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The cover up would be if we were not told about the new information.
Asked about Senator Reids brutal letter to him in which Reid denied McCains calls to head a special committee to investigate Benghazi, McCain said at a press conference at the Halifax International Security Forum, Im concerned about four Americans who died. Their families need to know the circumstances, why it happened, how it happened, and where responsibility lies. Thats all. Thats all that were seeking. Were not seeing a confrontation with anyone. Were not trying to quote take on anyone.
McCain claims that he knew better than the entire intelligence community (also known in Republican circles as the administration now) and thus he is not taking back his criticism of Susan Rice. The Senator said, No, because I knew it was a terrorist attack from the beginning. People dont go to spontaneous demonstrations with mortars and RPGs.

In McCain world, it was simple; he knew because there were mortars and RPGs there. And yet, it was not so simple. Shocking, I know. There were actually two attacks, and the intelligence community seems to think at this point that they may have been two separate attacks perhaps one spontaneous and one planned or some combo thereof. Furthermore, Petraeus suggested that Rices talking points were the unclassified version of what happened, something McCain should have grasped for obvious reasons since he claims to be an expert at national security. Perhaps he expected us to send a cable to the suspects on day one. But never mind McCains big talk on RPGs (you have to feel for the guy, clinging to his days as The Military Guy), what is really important here is that he now says he is not seeking a confrontation with anyone. From lies and calling for a Watergate-esque investigation to Were not trying to quote take on anyone, McCain is backpedaling. Not so fast, Senator.

(36,974 posts)Segami
(14,923 posts)This image should be posted everywhere.
(15,438 posts)Lindsey was actually the most vicious and most nasty between the two, imho.
(14,923 posts)As John Aravosis noted here, if we weren't already sure what Lindsey Graham has been up to with exploiting the tragedy in Libya, we have our answer now -- GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham running campaign ads on Benghazi tragedy:
Lindsey Graham is using our dead ambassador for his re-election campaign.
Even Mitt Romney wasnt this morbidly brazen.
But the evidence is incontrovertible. Lindsey Graham is running campaign ads about Benghazi. One such ad was found by Alvin McEwen of Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters on the Talk Points Memo site, and another on Daily Kos (Alvin forwarded them to me): [...]
And when you click on the ad, it takes you to a petition on, the Republican Senators campaign site that asks you to sign the petition if you want answers: [...]
Oh wed like answers all right.
Starting with why the Republicans keep treating the deaths of four Americans as if theyve won the lottery. Who does Lindsey Graham think he is, Mitt Romney?
(15,438 posts)and they can't get elected based on them.
Using the deaths of the four Americans in Benghazi for political gain is shameless, unpatriotic, and desperate - all part of the Republican DNA. But that doesn't mean anyone should turn a blind eye toward it.
He should be called on this shit by the media, be it MSNBC or CurrentTV, or even the New York Times. He has to be made ASHAMED for this since he clearly doesn't have a moral bone in that flabby body of his.
(306,910 posts)best graphic to depict Senator McEgg-On-Face's current status among the Reality Based Crowd.. of which I am one!
Sarah Jones does a good job with this latest bullshit of the Egg man.. thanks for the presentation, Segami!
(14,923 posts)I also like the " Romney Joins 2013 DWTS Cast " header........
(306,910 posts)I saw those intials and didn't understand what they meant.. until now.
That chicken with the words.. "and they call us stupid" is a Classic!
(40,069 posts)That's my new saying regarding all things Republican!
(306,910 posts)on the chickens' little faces.
(71,265 posts)tblue37
(66,148 posts)was, but he sure didn't tell anyone--and Obama is the one who finally took Osama out, not McCain.
(6,165 posts)Michigan Alum
(335 posts)And to all the other hot spots around the world - especially the most dangerous ones. We could get him a special outfit with a bullseye on the back.
(22,000 posts)Bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk
(40,145 posts)shopping expedition in the 2008 campaign. He is a pissy old loser.
(14,923 posts)We've seen and heard this ' dog whistle ' theater before. The wrappers are different but the caustic ingredients are the same.
McCain refers to Rice as " not very bright " or " doesn't understand ".... It clearly shows McCain's hate streak colors or HIS LACK of INTELLIGENCE when he refer's to Rice as not very bright.
Rice is a very bright woman who excelled on her own merits unlike a squating rodent like McCain who maneuvered his career by marrying up, into wealth and has been mooching government perks and pay cheques for most of his life.....
Sit down Johnny and STFU!!
(12,246 posts)in the heart of the MIA movement? What briefing information decided him to put down the MIA controversy? An opportunist, hitman, grouchiest when most hypocritical, long overdue for retirement.
On far less rationale than MIA relatives he pitches a self-serving opinion to create a new witch hunt committee and personal appointment when there are far more(presently fictional) scenarios that imply his party's wrongdoing.
Secret funding by politically conspiratorial parties(Rove, billionaires, others)launches a timely youtube video whose only purpose(by a criminal hack with little motivation restrained by court order from doing ANYTHING) is deliberately aimed at a hornets' nest that wants to be kicked. Terrorist ops used extensively in the past by GOP administrations pick one of the least organized new democracies with lots of bitter and conflicted gunmen launch an attack or two(one Israeli influenced) within a demonstration by the largely duped. At the least, within the GOP, everything is ready, HAS been ready for years to take full political advantage of a terrorist attack, no matter what, no matter where, with no constructive intent whatsoever. The fact they short-funded embassy security and tried to tear apart the Bin Laden takedown and kickstart a war with Iran shows this political intent is 100% pure and unadulterated with any lawful or national interest.
That like Whitewater they want a foot in the scandal door until there might be something salable in the room- someday. That this was a pallid attempt at the infamous "October Surprise" gambit that could defuse the Bin Laden capture the media removed immediately from their trumpet page in favor of the GOP empty suit of bluff and boast and hate and fear.
Some of these fictions should provoke a little investigation. So naturally we can safely assume all such distasteful speculation, unpatriotic to a grand old national party, has absolutely no grounding and deserves but a tsk tsk or derisive chuckle.
As opposed to McCain's wise, experienced guesswork.
(121,229 posts)
(9,463 posts)he couldn't support ANY nominee at this point until Susan Rice comes on MTP and says she was wrong.
And it looks like my extreme badgering of McCain will continue on Twitter. @SenJohnMcCain ... join me in giving him hell.
Edited to add: Brinkley did not ask McCain why he wasn't at the briefing the other day. Brinkley also did not point out the double-standard re: C. Rice vs. S. Rice where Condi Rice was lauded by McCain/Graham during her confirmation for Sec of State despite her role in the failures of September 11, 2001 where 3000 Americans were killed. Yet McCain/Graham are appalled that Susan Rice should be nominated after repeating the intel she was given over the September 11, 2012 Benghazi attack.
(14,923 posts)against Susan Rice propaganda hate squads like McCain, Graham et al.
(9,463 posts)that Dems need to counter this but the record of our party leaders in defending our people and positions is ... weeeellll ... lame. Hate to say that but for some reason we never seem to pull the gloves off and fight bare-knuckled.
(14,923 posts)the premise that republicans are nothing more than shake-down bullies!!
How does one deflate a bully?......well, for starters you push back and NOT ALLOW yourself to become a repeating victim.
Democrats should make the ' propaganda noise machine party ' tremble each and every time they even ponder disseminating lies & distortions.
Make the bully scared and irrelevant.
(9,463 posts)the source of a great deal of fist-clenching frustration for me.
(146,824 posts)on any Senate Committee that he deems "relevant" due to Committee term limits. As I understand, the only Committee left for him to be a "ranking member" on will be "Indian Affairs".
So he is having this juvenile racist temper tantrum now because next month, he will be "marginalized" when it comes to anything related to the military or national intelligence - unless he decides to focus on the "intelligence" aspect for Native American nations threatening secession.
(14,923 posts)
Change has come
(2,372 posts)
(17,609 posts)MADem
(135,425 posts)atreides1
(16,503 posts)Why it happened? Because we Americans are not loved as much as people like Johnny boy seems to believe.
How it happened? A high concentration of explosives, bullets, and mortars, and the inability to inhale smoke!
Who is responsible? The people who let loose with all the things stated above!
As for McCain "knowing", that's like him knowing where Bin Laden was hiding and all we had to do was elect him as president so he could tell us!