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The lie: President Biden is having the DoJ go after TFG because he is worried about him as a political rival.
The facts: The DoJ is going after TFG independently from any input from President Biden or the White House
because TFG broke the law. The DoJ is not going after TFG because he is President Biden's rival they are
going after TFG because he broke the law.

(37,479 posts)Yavin4
(36,887 posts)Walleye
(37,479 posts)MarineCombatEngineer
(14,756 posts)too bad the MAGAt's are too stupid to grasp that fact.
(6,618 posts)Lovie777
(16,342 posts)enough.
(37,479 posts)For a measly $5 million. I like Joes answer. Where is the money? Also nobody has answered the question of why foreign national in their right mind would bribe a Vice President, who has no policy making power whatsoever. Obama was making the policy not Joe Biden. In 2013 or whenever theyre alleging, nobody expected Biden to ever be POTUS. I know we cant expect logic, but geez.
(113,156 posts)It's just that those accusing him are as guilty or more guilty than he is. They are pathetic.
(38,967 posts)He had the chance to go after her & his cult was calling for her to be locked up, but he didn't.
He had congress his first term & what did they do? Try to reverse the ACA & get tax cuts for the rich & wealthy. They're all talk, all show, no action. The cult will never stray, but sometimes I think the biggest problem a lot of moderate repubs are having it admitting that they were duped by a con man. Some of them twice.
If anyone wanted to weaponize the DOJ it was Trump
(73,092 posts)... The Biden Crime Family and HRC emails both of which are just empty gibberish.
(125 posts)*
The law IS being enforced fairly.
'We the People' can see the evidence of criminal activities/actions (sworn to under oath) our government is accusing the ex-president of having committed. He even admits to many of the illegal activities/actions! Stay focused on the facts!
Again, do you believe your ex-president did not commit the criminal actions/activities he is accused of? Never let up.
(82,383 posts)so it's another example of their hypocrisy.
(24,482 posts)The only people he doesn't hate and want to destroy are the rich. He'd even destroy his sycophants to get more $$ for the rich - it's what fascists do.
(13,987 posts)2023 Trump dear leader is being persecuted.
(10,239 posts)Lock her up.
Hunter lap top.
Their reptilian brains can't handle much beyond that.
Anyone, and I mean absolutely ANYONE, that identifies as a Trump supporter with a straight face is beyond redemption in my eyes.
To me, I won't be satisfied until the name "Trump" is as tainted and reviled as "Hitler" and that mention of their ideology is disqualifying for public service.
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,326 posts)Being a political opponent is not a get out of jail free card.
(36,887 posts)Can't put me in jail bc that would be political.
Wounded Bear
(61,191 posts)Botany
(73,092 posts).. Fox, social media, and shit bags like Marsha Blackburn scratches the one itch they all have
and that is racism. And having your racism reinforced feels really good so they swallow the
lies and parrot them back on cue.
Wounded Bear
(61,191 posts)Botany
(73,092 posts)Last edited Wed Jun 14, 2023, 07:44 PM - Edit history (1)
... anti women and women's rights, anti LGBT, but at the end of the day they are Christo Fascist racists.
Wounded Bear
(61,191 posts)
hay rick
(8,465 posts)Fox News is cancerous and needs to be irradiated or surgically removed before America's political body can be healthy again.
(8,045 posts)Hes a criminal and belongs in front of a squad at dawn. IMO.
(73,092 posts)Just for the 14 million dead from C-19 world wide or all of CIA and other intelligence agents and
and contacts that are all dead or missing because Trump gave them up to our enemies. At the
very least he needs to die in prison.
(11,847 posts)Jean Genie
(428 posts)Hey, but what about...?
Hey! Hunter Biden!
Hey, but Hilary...
Hey, but I'm SOOO persecuted!
Goddamn, I'm tired of this!
KS Toronado
(20,499 posts)
(161,554 posts)yet he is able to coordinate the efforts of several agencies to bring indictments against Trump