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Say what Mike? AG Garland DOES NOT have to justify to you or anyone else why the Federal indictment against your former boss has been made by the Florida grand Jury. SC Jack Smith laid it out quite clearly and in short order WHY Trump was indicted. At the arraignment come this Tuesday, the charges will be read. Does that upset you that your former boss, whose ass you kissed for 4 years, is going to be held accountable for his crimes against America as well as violating the US Constitution? Go cry a river to Mother why don't you!Source: The Hill
Former Vice President Mike Pence called on Attorney General Merrick Garland to publicly justify the federal indictment against former President Trump after his former boss was charged with 37 criminal counts.
Pence said during a speech at a North Carolina GOP convention in Greensboro on Saturday that Trump is facing an unprecedented indictment from a Justice Department (DOJ) that is run by the current president, Joe Biden. He said the day of Trumps indictment was a sad day for the country.
Pence said no one is above the law, but he has seen years of politicization from the DOJ, pointing to examples like former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton not facing prosecution for her use of a private email server while serving as secretary and a hoax of an investigation into alleged ties between the Trump 2016 campaign and Russia.
He said the country has a right to know the basis of the decision to indict Trump.
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we can do it
(12,820 posts)chicoescuela
(1,848 posts)Justice matters.
(7,868 posts)It will not work.
(8,541 posts)caged babies, separated families, banned Muslims, praised Nazis, romanced despots, insulted our allies, trashed global pacts/treaties, extorted Ukraine's Zelensky, ignored a global pandemic, disappeared 300,000 covid deaths, referred to fallen soldiers as losers and suckers, weaponized the Justice Department to punish his enemies/reward his friends, plotted a coup, incited an insurrection..
and here you are, a spineless weasel, demanding AG Merrick Garland justify indicting the guy who thought "Hang Mike Pence" was a good idea...what the fuck is wrong with you????
Justice matters.
(7,868 posts)a vote on supplemental indictments of witness tampering in Florida.
(15,557 posts)never read it.
(1,229 posts)mated and laid eggs in his greasy hair yet? He's a demented clown.
(2,315 posts)Sometimes I don't whether these Republicans (cultists or not) think we're dopes, or they are.
(6,625 posts)The indictment spells out pretty clearly what his crimes were. (STILL are)
I get a very bad feeling in the pit of my stomach thinking how much stolen material is STILL OUT THERE
(97,433 posts)emulatorloo
(45,728 posts)P.S. Russian interference was real, Bill Barr lied about it. Ask Bill Barr to justify that. Also, Take a look at the bi-partisan Senate Report.
P.S.S Thou shalt not lie. Thou shalt not have any gods before me. (Hint: God wont allow you to worship Trump)
(47,251 posts)I think I'm destined for disappointment on that.
(16,849 posts)bucolic_frolic
(48,588 posts)BootinUp
(49,324 posts)ProudMNDemocrat
(19,428 posts)Claustrum
(5,052 posts)and see if they can absorb TFG's MAGA cultists base. That's what they are pandering to.
(9,301 posts)Pence is willfully insane and dangerous. There is a line of sickos looking to take Trump's role as figurehead.
Pence is a person of The Lie, every essence of his being.
Solly Mack
(93,907 posts)LuckyCharms
(19,550 posts)"piece of cardboard".
Solly Mack
(93,907 posts)JanLip
(858 posts)Just another jackass in rumps stable.
(47,251 posts)sheshe2
(89,556 posts)Remember the chants? "Hang Mike Pence" and he cheered them on.
You are a pathetic excuse for a human being.
Read the indictment, you moron it's all there.
(1,229 posts)tried to have Lord of the Flies off'd. Repukes are amusing and repulsive at the same time.
(89,556 posts)

(7,080 posts)home to mother and stay there
(40,161 posts)Pointless Pence. Even when his life was threatened hell want an explanation.
(19,550 posts)Or does he just make that face of his (you know the one) and spew out random words?
Read the indictment, dumb fuck.
live love laugh
(14,892 posts)ProudMNDemocrat
(19,428 posts)TFIFG calls Jack Smith " a thug and deranged".
(307,177 posts)Bleacher Creature
(11,488 posts)hedda_foil
(16,627 posts)samplegirl
(12,507 posts)less what happened to him Jan 6
What a dumbass!
(9,238 posts)Get your head out of your arse.
(7,872 posts)Plant corn and slop pigs your time is done.
(35,241 posts)Cha
(307,177 posts)so many words, PT... last post.
(35,241 posts)

(2,493 posts)president, but I want you to please consider voting for Donald Trump because he's a really nice guy!
(307,177 posts)Publicly SPOKE on IT and it was Brilliant.
AG Garland Appointed Jack Smith to Do it.
Oh & Fuck Off While you Catch UP to Speed.
(22,734 posts)Last edited Sat Jun 10, 2023, 08:55 PM - Edit history (1)
Pence is running AGAINST Trump. Any candidate worth their salt would think their opponent getting indicted was a gift. Instead, Pence and some of his fellow candidates are bending over backwards to defend Trump. How unserious can you get?
I still believe that every single GOP candidate in the race already knows theyre going to lose to Trump, and theyre just trying to position themselves for 2028.
Justice matters.
(7,868 posts)At least they would ask their Lawyer's counsel before committing the same crimes...
(307,177 posts)trump has to drop out for whatever miraculous reason.. they don't want to piss off the Cult.
So Tip Toeing through the Tulips!
(47,872 posts)Nevilledog's OP:
Stockholm Syndrome is a myth invented to discredit women victims of violence'm
I just read -- in the book SEE WHAT YOU MADE ME DO by Jess Hill -- about the incident in Stockholm for which Stockholm Syndrome is named, and I am royally pissed off on behalf of all women, buckle up.
So, in 1973 there was this bank robbery In Stockholm. Two gunmen took four bank clerks hostage. This doesn't happen much in Sweden, and the police response can most charitably be described as inept. They surrounded the bank and kept it under siege for six days. The public was rapt. The police probably felt they couldn't back down.
They got off to a bang up start when they sent their psychiatrist Nils Bejerot and a teenaged kid THOUGHT was the gunman's younger brother into the bank to negotiate. The kid was not in fact the younger brother and he got shot. Nils got out, though. Put a pin in that.
One of the hostages was a woman named Kristin Enmark. She strategically got close to the gunman who seemed more sane and more stable, because she thought that getting his protection was the best bet for getting out of there. Definitely she didn't want to leave their lives in the hands of the police. She tried to talk to our friend Nils on the phone -- he refused to talk to her.
my add to that OP thread
Nils Bejerot was an asshole on many fronts, one of worst of the influential Swedes. Besides inventing Stockholm Syndrome, he was one of the chief architects of Sweden's crazy draconian drug policy, and also helped shaped the US's.
Nils Johan Artur Bejerot (September 21, 1921 November 29, 1988) was a Swedish psychiatrist and criminologist best known for his work on drug abuse and for coining the phrase Stockholm syndrome. Bejerot was one of the top drug abuse researchers in Sweden. His view that drug abuse was a criminal matter and that drug use should have severe penalties was highly influential in Sweden and in other countries. He believed that the cure for drug addiction was to make drugs unavailable and socially unacceptable. He also advocated the idea that drug abuse could transition from being a symptom to a disease in itself.
Before Bejerot began to participate in the debate on drugs in 1965, it was the dominant view in Sweden that drug abuse was a private health problem and that law enforcement measures should be aimed at drug dealers. Before 1968, the maximum offence for a grave drug crime was one year in prison. Bejerot objected to this and stressed the importance of measures against the demand for drugs, against users, and their importance in the spread of addiction to new addicts. Bejerot did not accept unemployment and poor private economy as explanations for increased use of illegal drugs. He pointed out that alcohol abuse in the 1930s was comparatively limited in Sweden, despite high unemployment and economic depression.
Berejot also strongly advocated for strict anti-drug laws. In 1965 Bejerot started to engage in the Swedish debate on drug abuse, encouraging tough action against the new and rapidly growing problem. He followed closely a rather clumsy experiment with legal prescription of heroin, amphetamine, etc. to drug addicts, studies that formed the basis for his thesis on the epidemic drug spread. Bejerot claimed that the program should increase the number of drug addicts and showed through counting of injection marks that the number of drug addicts in Stockholm continued to grow fast during the experiment. The program was stopped in 1968. From 1968 and onward, the difference between the epidemic type, the therapeutic type and the endemic type of drug abuse was a repeated issue in Bejerot's writing and lectures. In 1969, Bejerot became one of the founders of the Association for a Drug-Free Society (RNS), which played - and still plays - an important role in shaping Swedish drug policies. RNS don't accept any of the state grants which are available. Bejerot warned of the consequences of an epidemic addiction, prompted by young, psychologically and socially unstable persons who, usually after direct personal initiation from another drug abuser, begin to use socially nonaccepted, intoxicating drugs to gain euphoria.
In 1972, Bejerots' reports were used as one of the reasons for increasing the maximum penalty for grave drug offences in Sweden to 10 years in prison. In 1974 he was called to testify as one of 21 scientific experts on marijuana for a subcommittee of the United States Senate on the marijuana-hashish epidemic and its impact on United States security. He advocated zero tolerance for illegal use and possession of drugs, including all drugs not covered by prescription, something that today is law in Sweden. In the early 1980s, he became one of the "Top 10 opinion molders" in Sweden for this. Bejerot is by UNODC and many others recognized as founder of the Swedish strategy against recreational use of drugs. His demand for zero tolerance as a drug policy was for a long time seen as extreme, but during the late 1970s opinion changed. He is without doubt the person most responsible for changing the Swedish drug policy in a restrictive direction something that made him a controversial person, both before and after his death. Many people considered Bejerot as a good humanist advocating a viable policy against narcotics and Robert DuPont considers him "the hero of the Swedish drug abuse story." Others view this as a reactionary hindering of new treatment practices against drug abuse.
INTERVIEW: The past, present and future of Sweden's zero-tolerance drug policy
The new RW government is going to try to go even harder (our drug laws are already very hardcore. the police can legally stop you and do a forced blood test anytime on even the slightest suspicion you are using drugs) into a war on drugs stance. Many Swedes were raised to believe that there is no difference between weed and all the hard drugs, it is all so so bad to do.
Sweden in Focus: Easter traditions, threats to democracy, and Swedish attitudes to drugs explained
The drugs discussion starts around 15:30
Sweden in Focus: INTERVIEW: The past, present and future of Sweden's zero-tolerance drug policy

How did Sweden end up with its zero-tolerance attitude to drugs? (for many Swedes pot equals heroin)
Sweden has one of the most conservative attitudes to narcotic use in the world. But as recently as the 1940s, the use of amphetamines was not only legal but encouraged. We spoke to Johan Wicklén, author of a book on Sweden's zero-tolerance policy.

Wicklén, a prize-winning journalist for Sweden's public broadcaster SVT, last year published a book on the history of Swedish drugs policy titled Vi ger oss aldrig, or "We will never give way", subtitled: "This is what happened when Sweden lost the war on drugs". Generations of Swedes, Wicklén argues, have been through a process of indoctrination on drug use and drug policy, making it difficult for policy makers today to propose more rational, pragmatic solutions to the problem.
"Indoctrination", he admits in an an interview for the Sweden in Focus podcast, is "a word you're not supposed to use recreationally. But in this case, I worked on my book for two and a half years. I've been deep down the archives. I've have done my due diligence. And it's absolutely has been an indoctrination process, and you can see it in a million ways." He said that since the late 1960s, government after government has constantly sought to drill a zero-tolerance message into the public mind.
"What you can see is different amounts of political propaganda in different time periods, sometimes harder, sometimes a bit softer. But information has always been a big part of this, up until maybe the middle of the 1990s," he reports. People who went to school in the 1980s were particularly heavily indoctrinated into the idea that all illegal drugs are dangerous, with cannabis use inexorably leading to heroin addiction, and a zero-tolerance approach the only political solution. "There's a big generational gap. It's really easy to see which generations have been through this indoctrination process," Wicklén said.
Sweden's hardline stance on drugs was set in the late 1970s, Wicklén reports. "That's when the authorities formulated the idea of a drug-free society. That's when we were starting to distance ourselves from a lot of other countries. The policy is restrictive: that means that illegal drugs are not tolerated in any way. In the 1970s, our politicians stipulated that non-medical drug use was foreign to Swedish culture. It could never be tolerated." Surprisingly in the 1920s, cocaine use was widespread and in the 1930s and 1940s use of amphetamines, which Wicklén describes as 'the most Swedish drug of them all' was positively encouraged.
I edited my post and will avoid the term in future.
(47,872 posts)
(22,865 posts)it is all just political bullshit anyway. Pence knows drumpf is guilty as shit, he and the other rethugs are just tossing red mean to the base. we really shouldn't take these statements too seriously. Though the SHOULD be used by Democrats to portray rethugs as soft on crime.
(36,594 posts)gratuitous
(82,849 posts)You know, like they do in Sunday school?
"Okay Mike, here's Donald high-tailing it out of Washington when he was forced at last to vacate the White House. Here's President Biden and Dr. Biden being snubbed by your hero, and having to go hunting for someone with a key. Here's Donald arriving in Florida and unloading his plane. There's one box of classified documents. Now two, three, four, I'm going to run out of little felt boxes. Let's just designate each square as 10 boxes. Fifty, sixty, seventy. Now here's Donald moving them into his bedroom, the ballroom, the pool shed, the crapper. They sure pile up, don't they?"
"Now, here's Donald, lying to his attorneys and lying to the FBI about turning over all the records. Here he is telling everyone that all the classified documents are his, and that he de-classified them all with his stable genius beautiful mind. Remember what the Bible says about lying, Mike? God's kind of against that. But Donald lied and lied and lied some more. What do you suppose God thinks about that? And since those documents and boxes didn't belong to him, Donald stole them from their rightful owners. What is God's official stance on stealing? Do you know, Mike? Yes, God doesn't like stealing."
Get it now, Mike?
(20,009 posts),😉
(6,843 posts)Bees don't bother explaining to flies why honey is better than shit!
(10,611 posts)Too soon????🤔
(2,704 posts)All Garland does is basically make sure Smith followed the rules in gathering and presenting evidence to the GJ. These regular US citizens determine, from whats presented to them, if there's enough and of whom to indict. That's the purpose of a Special Council, to prevent the Executive Branch from weaponizing the DOJ the way your crew does.
So why don't you try demanding the answers you seek from the regular US citizens on the GJ, after you pass a high school civics test, you pathetic POS!!
(1,750 posts)One in 3 trump supporters are just as stupid as the other 2.
(19,889 posts)Mr. Ected
(9,689 posts)The rest of us- MOST Americans- see right through it.
(13,913 posts)Botany
(73,188 posts)..fucker.
"He said the country has the right to know the basis of the
decision to indict Trump." It was all right there in the 40 +
pages that were filed in the indictments and if that isn't enough he can see it next Tuesday in the arrangement or during the trial.
The Wizard
(13,054 posts)lays off the gummies.
(20,025 posts)I think the pictures make it clear.
I think that traitor saying he took the documents makes it clear.
If it isn't clear by now to some people why the 37 count indictment was brought, nothing else will make it clear to some people because they don't want it to be made clear. You could staple papers traitor took to their foreheads and it wouldn't matter.
Like Monty Python said: "IT'S A FAIR COP." Or even better:
NH Ethylene
(31,028 posts)All the GOP candidates are salivating for Trump to be weeded out of the race, and indictments are their best chance.
(280,767 posts)STFU you self- loathing theocrat
Windy City Charlie
(1,178 posts)All Pence cares about is staying in the good graces with Trump's base. The problem for Pence, though, is the damage has been done, due to J6
(14,283 posts)And integrity was the only real thing he purported to have to offer.
(227,979 posts)He's been busy with the numerous divisions within DOJ, that's why he appointed Special Counsel Jack Smith.
(39,564 posts)
(7,682 posts)To be found in the indictment. All he needs to do is to read it.
(17,487 posts)Its all in there and justified. He was going to kill you Mike. Why do you carry water for him?
(40,230 posts)"Go. Fuck. Yourself."
Thanks for listening.
(4,219 posts)LowerManhattanite
(2,433 posts)
but this cynical little stand aint gonna make 45s gosse-steppers hate you any less or want you any less dead for not chucking democracy in the dustbin on 1/6.
Go read the actual indictment to see the justification, you low-rent Race(ist) Bannon.
(650 posts)EndlessWire
(7,479 posts)The guy got a pass from DOJ for his misplaced document. Then, he goes on above how he's seen a lot of politicization from the DOJ. How convenient for him, that he gets to make these remarks after he is safe. Trump would have been safe, too, had he given the docs back in a timely fashion, or never taken them to begin with.
(14,007 posts)MissMillie
(39,073 posts)Seriously.
During Watergate, it may have been the smartest thing Archibald Cox did.
Going on TV and explaining things keeps TFG and his minions from having the ONLY narrative in the court of public opinion. And while I know the court of public opinion takes a back seat to a court of law, I think it's still a positive thing to not leave the whole story to the criminal thug and his cult.
(12,557 posts)Because this tired old talking point was never based on facts or evidence. They need to get over it and just move on.
(4,741 posts)It's called an indictment.
Read it.
If you can.
(24,906 posts)They decide whether to indict or not. Ask them.
(39,564 posts)Fuck Pence and the sycophant hobby horse he rode in on.