)But she just got in trouble over the same case so maybe that could disqualify her? Man, that state's in need of a serious housecleaning. I lived there, Madison, back in the early 80s. Had some issues then too. Too bad.
(776 posts)Last edited Wed Nov 21, 2012, 05:14 PM - Edit history (1)
............he will not do very well in jail.
In fact his heath will decline.
(Prison Guards have a Union)
(53,475 posts)Segami
(14,923 posts)
(53,475 posts)mojowork_n
(2,354 posts)sandyshoes17
(657 posts)To replace some union jobs. Ha
(53,475 posts)... they have no bottom.
(36,392 posts)this criminal does a perp walk.
(262 posts)Would be a happy new year if he was brought down. I hope Russ Feingold considers running for Gov if indeed Walker gets ousted.
(385 posts)the dream team (after Obama is gone):
Feingold - Gov of WI
Pelosi or Grayson - Speaker of the House
Warren - Chair of banking in the senate
Sanders/Brown - POTUS and VPOTUS
(2,354 posts)99Forever
(14,524 posts)Politician as slimy as Snotty seem quite proficient at slipping away from justice.
(13,877 posts)I've never seen an article that links these two "famous" personages from Wisconsin.
(1,950 posts)want the so and so tried for treason along with rove , kotch, and others like them . but this will do

er. busted.
Jack Rabbit
(45,984 posts)They obviously weren't looking too hard before coming to that conclusion.
The Dave and Chartlie Koch are among the most corrupting influences on 21st century American politicians and Scott Walker is one of the most corrupted politicians of our time.
I hope all three of the above named do a perp walk. Will it be on pay-per-view?
(89,501 posts)like the criminals they are........oh please please please.
I'll take that gift wrapped in a large red bow....Christmas would work for me!
So great to come home from work to this news!
(2,354 posts)lsewpershad
(2,620 posts)Karma never loses.
(2,354 posts)Drilling down for details, it turns out... there is more:
On Page 2, it is reported that Rindfleisch has turned on her cohort in crime, Tim Russell. This would indicate that they are indeed trying to make Russell the fall guy for all the illegal campaigning. Unfortunately, the emails that we know about belie their false front (for example, see page 73, at the bottom).
Landgraf then goes on for several pages clearly demonstrating that Rindfleisch knew what she was doing was wrong, yet sent out and received some 3,500 campaign related emails, 70% of which occurred during the work hours. And that was just in a period of a few months. Extrapolate that over the year and the number easily tops 10,000 campaign emails....
...Now, the various emails that Landgraf has revealed show that Walker was often the recipient of these illegal campaigning emails. If one overlooks his false claims of stopping the illegal campaigning once he was aware of it, Walker would be able to have a plausible excuse of being a passive recipient of the emails and therefore completely innocent. If anything, he might admit to being negligent by making sure the illegal campaigning emails had stopped.
But that would be just another one of Walker's many lies.
(16,854 posts)of officials that can be trusted to do the right thing? Because email would leave tracks either way.

Blue Owl
(55,227 posts)n/t