General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsNationwide. What percent of the total congressional vote was won by the Democrats?
I'm betting it was clearly more than 50 percent nationwide. Yet here we are all even in the Senate, and the GQP with a slight edge in the house.
That alone should be a story repeated over and over.
Do it state by state to prove the severity of gerrymandering.
How about it, what are those numbers??
We shouldn't have to add that up. The media should already be reporting it, for the next two years.
Anybody know where I can get election results that's not behind a god dam paywall.?

(1,580 posts)Millions of votes are still uncounted in California and other places that accept late arriving mail. Check back at the end of next week.
(15,572 posts)True Blue American
(18,358 posts)Just posted this site above. Republicans under DeWine had to cheat like hell, ignore the law. Appoint themselves to an independent ? committee we voted for twice,ignore the Ohio Supreme Court, use unlawful maps to win. I have seen corruption in Ohio but DeWine is the worst in my long life, good Roman Catholic he is. I bet they keep a fire extinguisher handy when he confesses.
(28,961 posts)As are Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, John Roberts, and a slew of others I could name. Everything they do is against church teachings, especially the things the current Pope has has emphasized as priorities.
(37,569 posts)LisaM
(28,961 posts)She was the one who called Pence and said "God Bless You". I have heard Biden say it often, too. I don't think I have ever heard a prominent right-wing Catholic say this.
(37,569 posts)LisaM
(28,961 posts)I have no idea what happened, she was my party girl friend from the 80s and didn't use to be that way. But we still care about each other deeply, though it's been years since we have seen each other in person. We don't discuss politics.
A few days ago she posted that she was praying that wicked people would be eliminated from office. It took everything I had not to tell her that, in Michigan at least, her prayers were answered, even though she doesn't realize it.
That said, I don't believe religion belongs in politics, though I do think that things like helping the poor and loving our neighbors do belong.
Genki Hikari
(1,766 posts)Not because of it.
What makes Biden and Pelosi good people is that they embrace the modern, secular values of democracy, fairness, enlightenment (education), equality and freedom. Those values didn't come from any religion. They came from hard experiences learned from the real world.
(37,569 posts)EYESORE 9001
(27,791 posts)At that time, it was concern over whether he was too GOOD a Catholic.
True Blue American
(18,358 posts)Jack had his failing, but a lot was exaggerated too. He cared about the country, enough to fight for it.
As I have watched Republicans over the years I can not help but wonder about his death.
Maybe, maybe not.
(28,961 posts)Look up articles on the "strange death" of Dorothy Kilgallon. Weird stuff
True Blue American
(18,358 posts)Was one of the hostages. Reagan flew him and hid BIL all over the at tax payer expense showing him off. I listened to another speak at a Paratroopers Convention in Boston.
(7,981 posts)Satan's idol worshipping spawns.... etc.
I remember those southern baptist sermons well. It wasn't specifically that reason that turned me against religion, but it was on the list. I grew up exposed to several different churches, including Catholic church and attended catechosim, but wasn't baptised
By the time I was twelve, I decided they were all fraudsters and hypocrits, to one degree or another.
My opinion in that regard has only been confirmed over my lifetime, and broadened to include every major religious entity.
all of them, in equal measure.
Genki Hikari
(1,766 posts)Plenty that organization professes is just fine with what DeWine, Roberts & et al are all about: Anti-abortion, subjugation of women, seeking supremacy of their religion over all worldly affairs, support of authoritarian regimes (particularly monarchy), reveling in suffering so they can nurse their persecution complexes, unhealthy fixations on sex, perpetuating ignorance of the masses to make them more gullible and thus controllable, rigid conformity--And that's only scratching the surface of the awful there.
So why be surprised when some Catholics practice what the organization preaches?
Genki Hikari
(1,766 posts)I would bet that they don't know what a fire extinguisher is in the confessional.
(1,429 posts)While losing the races. (A higher percent of the votes than seats). This might be something that will change in the coming days, but that was an initial take away. They said that Republicans might end up with less seats than they should have. Although, Democrats messed up in New York. But the prediction is those New Republicans might not want to piss off the Democratic voters who elected them. I think a lot of Virginia voters I know had regret over Gov. Youngkin who turned out to be an extremist righty. There just werent that many races to prove it.