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If none of these insurrectionists are indicted, we are a nation without laws or laws that more and more people will not obey or enforce.

(11,098 posts)Ocelot II
(122,872 posts)mostly financial (bribery is a big one). It has happened in every administration to politicians from both parties, too many to mention here, but listed at What happened to them depended on the crimes they were accused and convicted of.
(32,349 posts)Lot of crooks in politics.
(19,424 posts)STRESS that fact! The POTUS nominates worthy candidates to run the vital departments of Government. The Justice Department is ever MORE IMPORTANT right now in history to hold accountable those, including the TDFG and members of both Houses, who plotted and took part in the attempted overthrow of this Government.
Examples must be made of those who violated the law as well as their oaths to uphold and defend the US Constitution.
Fiendish Thingy
(19,023 posts)But, you know, we are in unprecedented times, so who knows what would happen.
Ocelot II
(122,872 posts)They'd only expel one of their own if he was convicted of helping a woman in Texas get an abortion.
(4,284 posts)members involved in the insurrection. And only too soon, if and only if its followed through with consequences - real consequences.
Im relatively confident that rebellion by those with their penises in their gun barrels has been or will be anticipated to some degree by our intel already. Im also willing to accept that reality with the thought that our three initial agencies already have the desire to bring it to an end as quickly as possible. We may have some civil unrest before this mess comes to an end.
I hope that Im not living in a bubble by thinking that America will never become a fascist state, as 60% of countries in the world are under fascist or authoritarian rule. We the people need to become much more vocal than weve been. You know, the squeaky wheel adage.
(10,120 posts)Mirth and merriment* will bust out in my abode. (*Redundant but considering the lengthy delay, worth it.)
(26,365 posts)Indict sitting members of Congress? Would that not be a partisan attack by DOJ?
The #1 person who could possibly be indicted is Scott Perry, who is under investigation by the FBI who seized his phone. Perry went on This Week with George Stephanopoulos and George asked him if he would recuse himself from the new Church-style committee that is going to investigate the investigators. Perry just laughed George off, of course he wants on that committee.
Get on Congress and get immunity is more likely than getting indicted.
Ocelot II
(122,872 posts)many times, in many administrations and from both parties since almost the beginning. There's no reason to suppose it won't happen again.