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On ABCs This Week Nancy Pelosi stood by the presidents insistence that the rich by made to pay their fair share.
Pelosi Said:
Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has been making it crystal clear that any deal that cuts Social Security will not pass the Senate. Reid said, Ive made it very clear. Ive told anyone that will listen, including everyone in the White House, including the president, that I am not going to be part of having Social Security as part of these talks relating to this deficit.

If congressional Democrats are unified, President Obamas hand to play in these negotiations grows even stronger. One of the problems in the two previous negotiations with congressional Republicans was that the Democratic side of the Senate was divided. Too many senators, including Reid himself, put their own reelection first. Harry Reid weakened Obamas hand previous by actively looking to cut a deal, even if that deal was bad for Democrats.

People who worry that Obama is going to cave in these negotiations dont seem to understand that every negotiation is different. Political climates change, and leverage shifts. Obama and the Democrats have all the leverage. They can do nothing and get what they want. It is the Republican signature issue of the Bush tax cuts that is on the line this time. This isnt 2010. It looks like Democrats are unified, and out to make Republicans pay a high price for their negotiating tactics of the past.

(10,960 posts)ananda
(31,208 posts)The age is a little too high already.
(14,923 posts)now " balking at ideas such as chained CPI or an increase in the Medicare retirement age "..
Those negotiations, however, were conducted on a playing field that favored Republicans. It was less than a year after Obamas self-described shellacking in the 2010 elections and the president was desperate to win an increase in the governments borrowing cap and avoid a government default on its debt that should shatter financial markets. Also, Obama still faced re-election in 2012.
Now conditions favor Obama.
He decisively won re-election and Republicans seem fearful of being tagged with the blame if an impasse results in the government going over the fiscal cliff. Obama and Democrats already are portraying Republicans as hostage-takers willing let tax rates rise on everyone if the lower Bush-era tax rates are not also extended for the top 2 percent to 3 percent of earners those with incomes above $200,000 for individuals and $250,000 for joint filers.
The new balance of power means that Democrats who once would have acquiesced reluctantly to GOP demands for stiff benefit cuts are now balking at ideas such as chained CPI or an increase in the Medicare retirement age, as well as demanding GOP concessions to higher taxes.
The price for that kind of thing has gone up, said a senior House Democrat who required anonymity to speak frankly on party strategy. Negotiations depend on the situation. No one should expect to get the same kind of deal.
Republicans have gotten the message, but insist that higher tax revenues be paired with cuts to rapidly growing programs such as Medicare and the Medicaid health care program for the poor and disabled. These programs are called entitlements because eligibility is based on meeting criteria such as age or income.
(1,663 posts)NightOwwl
(5,453 posts)Obama delivers.
(1,663 posts)The article is about Pelosi and Reid. President Obama has delivered more than the two of them combined. They have only acted because he has forced exposure on them.
(33,424 posts)Delivers what exactly?
(1,663 posts)It may not be perfect but nothing was being done prior to his taking office. I hope his reelection and strong support from the public will energize congressional democrats. We shall see.
(36,974 posts)I know it's in there somewhere!
(5,453 posts)He will deliver on his promise to let the Bush tax cuts expire for the wealthy while reinstating cuts for the middle class.
(5,453 posts)Didn't mean to offend you.
Rose Siding
(32,625 posts)CitizenPatriot
(3,783 posts)I don't understand why people can't see that the political climate is much different - we don't have to fight for unemployment benefits this time either. Democrats abandoned the President in 2010, he lost political capital, then his own party Dems ran away from him and Republicans were their usual jihadists.
Things are a little different now
it is different. If the Republicans go off the Cliff protecting the wealthy, it will hurt the wealthy and Republicans the most. Most of the cuts are in Defense. Most of those Defense cuts are in Red States with red districts. They will lose jobs and plus unemployment benefits. They want get any food stamps either. They will be on their own. I call this checkmate. It is the Repukes move.
(2,526 posts)Reid sounds like he will be making the Senate an iron curtain against bullshit.
(53,661 posts)Scuba
(53,475 posts)... to be heard over the money arguing for the other side.
Its positional thinking like that which worries republicans the most. They depend on a strong-arm strategy of
intimidation, thuggery, distortions and propaganda. Part of their tactics is to come out fast, hard and in-your-face by quickly establishing a running game of defining the issues before Democrats even know what hit them.
Times are changing.......believe me they are!
(3,576 posts)Jackpine Radical
(45,274 posts)Fax may be best because it generates hardcopy. Or at least it used to.
(89,409 posts)We do need to take their backs.The American people need to speak up in one voice for what we believe in, what we voted for.
Days after the election I read several threads bemoaning the fact that obama was going to cave! They were chicken little saying the sky was falling. Gotta tell you it sent shivers down my spine reading them.
I have no doubt in my mind that Obama, Pelosi and Reid are going to make this happen. The naysayers be damned!
(27,461 posts)Reid and Pelosi can be counted on to sell to the caucus, and loyal DUers can be counted on to sell here.
Jackpine Radical
(45,274 posts)For one thing,we don't have to protect Obama any more.
It has always struck me that Nancy is pretty liberal, and I don't wanna hear any "off the table" bullshit. Impeachment would not have flown then, and she was right, even though I didn't think so at the time.
The WI recall taught me some things.
(36,392 posts)that the leaders have to swallow. Some of them were mortified at his giveaways last time. I hope he has their backs.
(1,560 posts)That'll save us a couple of bucks, me thinks.