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Karl Rove was ambitious this past election. He spent hundreds of millions of dollars in an attempt to sway people into thinking Mitt Romney was going to win. He was so confident in his ability he even threw a tantrum on air. And now he is under attack by his own party, being thrown under the bus in a blame game. And now it turns out, Karl may have broken the law in his eagerness.
Crossroads GPS was filed with the IRS as a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization located in Virginia. This kind of corporate structure is commonly called a dark money group due to its design to shield donors from any fallout associated with the donations. However, when you check with the state of Virginia, no such organization exists in their database.
Per the law in Virginia, any such organization which is to collect $1 million or more in donations must file the proper paperwork and fees before starting operation with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Office of Charitable and Regulatory Programs. Crossroads GPS did neither.
As a result, the shield which Crossroads GPS was to provide their donors may not apply at all. Failure by Karl Rove to cross his Ts and dot his Is might open him, and all of his donors, up to a legal nightmare scenario. He may have to return all of the money, and even then all the donors would become public knowledge, and he may be facing jail time for illegal solicitation of millions of dollars of donor money. People have gone to jail for far less severe a crime.

Karl Rove appears to have been so assured of victory that trivialities like legal paperwork appear to have not registered with him. Without a Romney presidency, Rove now may be facing an IRS auditor in his future, along with numerous complaints and other legal filings. The story of Karl Rove may make a good movie one day, discussing the hubris of greed and the failings of Objectivism.
For now, it is clear that Rove is finished.

(41,694 posts)the wheel of karmic justice grinds slowly but it grinds exceedingly fine.
(6,165 posts)brush
(58,662 posts)Poetic justice. Yes. Karma also, which oft times isn't immediate but works in roundabout ways. It's just getting around to Rove after all the dirty dealings and damage he caused during the W Bush years. There are tons of instances of this happening to high-profile individuals. One recently that comes to mind is OJ Simpson. Some say he got away with killing his wife, but he's now serving a long sentence in jail for another, non-related matter. It's a bitch when it gets you in the end, huh, Karl?
(7,865 posts)Would it be mixing the metaphor of the bus to suggest that they will have trouble running him over without damaging the bus, or will it actually extend the metaphor?
(14,377 posts) look good. You been working out (in the prison gym)?
(25,592 posts)
Champion Jack
(5,378 posts)graham4anything
(11,464 posts)I would not applaud his demise yet, as everything he has done, he did for Jeb
(51,311 posts)Segami
(14,923 posts)Others see it differently.
2016 is four years away with many unforeseen changes popping up along the way.
CREW Files FEC Complaint Against Crossroads GPS For Failing To Disclose Donors
Washington, D.C. Today, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) filed complaints with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) against Crossroads GPS for violating federal election law by failing to disclose the identities of contributors who according to Karl Rove donated $6 million specifically to fund independent expenditures in the Ohio Senate race. Additionally, Crossroads GPS also broke the law by soliciting donations to be spent on the Virginia, Montana, and Nevada Senate races, but failed to disclose the donors.
CREW Executive Director Melanie Sloan stated, Karl Rove and Crossroads GPS didnt just skirt around the edges of the law; this time it appears they jumped headlong into a criminal conspiracy.
Federal law requires any outside group that makes an independent expenditure to disclose the donors who contributed to pay for such ads. Groups like Crossroads GPS normally evade this law by claiming none of their contributions were earmarked for a specific purpose. At an August 2012 fundraiser, however, Rove said an anonymous donor gave Crossroads GPS $3 million specifically for the Ohio Senate race, and told Rove it was a matching challenge dependent on the group raising another $3 million for the race. Crossroads GPS ended up spending $6.36 million on independent expenditures in the Ohio race, but did not disclose any donors in nine reports the group filed with the FEC.
- Crossroads GPS told the FEC in a 2011 letter it understood the law, and promised to identify all donors who made contributions for independent expenditures in specific races. Because the violations were deliberate, they are subject to criminal as well as civil penalties.
(11,464 posts)If (ha ha ha) he is as bad as all that, don't you think he would buy one of the jurors and get out of jail free like JG did for many years?
(14,923 posts)...And I guess someone should tap CREW's Executive Director Melanie Sloan on the shoulder and tell her that she's wasting her time and effort by filing such nonsense against Rove since ultimately, he will buy his way out.
(11,464 posts)Bush41 got out of Iran/Contra due to what most likely was intentionally setting a trap to later get Ollie off on the technicallity by the same ACLU that Bush41 always derided.
I am convinced (no proof of course) that they did it going in to have it end that way.
I would rather President Obama and his staff keep his eye on the betterment of America, and as we all know, Karl Rove is NOT part of that
(and btw, if there is a trial and Rove gets off on a technicality, it then makes him an even bigger hero to the right, same way Ollie and Liddy are.(though Liddy served his time.)
(14,923 posts)
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)Most of GWBush "the special son" guys should have been in prison for past crimes.
Leave Karl alone and he will continue to conspire. Sure he is getting attention now, but it will blow over. There is always someone willing to pay him for his specialty. IMO his reaction on Faux indicated that the fix was in but someone blew it and it wasnt his fault.
If Ohio would have gone Rmoney, so would Flordia.
(5,436 posts)That's waaaaaayyyyy too expensive for repigs, who would sell their children & mother for a penny.
Instead, they'll blackmail a juror(s), and if that doesn't work, murder one of the jurors' family members.
When you're dealing with millions of dollars, and billionaire donors, and the (possible) loss of trillions in juicy no-bid gov't contracts because Obama won, don't think they wouldn't do it in a microsecond.
(1,862 posts)They can eliminate almost anyone and never get caught.
(15,774 posts)Rove has been around since Segretti in the Nixon Admin. He skirted the law then just as he and BFEE have always done. I will be pleasantly surprised if I see him face justice in my lifetime...and I mean justice that doesn't get a presidential pardon.
(280,437 posts)
(41,111 posts)That's too good to be true? Seems like it.
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)and be around to conspire again. Even though it looks like the oligarchs are mad at him, remember they only lost money and that's easy to replace. Karl is the best at what he does. The failure in Ohio, IMO, wasnt his fault. His reaction on FAux indicated to me that something went wrong. And most likely he did his part but someone didnt execute.
(5,436 posts)... Fitzmas Pt. II.
(41,111 posts)Not that it's wrong.
(7,044 posts)Since as they have so often demonstrated,
truth distortion and double-crossing are core Republican 'values.'
Rove is just another slick embodiment of those
same degenerate hypocritical so-called 'values' that the
Republicans love to wrap themselves in
so smarmily & sanctimoniously.
(45,208 posts)
City Lights
(25,506 posts)I would love to see him go to prison!
(51,076 posts)Yes, this is music to my old ear
(48,688 posts)I heartily agree.
(28,784 posts)tblue37
(66,127 posts)ejbr
(5,871 posts)tblue37
(66,127 posts)staying down, no matter how many times they are "killed."
He is like Michael in Friday the 13th.
(54 posts)Sweet!
(4,523 posts)On November 12th, we received a letter from The Protectors, apparently a group of white hat cyber sleuths, mentioning our reward and stating that two months ago, they began monitoring the digital traffic of one Karl Rove, a disrespecter of the Rule of Law, knowing that he claimed to be Kingmaker while grifting vast wealth from barons who gladly handed him gold to anoint another King while looking the other way.
The Protectors said that they had identified the digital structure of Roves operation and of ORCA, a Republican get out the vote software application. After finding open doors in the systems, they created a password protected firewall called The Great Oz, and installed it on servers that Rove planned to use on election night to re-route and change election results from three states.
The letter indicated that ORCA Killer was launched at 10am EST and The Great Oz at 8pm EST on November 6th. The Protectors watched as ORCA crashed and failed throughout Election Day. They watched as Roves computer techs tried 105 times to penetrate The Great Oz using different means and passwords.
Finally, they issued the following warning to Mr. Rove: dont do it again or they would turn over the evidence to Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.
(69,014 posts)Segami
(14,923 posts)
(10,794 posts)Please re-post as a Thread Topic like Anti-Rove hackers save the election or something like that to get attention.
This is GREAT!
(15,774 posts)in Assanges case in Sweden.
liberal N proud
(61,020 posts)If he didn't do it, he has in the past and was involved this round.
(2,979 posts)It should be a national holiday!
(1,423 posts)LOL
(13,218 posts)he should be the one to fill them (I mean that literally)!
(69,014 posts)ailsagirl
(23,993 posts)tells me he never will. I'm sure he's got hundreds of crack lawyers lined up in case he's ever indicted and that, since he's a slippery SOB, nothing will ever stick. I hope I'm wrong because he is, truly, a despicable piece of garbage.
(14,923 posts)Even Capone had an army of " crack lawyers " yet, the outcome did NOT fair too well for Al.
Its NOT Karl that will do himself in,....its the snitches who sell Karl out and cut a deal to save their own a$$es from threat of criminal prosecution.
Impossible task to silence everyone in-the-know when you don't know who the person is and where the info is coming from....
(23,993 posts)
(14,923 posts)Lets wait and see what the future unfolds. I made some fresh popcorn....have some!
This movie is just about to begin.
(23,993 posts)
(34,845 posts)Sorry, the image of hundreds of lawyers in one room doing crack, cracked me up!
(23,993 posts)
(24,996 posts)A Rove frog march, a Rove frog march
All I want for Christmas is a Rove frog march
so we can shout, "Merry Christmas"!
(11,064 posts)SCVDem
(5,103 posts)Plant a small amount of rock coke in his pocket.
Oh yeah, that only works for poor (smaller majorities) minorities. Sorry!
(95,959 posts)That's how you get the "untouchable" crooks in the US.
(18,876 posts)I'm having sweet, sweet schadenfreude for breakfast again.
How can someone be "assured" of victory unless they were doing something shady behind the scenes. Hmmmm. I wonder if the paperwork was "lost".
(256 posts)...if memory serves he was a former bug killer from Sugar Land Texas.
(14,923 posts)
(23,993 posts)May we never see or hear from that creep again.
(47,675 posts)the economy and our respect as nation abroad. He took a surplus into a deficit. He did his best to contain the damage from McGrumpy and the Palinoid, convinced enough morons in 2010 to regain control of the house because the shrub's work was all Obama's fault, and he just rid us, probably permanently, of the entire GOP clown car from the primary wasting countless millions from people who are too rich to notice it anymore than I'd look in my wallet and ask, "Wait, didn't I have a fiver in here yesterday?"
Personally, his most recent work is pretty impressive.
We People
(619 posts)That killed and disabled thousands upon thousands on both sides for years.
How many people have suffered and died as at least an indirect result of his actions? Millions.
The sooner he is incarcerated and finally begins to suffer for his actions, the better.
(8,093 posts)Evil is hard work.
(53,235 posts)
(1,950 posts)"hey failed to file the necessary legal paperwork to even exist in the first place"

(95,337 posts)
(14,923 posts)

(95,337 posts)
(32,015 posts)marions ghost
(19,841 posts)--these people don't worry about such minor technicalities.
(427 posts)grasswire
(50,130 posts)I think this might warrant a little help from members of the public.
(2,563 posts)Karl will never be charged, will never pay what he owes, will never face the music.
(50,926 posts)Cha
(306,795 posts)this would be the result with all that Bluster he was spewing from his fox hole?
(95,959 posts)The man has a certain ... resilience ... rather the way Dick Nixon had. Also powerful, powerful friends.
Although, there's always the possibility that even he may have gone too far. It would be so sweet to see the IRS go after him the way it went after Al Capone. It would be poetry if some bright progressive researcher dug up all the names of those donors whose money got insufficiently laundered -- and published them. And music to my ears to hear someone like Rachel describe his haggard shaken appearance after a quiet yet eventful dinner with the Koch Brothers.
A girl can dream.
Historic NY
(38,365 posts)they have no shield.