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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsOne REASON Romney Wanted To Win: Post Election Romney & Bain Face Fed. Corruption & Perjury Hearing
Well now that he lost the election, it appears the allegation had merit because on November 7, the day after his crushing defeat, the Delaware bankruptcy court judge entered the motion into the public docket and scheduled a hearing for December 4, 2012; all on the same day.
It was a victory for the whistleblower and eToys investors, and incriminating for the Delaware court and Willard Romney because although the judge received the Emergency Motion on October 24th, it was withheld from the public docket until after it was clear Romney lost the election and would not be appointing an attorney general to drop the case.
According to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 79 says when a motion is received by the court,
Instead of putting the Emergency Motion into the public docket immediately when it was received, it was held up until the day after the election and gives the very believable appearance the court was waiting for election results before either acting on the Motion according to the law, or letting it languish until Romney appointed a friendly attorney general.
Assuming Romney would appoint a friend of Bain as attorney general is an entirely realistic assumption because Bain Capitals corrupt lawyers were let off the hook when George W. Bush appointed another Bain lawyer as Delaware U.S. Attorney who refused to investigate and eventually drop the eToys case instead of prosecuting and forcing Bain to repay investors who were bilked out of their money.

Jackpine Radical
(45,274 posts)He saw a lot more than his Presidential ambitions crash & burn that night.
(14,923 posts)Berlum
(7,044 posts)To think that the Republicans tried to inflict these skanky-value, draft-dodging, tax-evading, screwjob-artiste characters on America.
Talk about revolting.
And Republicans wonder why no one respects them. Sheesh.
(31,849 posts)it would seem, but I'll have to research the case, that this occurred long after romney was involved in bain?
Jackpine Radical
(45,274 posts)Supposedly sheltered by a blind trust?
There's also the question of how "retroactive" his "resignation" actually was.
(31,849 posts)romney doesn't own bain; but remains an investor.
regardless of what date used as his resignation, the statute of limitations on any action that could have been brought under a romney directorship, would have long expired.
Jackpine Radical
(45,274 posts)Willard was there in the thick of things when the eToys caper went down. And maybe he continued to engage in criminal activities afterward as part of the coverup that he can be prosecuted for.
This story is a couple of weeks old and you may have already seen it, but it's neverteless an interesting refresher:
(Colm Connolly - pictured right) was made the United States Attorney on August 2, 2001 and was a MNAT law firm partner in early 1999 (the SAME Exact time period that Mitt Romney is seeking to be "retroactively" resigned from). (Please see Dept of Justice Office of Legal Policy archived Resume of Mr. Connolly [here]).
The story is finally OUT by an up & coming Matt Taibbi type in the making (PoliticusUSA reporter Rmuse). Please read and spread the word to stop this Mitt Romney/ Bain Capital criminal disaster from trying to become an Al Capone in the White House?
(17,064 posts)on fraudulent representations to the court. Could be wrong, I'm not a lawyer.
(7,805 posts)Number 1 - SOL begins once the case is closed (they kept it open until after the election - to prevent me suing in California)
Number 2 - Fraud on the Court - by an "officer" of the Court (key term) - has NO SOL's
(see case of In re Hazel Atlas Glass
The U.S. Supreme Court RE-opened a case that was closed for many years
because the ruling was accomplished by fraud from the attorneys.
Finally, beyond the fact that the crimes are continuous (today the filed a Motion that is another LIE)
the fact of the matter is - Bankruptcy Fraud SOL's begin "after" the case closes and runs for 5 years.
This case is still open (and as remarked - the crimes are CONTINUOUS)
(17,064 posts)laserhaas
(7,805 posts)and there's NO SOL (statute of limitations) here - because the crimes are continuous.
Plus - he escaped culpability for 11 1/2 years - due to Federal Corruption.
U.S. Supreme Court - In re Hazel Atlas Glass- vs Hartford Empire
No SOL for Fraud on the Court by Officers of the Court
(14,923 posts)Priorto this time, MNAT (as eToys debtors counsel) and Paul Traub (as eToys Creditors counsel), confessed
lying thirty (30) times to this court deliberately to conceal their conflicts of interest to multiple parties. The Code & Rule of Law under Section 327(a) unambiguously dictates their disqualification. However, due to corruption, the court was unwittingly duped to pardon them.They took the pearl of leniency and trampled over this court with further lies. Hiding the fact that they all (secretly) work for Mitt Romneys Bain Capital in their sinful quest to destroy the eToys public company. A neon elephant in the room that no one, thus far , has been able to see, is Bain Capital CEOs wicked desire to be retroactively resigned from the eToys crimes in 2001.
Colm Connolly was a MNAT partner from the spring of 1999 to August 2001. They tried to buy me off. When I reported their criminal intents, Colm Connolly became the U.S. Attorneyin August 2001; who then refused to investigate and / or prosecute Bain Capital for 7 years.
Enigmatically, even after Smoking Gun evidences forced (some ) confessions, the courtapproved attorneys for Collateral Logistics realized justice was a ghost in this case and joined thedark side. Every single counsel, upon all sides of the eToys case, earnestly hopes Mitt Romney will become the President of the United States and reward them. Thy staunchly refused to inform federal authorities about their knowledge of statutory violations before during and after the fact ,(violating 18 U.S.C. § MisPrison of a Felony). Seeking to bully this whistleblower, who is also a witness/ victim; this petitioners very own counsel for Collateral Logistics, Inc., did email a threat from Bain Capitals Paul Traubs firm that I must back off . Therefore I, Steven Haas( also known as Laser Haas), the sole, 100% owner of Collateral Logistics, Inc., due to crimes of counsels in eToys and rogue federal agents betrayal of their oaths to the Constitution of these United States, left with no other choice, must address this court as a whistleblower pro se.
Whereas this petitioner avers that the attestations of additional frauds are true and correct. That during and after
this honorable body ordered the bad faith parties to come clean and granted leniency; Goldman Sachs & Bain Capital cronies continued their fraud on this court by Perjury. This courts Opinion established that it is wrong to reward conflicted attorneys while punishing plaintiffs. Thus this petitioner respectfully requests the compensation equitably due and/ or that the court pay this petitioner by § 503 Substantial Contribution, and/ orsua sponte. Within this Courts Opinion of October 4, 2005 the court was jurisprudent enough to provide acomfort order protection against any further deceitful acts. Therefore, this activist also prays this court disqualify the parties and remove the Administrator Barry Gold for cause under Plan Section 5.2 and reinstate petitioner to preserve/ secure eToys and wind-down the estate?
everyone that gets excited about information like this, as I said in another post referencing these shenanigans of mittshit and bain. A lot of very powerful people have known about this and in conjunction with their media surrogates have buried this from mainstream public scrutiny via television, radio. If mittshit spends a day in court or behind bars, pigs in lipstick will fly.
(14,923 posts)But like all legal actions, the further the case proceeds, the more likely little factual nuggets become public.
The hearing is on December 4th 2012.....I'm NOT holding my breath for some breaking news development to arise from the hearing but the unexpected should ALWAYS be factored in regardless how small that sliver is on the pie chart.
(18,124 posts)is possible. 10-4 on that.
(7,805 posts)Please refer to me as Laser?
(7,805 posts)Romney, his attorney and his campaign staff have ALL confessed he was "technically" CEO until August 2001
However, he seeks to be "retroactively" retired from August 2001 - back to February 1999.
The reason being - his MNAT law firm partner (Colm Connolly) was a partner with MNAT from March 1999 to August 2, 2001
(see his resume here )
After being appointed as U.S. Attorney in August 2001;
Connolly buried the Bain Capital/ eToys fraud for 7 years.
(94,995 posts)he was listed as founder, CEO, investor, sole proprietor, beneficiary and a host of other positions which claimed basically that he, himself, was the personification of Bain, period. Blind trust is BS with a thin paper napkin over it. I'll look for a reference...
(85,128 posts)Glad you're here! This reminds me of the clips we often saw during the campaign, taken from several years earlier, in which wrongney said the "blind trust" is just a "ruse." His word choice.
(94,995 posts)offer a relationship map (interactive) of R$'s misadventures as an allegedly retired CEO and whatever other titles he likes to self-appoint:
Just doubleclick on the entities with an X in the upper right corner and the map will reconfigure to to show how that all fits in. Place cursor on the lines to see what the connection is. This is a busy map but worth exploring. Tools are on the left margin. Also, scroll down for even more info and links.
Enjoy, or get disgusted...
It becomes obvious that we haven't seen or heard the last of his sorry derriere but we can hope he'll find it in a sling more often than not if enough people stop giving him a GOJF pass...
(85,128 posts)MOST interesting! Thank you for posting it. What a tangled web. Bookmarking it!
(94,995 posts)nifty tool. Combine that with google search and wiki and you've got you own little information system right there on you own device of choice. Someone sent a link to it a couple years ago. I recommend it and use whenever I think there's a name that I heard in another context but find it in a conversation and questions like, where did I see that name before, wasn't it when...?
I wonder how many people actually know about that site.
(So since I'm new here, I don't know what "kick", nt, and some of the other cryptoacronyms are or mean..?) Maybe I should browse around the welcome page again!
(94,995 posts)This is just a good site for info on elected officials and policy issues in general, unbiased, nonprofit designed to keep voters informed:
And therein can be found... R$'s bio and business history! (I knew I saw this info somewhere that shows he is pretty much Bain all in one extremely huge ego):
(7,805 posts)Obama was responsible for Libyia as man at the top
(OF course - he will flip flop on that issue to - now that it applies to himself)
(94,995 posts)furthers the fact that mittens is like fish dying on the pier, flopping around incessantly until it expires. And smelling really bad all the while.
(Sorry, there's no smiles that are dying fish flopping around or lying there stinking up the place.)
Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)Consequences Willard!!! This is going to be very interesting,fraud is fraud and that's the fact. When this hits the fan,the Repuks will be squeezed so hard to reform Corporate and Bankruptcy laws. Then comes all the off shore tax havens. Notice this case has been held by up one person. Now that the brief has been filed,this case can finally move in the Court of Law and the Willard and Family will get their come uppens.
Bye Bye Willard!!!!
(1,412 posts)open up a little hair salon inside the prison. That would allow them to both use their Entrepreneurial skills for future employment.
(94,995 posts)R$ would be pimping Blago out at every turn for hair and other services, Blago would be sucking R$'s toes for a taste of some of that wealth doncha know?
(1,412 posts)sayin', never forget, your part of the 47%..You ain't getting no free stuff in here, ya gotta earn your keep.
(3,170 posts)Do whatever he wanted.
(802 posts)...fact that Adelsen will likely have to face charges that he violated The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act for the crap he pulled in Macao...hope the bastard dies in prison...and this could be a wonderful year.
(94,995 posts)thought!
(72,631 posts)
(3,273 posts)but hidden forever.
I think this was the only real reason Romney stayed in the race
(1,412 posts)all the corruption charges disappear, that's why he wanted POTUS so bad. Now he has to face some music, along with one of his son's for a massive 8 billion Ponzi scheme.
(12,272 posts)Comverge stock holders have a lawsuit now, I believe it is HIG (Tagg Romney) that thieved from them. There is sure to be plenty more too.
(7,805 posts)See the other DU started yesterday - it has more info and the link to the WH petition
We need 150 signatures
have 63 already
(9,791 posts)Egalitarian Thug
(12,448 posts)laserhaas
(7,805 posts)to tyranny, cronyism and corruption
speak the truth, speak it loud and do so often!
(71,265 posts)