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POOR WIFE!......

Former Gov. Tommy Thompson, a Wisconsin Republican running for Senate, recently suggested that his wife was to blame for his decision to end his career in public service and join a lobbying firm because she likes to shop.
And my wife likes to shop. Okay? he explained. And she said, You know, Tommy, you have been in politics for 38 years. Why dont you go out and see if you can make some decent money so I can go shopping without having to put everything on a credit card.

The Republican candidate reported earlier this year that he had about $13 million in assets.
I make no apologies whatsoever. Im lucky and Im blessed and Im very happy, he said in a January interview. People forget, you know, about where I came from. They look at this [financial report] and say, Oh my God.
During a campaign event last month, the former Wisconsin governor forgot how many homes he owned.
Three, Thompson confidently stated, according to the Journal Sentinel. After being pressed about a fourth home, Thompson said he was sure there were only three: a farm in Elroy, Wisconsin; a house in Madison, Wisconsin; and a 10,889-square-foot home near Walt Disney World Resort in Florida.


(14,923 posts)Tommy's government cheque all those years as being significant ' decent pay '.
Proud Public Servant
(2,097 posts)"you have been in politics for 38 years. Why dont you go out and see if you can make some decent money"
Tommy's last salary in politics (as HHS head): $161,200/year.
So remember, kids: a salary that puts you in the top 5% of all earners is not "decent money" GOPland.
Ian David
(69,059 posts)

(47,992 posts)matters, in "our" corrupt political $y$tem$. Only the completely arbitrary and fungible PRIVATE commodity known as money matters. It's a PRIVATE commodity by means of which EVERYTHING else PUBLIC & PRIVATE is measured and judged. Nothing else about the individual person, their character, their behaviors, and precisely HOW, i.e. in what exact manner, they made that "wealth" . . . . NONE of that matters compared to money. Everything, all actions, all personal traits, past, present, and future, all of everything is justified by ONE and ONLY ONE end: money.
I don't give a fuck. They can be as rich as they want to be. I don't want what they "own". Many of us just want them to GET OFF OF OUR BACKS, we want them to pay their fair share for what they use of the commons that ALL OF US invest in with our taxes and our voluntary commitments to our communities. We want them to get out of our lives with their financial manipulation of the government to do their political bidding that affects everything from an individual's very private intimate personal biology to what one believes about something that would meet the definition of what a soul would be.
So, f- you Tommy, GO home and go shopping with your wife if that's what she needs to control her appetites relative to your means to pay. Get the fuck out of our lives and take responsibility for your own without the expectation that we make it all work for you somehow.
(47,992 posts)Work harder, you all. Wealthy people and corporations need their tax breaks and subsidies in order to keep up with their families' shopping addictions.